Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1202 Promoted to the realm of transformation and mastered the power of the primordial spirit

"That's right.

Jiang Yunfei couldn't help but nod his head: "Although our human race is indeed at a disadvantage now, as long as we work hard, there is no way we can occupy a place in this world.

And it is said that the master is refining the demon tower. Once the refining is successful, then those demons are nothing, and they will only become the nutrients of our human race.

Town Demon Tower?!

As soon as these words came out, the others nodded in unison, and they naturally knew their master's recent plan, which was to refine a powerful magic weapon - the Demon Suppression Pagoda.

It is said that once this demon-suppressing tower is successfully refined, it will be able to suppress the demons in the world, become a divine weapon for the suppression of the human race, and can suppress the endless luck of the human race in this world.

So no matter what, they all need this Demon Suppression Tower to be able to refine it successfully.

"The problem is that the recent demon is "Zero Five Zero", and seems to be planning to target our Shushan faction. 35

At this time, Bai Muya opened her mouth and said the news she had heard recently.

"Aiming at our Shushan faction? This is also a normal thing."

Xu Changqing said solemnly: "After all, our Shushan faction is an open human force in the whole world, not like other human forces that live in secret, it will naturally become the target of public criticism.

Those monsters didn't care about us before, but the news that all the monsters here were wiped out for a while was not spread.

But once it spreads out, our Shushan faction will naturally be targeted by many demon forces. After all, these demons will not watch the rise of our human race and will definitely attack. "

He felt that this incident would happen sooner or later, and now it has been ten years since he was attacked by a demon, which is already a great luck.

"That's right, we have been preparing for this for a long time, and the disciples of the tens of thousands of Shushan factions have also practiced the mountain protection formation. As long as the Wanjian golden light formation is together, no matter how many monsters come in, they will be wiped out."

Jiang Yunfei said confidently.

"Let's practice hard now. Soldiers will block the water and cover up. When our cultivation is improved, the mere demons are nothing."

Xu Changqing clenched his fists.

At this moment, the main peak of the Shushan Sect is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

rumbling ∼∼

In an instant, Xia Chuan's body was surging with the huge mana of the Five Elements, and the endless energy of heaven and earth poured into his body as if he didn't need money, and was swallowed and absorbed by every cell in his body.

The mana of the five elements on his body is increasing at a geometric rate.

You must know that before he was reincarnated, he was already at the perfect state of Nascent Soul, and he was only one step away from the realm of spirit transformation.

Now I have been practicing in this world for ten years.

Even if he suppressed the speed of his own cultivation, it was enough now. It could be said that he was already too perfect in Nascent Soul Realm.

"The time has come.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light. At this moment, he seemed to sense a touch of inspiration between heaven and earth, and he did not continue to suppress the cultivation in his body, and ran the Five Elements Emperor Sutra naturally.

It seems that the five elements of mana in his body are constantly circulating, forming a five-element cycle, like a gossip pattern, containing the infinite mysteries of heaven and earth.


Immediately, Xia Chuan felt a shock in his body, as if his body broke a certain bottleneck, and then he easily broke through the current state.

It was as if it came naturally, without any obstacles.

In fact, this is the true meaning of cultivation. When you reach Consummation, you can naturally step into the next realm. Unfortunately, there are basically very few people in the world who can truly practice a certain realm to the realm of Consummation.

Therefore, this will cause difficulties for the world to break through the realm.

Divine Realm!

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the Nascent Soul in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If it was still in the Nascent Soul Realm, the Nascent Soul in the body was like a baby, but now, the Nascent Soul in the body is like blowing up a balloon, rapidly expanding and growing into an adult.

Endless Nascent Soul aura poured into his soul, making his soul transform into a primordial spirit.

There is no doubt that after stepping into the God Transformation Realm, the soul has undergone earth-shaking changes, and a powerful primordial spirit has been bred, which contains the power of the terrifying soul.

"Is this the realm of transformation?"

As soon as Xia Chuan's heart moved, he found that the power of his Yuanshen was extremely powerful, and he could cover an area of ​​100,000 kilometers in an instant. No matter what happened in this area, he could feel it clearly.0

It's like a high-definition monitor, observing every place in detail.

At the same time, after the soul has evolved into the primordial spirit, it seems that his mind has formed a special spiritual realm. As long as his mind moves, he can easily control the primordial qi of the world with a radius of 100,000 kilometers.

If an enemy steps into his Divine Transformation Domain, he will be attacked by the vitality of heaven and earth in an instant. With a little thought, he can easily crush the enemy.

This is the horror of the cultivator of the gods.

After being promoted to this realm, it is already equivalent to a god in the world, which is almost the pinnacle of the power of mortal creatures.

Within the scope of the god-transforming ancestor's domain, no matter how many enemies there are, it is useless, because the god-transforming ancestor itself is a world.

It can be said that no matter how many creatures, it is impossible to compete with the power of heaven and earth.

"It's no wonder that the Spirit Transformation cultivator is so much stronger than the Nascent Soul cultivator. The two are not at the same level."

"If the Nascent Soul cultivator only masters the mana and slightly controls some of the power of heaven and earth, then the cultivation of the gods is completely useless, forming the realm of the gods, and it is easy to manipulate the power of one side of the world.

"It can be said that as soon as the realm of the spiritual cultivator opens, he is the god of this world and dominates everything. Any creature who steps into the realm will be rejected and suppressed by heaven and earth.

Xia Chuan was very emotional.

To be honest, the more advanced the system of Immortal Cultivators is, the more impossible it will be for 1.6 to challenge the next level, because the ability to increase one level will make a huge difference.

Dozens and hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators added up, and none of them could be a match for a god-turning ancestor.

As long as the Soul Transformation cultivator's Yuanshen domain is crushed, many Yuanying cultivators will be instantly shaken to powder.

Transforming God, transforming God, that is a supreme state of being transformed into God by man.

To a certain extent, only after being promoted to the God Transformation Realm can one truly embark on the path of cultivation and begin to realize the special power between heaven and earth.

Moreover, after being promoted to the God Transformation Realm, Shou Yuan has also been greatly improved, and he can survive at least 2,500 years, which is an extremely long time.

Of course, for Xia Chuan, who is immortal, adding this amount of life essence can only be considered better than nothing.

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