Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1203: The Birth of Zhenyao Tower, the prototype of the Four Swords of Zhuxian

"However, the biggest gain during this period is this magic weapon - the Demon Suppression Pagoda."

Xia Chuan touched his chin. After he realized the cultivation of the God Transformation Realm, he put it down temporarily, and then took out a pagoda from his body.

To be honest, he has basically been refining the Demon Suppression Tower for the past ten years.

Basically, this Demon Suppression Pagoda is the crystallization of wisdom that he has refined by integrating a lot of knowledge of artifact refining, knowledge of formations, knowledge of runes, etc.


In an instant, a huge message submerged into the depths of his consciousness, which was the message from the Demon Town Pagoda.

"Magic weapon: Demon Suppression Pagoda, this is a supreme pagoda for suppressing demons. It has the quality to evolve into a fairy weapon. It has its own space inside and contains a boundless world. There are a total of nine pagodas. The higher the pagoda, the more The more powerful this pagoda is to suppress demons." 5

"Capacity 1: Suppressing demons, it has a natural restraint on demons, and all demons may not be able to exert 50% of their strength in front of it. Once they enter the pagoda, all demons will be restrained by demon-suppressing chains, which will seal everything on their bodies. 10 There are powers that can never be escaped"

"Ability 2: Demon slaying, it can inspire the demon slaying divine light, all monsters within the range of the Suppressing Demon Tower can hardly escape its pursuit, it is invincible, it can easily disintegrate the defenses of the demons, and the damage attribute is doubled. ."

"Ability 3: Devouring demons, it can devour the corpses of demons, feed on demons, and continuously strengthen the power of the pagoda. Planting medicinal herbs is of great benefit to human immortal cultivators, and it can speed up the cultivation speed of immortal cultivators.

Perceiving the appearance of these messages, Xia Chuan was very satisfied. The level of this Demon Town Pagoda had reached the level of a high-level magic weapon, and it was only one step away from reaching the realm of a fairy.

At the same time, according to his research, dense immortal talismans and immortal inscriptions were engraved in the pagoda, so that the town demon pagoda had certain characteristics of immortal artifacts.

This also makes the town demon tower have a high degree of growth.

As long as the Demon Suppression Tower suppresses more demons and devours more demons, the power of the Demon Suppression Tower will become stronger.

There is no doubt that this treasure has the potential and power to become the treasure of the Shushan faction.

"By the way, there is also my natal sword, which is about to be conceived.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

In fact, as a sword cultivator, he naturally needs to refine his own immortal sword, and the immortal sword he wants to refine is undoubtedly the legendary Zhuxian sword.

He wanted to create the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, one that could kill even immortals with a single sword.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation has a total of four immortal swords, namely the Immortal Execution Sword, the Slaughtering Immortal Sword, the Trapping Immortal Sword and the Jue Immortal Sword. Each immortal sword contains the strongest killing power in the world.

"However, it is not so simple to successfully refine these four swords. Although it devours the power of killing in the world, it is fortunate that this is a demon world. This world may lack a lot of things, but it will definitely not lack the power of killing. ' Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

I saw four flying swords floating on his body, but these four flying swords are just embryos at this moment, and they have not yet formed, but even so, they still exude a frightening cold light.

It seems that they will slaughter the world and slaughter demons with the slightest movement.

"Forget it, let's put this Demon Town Tower first. Luo

Xia Chuan waved.


In an instant, the Demon Town Pagoda seemed to sense something, and it flew out. At this moment, its body quickly grew larger, and it seemed to be the size of a mountain.


Immediately, it was located directly on the back mountain of the Shushan faction, and the whole body exuded endless precious light, and there were dense immortal inscriptions on it, which contained unfathomable aura and power.

At the same time, it is also in the core of the formation, becoming one of the sources of the formation, responsible for sheltering the entire mountain protection formation.

If the enemy wants to destroy the mountain protection formation of the Shushan faction, they must first destroy the Demon Suppression Tower.

However, it is almost impossible to destroy the Demon Suppression Tower, and it is simply a fool's dream.

At this moment, the disciples of the entire Shushan faction also saw this scene, and they saw a pagoda appearing out of nowhere, as tall as a mountain peak.

"What the hell is going on? Our Shushan faction seems to be flying over a pagoda all of a sudden."

"Really, I also saw it just now, this pagoda is incomparably majestic, comparable to a mountain, and when I look at it from a distance, it seems to emit endless treasure light, which makes me feel shocked and dare not approach it at all.

"Indeed, this pagoda is extremely sacred, it seems to contain incredible power, and I don't know where it came from.

Many Shushan Sect disciples were curious, and they all guessed where this pagoda came from.

"Junior brothers and sisters, you don't need to guess, this is the demon-suppressing pagoda refined by the master. It took ten years to refine it and finally succeeded. 39

At this time, Xu Changqing came out and comforted many junior brothers and sisters.

"Suppressing Demon Tower? I don't know what it does?"

A disciple of the Shushan faction asked curiously.

"It has a great effect. This pagoda is the work of the master. As long as we catch the demons back, we can detain them in the town demon tower. At 050, they will not be able to escape. It can be said that this It is a prison made by the master himself for the demons.

Xu Changqing explained.

"Senior Brother Xu, why do you have to imprison the demon, and kill it directly?"

"Indeed, we have to waste our food when we are imprisoned, and there is even the risk of the demon escaping from prison. No matter how you look at this demon tower, it looks like a chicken rib."

"That's right, in fact, we don't need any demon cages, we just need to kill all those damn demons.

Many disciples of the Shushan faction expressed their opinions one after another, and felt that the magic weapon of Suppressing Demon Pagoda was simply superfluous.

"No, no, that's not what you said. The role of the Demon Suppression Tower is not just here."

Xu Changqing explained: "Our Shushan Sect's Mountain Protection Array Wanjian Golden Light Array needs a magic weapon to suppress the core of the formation, and the Suppressing Demon Pagoda is the largest core of the formation. The mountain formation will be more powerful.

At the same time, there are many unimaginable monsters in this world, and they cannot be killed by ordinary means, so these monsters that are difficult to kill need to be sealed and imprisoned in the town monster tower.

The most important thing is that the function of the Demon Suppression Tower is not only to imprison the demons, but also to devour the flesh and blood of the demons, and then to quickly grow themselves.

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