Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1204 The wrath of the demons in Nanzhao Kingdom, the evil magic weapon town demon tower

"So it turns out, I didn't expect the Demon Suppression Tower to have so many effects."

"Indeed, those hard-to-kill demons can be completely suppressed in the Demon Suppression Tower. In this way, even the so-called undead demons have to be suppressed obediently and can no longer harm us humans."

"And it is said that the Zhenyao Pagoda can also extract the source energy of the demons and refine them into blood demon pills. These blood demon pills can also quickly increase our cultivation base and help us improve our strength.

"In this way, we can also eat demons to increase our strength?

"In a way, that's true."

Many of the Shushan Sect disciples were ecstatic, and they understood what the appearance of the Demon Suppression Pagoda represented, and it meant that the entire Shushan Sect had the treasure of the Sect.

As long as this Demon Suppression Pagoda exists, the Shushan faction will stand still in this world, and at the same time it will be able to suppress countless demons and make the human race rise rapidly.

However, some of the Shushan Sect disciples had dignified expressions and were very ugly, because they were all spies and spies of the demons.

This is also unavoidable.

After all, this world is a world where demons are rampant, and it is a matter of course for people to rape. Those weak human beings are coerced by demons, or coerced and lured, and they obediently serve the demons and inquire about news.

Even though the mountain protection formation of the Shushan faction can monitor the appearance of demons, it cannot monitor people's hearts.

As a result, the news of the Demon Suppression Tower, like a hurricane, quickly spread to the eyes and ears of other demon beasts.

At this moment, many demons are gathered in the capital of a certain demon country, their cultivation base has already reached the Nascent Soul Realm, and the lord among them has even reached the God Transformation Realm.

If the monster in the Nascent Soul Realm can be called a king, then the monster in the God Transformation Realm can be called an emperor.

Often an empire rules many kingdoms, and this is the distribution of forces in the Black Mountain Demon Realm.

The country where Shushan is located is the Nanzhao Kingdom, and the lord of it is a great demon in the divine realm. It is also a Flood Dragon. The world calls it the Flood Dragon.

Even many demons are extremely afraid of each other.

"It is said that a human force has emerged within my country, and some human cultivation sect has been established, and it has even been rampant for ten years, and today, you still haven't annihilated them, what are you doing? Eat, are you planning to let those despicable humans do whatever they want on the land of our demons. "?"

Jiao Demon Dragon said angrily, very angry.

You know, humans are nothing but a herd of food, that is, two-legged sheep.

But the mere food actually wanted to turn over to be the master, and even established a force in their territory, strangling many demons, this is a great shame for the demons, and it is unheard of.

As the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom, the Demon Dragon is even more intolerable for such a thing.

"I'm sorry, Lord, it's all our dereliction of duty. It's because that place is called Shushan, and it's a wild place. We really didn't pay much attention to that kind of place, so the so-called human power Shushan faction took the opportunity to kill it. Killing the monsters in a radius of 500 kilometers made it impossible to spread the news of that place in time, which led to the Shushan faction being at large for ten years.

A Nascent Soul Demon said helplessly.

For them, the location of Shushan is too desolate, not in the center.

In addition, the means of transportation and communication in this world are not very developed, and information is often transmitted by word of mouth, so what the Shushan School does often takes a long time to ferment.

Therefore, those high-level demons did not notice this sudden rise of human power.

But it's different now. As the power of the Shushan faction expands, more and more demons are beheaded. Even the stupidest demons know that something big has happened.

"This Shushan faction is simply daring, if it hides and develops secretly, we don't care much about these rats crossing the street, and we can turn a blind eye. Power, this is clearly provoking our demon clan, and it is simply dead and alive.39

"It's not necessarily stupid, maybe it's a good idea. It's estimated that the head of the Shushan faction thinks that with his own strength, he can fully occupy a place, so he dares to be so unscrupulous."

"This is not stupid or something, this is the world of our demons, not the world of humans. It's just human beings as food, but they dare to turn over and become masters. This is not courting death or something."

"It is said that the head of the Shushan faction has recently refined a magic weapon, which is called the Suppressing Demon Pagoda. The greatest function of this magic weapon is to suppress our demon clan. From the flesh and blood of demons, what kind of blood demon pill is refined, and then used to improve the cultivation of human beings."

Many demons were talking about it, saying what they knew.

`What? Demon Pagoda? What nonsense magic weapon, this human is really such a big dog, how dare this bitch, in this world, only we monsters can eat humans, when will it be humans' turn to eat We're up, it's going to turn the world upside down. "As soon as these words came out, a demon was furious, so furious that his lungs exploded with anger.

Because this incident simply touched the evil scales of the demons present, it was just food, and they still wanted to turn over and eat them.

If this matter spreads out, they will definitely be laughed at by the demons of other countries, Nanzhao Kingdom, this is simply a great shame for them, an unimaginable humiliation.

"Why is such a big thing reported now? If we had known earlier, we would never have allowed this human being to refine this so-called magic weapon, and now we have actually refined this evil magic weapon, You just reported it, do you know that you are negligent in your duty?" Another Nascent Soul Great Demon gritted his teeth.

"I can't blame us for this, who knew that the human monk was so evil, and even refined the evil magic weapon such as the Suppressing Demon Pagoda. We really underestimated the evil of the Shushan faction to create such a catastrophe?

"Yes, fortunately, this Demon Suppression Pagoda has just been refined, and I haven't had time to make a big mistake. This is a great blessing among misfortunes, but it is absolutely not allowed to let such a magic weapon spread out and cause harm to the world."

"That's right, this Shushan faction is the great enemy of our demon clan, and it is a serious problem for our Nanzhao country. They must be completely wiped out and eradicated. 99

Many demons gritted their teeth and were furious.

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