Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1209 Plants and trees can be used as swords, killing 100,000 demons with one sword

"If you kill all of you, probably the entire Nanzhao Kingdom will be completely pacified. 99

Xia Chuan looked at this group of demon army lightly.


As soon as these words came out, the faces of many demons changed greatly, and they could feel the monstrous murderous intent in Xia Chuan's words.

Originally, they thought that this time it was just a slaughter-style war, and it would be easy to destroy the Shushan faction, but now, the result is exactly the opposite.

Instead, they were slaughtered by the head of the Shushan faction, and the other party had an overwhelming advantage.

If the lord Jiaomolong was still alive, perhaps they would still have the power to fight, but now the Jiaomolong had been hacked to death by the head of the Shushan faction.

Regardless of their large number, there is still not much chance of winning in the face of the god-turning ancestor who is above the top of the world.

It was as if no matter how many ants gathered together, they could not resist the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

"Dear Shushan disciples, today the head of Japan will show you the power of sword cultivators. Even if a real sword cultivator has no sword in his hand, as long as he has a sword in his heart, then everything in the world can be a sword.

Xia Chuan's voice was transmitted, like the sound of Dao, to the depths of the consciousness of each Shushan disciple. They felt that their consciousness was clear and clear, as if they were empowered by some kind of power.


I saw at this moment, he was running the huge five elements of mana in his body, with his body as the center, a huge sword field extended out, covering a thousand miles.

Swordsmanship - Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect!


Immediately, the entire earth began to vibrate, buzzing, as if a magnitude seven or eight earthquake had occurred, and endless sword energy poured into the depths of the earth.

I saw the weeds on the ground being watered by the endless sword energy, and every weed seemed to be transformed into an invincible supreme sword in an instant, filled with terrifying sword intent.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In the next second, under the control of Xia Chuan's mind, thousands of weeds flew into the air, seemingly turning into countless swords with terrifying sword intent.

In itself, this is just a weed, but under the instillation of sword intent and sword energy, it has turned into the sharpest sword in the world.


In an instant, countless sword-qi weeds flew out, like thousands of missiles, smashing towards the 100,000 demon army at an unbelievable speed.

Remember, speed is power.

Even if the speed of a piece of paper reaches several times the speed of sound, then this piece of paper can easily cut steel, rocks, and many other substances.

And these weeds are also the same, under the support of the amazing speed, like a supersonic flying sword, it produces a huge sound of breaking through the air.

Facing such a terrifying speed, even the Nascent Soul Demon could not react.



Numerous demons widened their eyes, and they couldn't even take a step to escape. They were still standing on the ground stupidly, watching their bodies and heads, being penetrated by weeds.


It was only a breath of time, and a hundred thousand demons were instantly beheaded. Including the Nascent Soul Great Demon, their bodies were directly pierced, and the blood flowed into rivers.

When they were about to die, their eyes were wide open, and it seemed that they couldn't believe that they died like this, and they were pierced by weeds and died in an instant.

At the same time, after these sword energy weeds have penetrated these demons, they still have terrifying power, and they can easily penetrate the mountains in the distance in an instant.

Immediately, amazing potholes appeared in the surrounding mountains, as if they had been beaten into a hornet's nest, surrounded by terrifying sword intent.

When ordinary people approach this place, they are frightened and feel chills all over.

"No way, dead? All the demons are dead?"

"Just kidding, this is a hundred thousand demons. It is said that they are the elite troops of the entire Nanzhao Kingdom, but now, they have been killed by the master with one sword, leaving no armor behind."5

"Exaggerated, it is too exaggerated. Is this the power of a peerless sword fairy? One person can rival a country. This is the true peerless power of our human race."

In the distance, many Shushan Sect disciples were stunned, they couldn't recover for a long time, their hearts were so shocked that their blood boiled like lava.

Most of them are only disciples in the Qi training period. Although they have heard of the horror of sword cultivation, they must be the top immortal cultivators in the world.

But they have never really seen what the peerless sword fairy looks like, but now they see that the head of the Shushan faction in front of them is the peerless sword fairy who is coercing the whole world.

Just one person and one sword slaughtered the demons in the entire Nanzhao Kingdom, and killed the demons in the God Transformation Realm with one sword.

This kind of demeanor is simply fascinated and extremely shocking.

"Wan Jian Guizong, this is the supreme meaning of the swordsmanship of our Shushan School - Wan Jian Guizong, master this sword method, one person is equivalent to a legion, invincible. 39

Someone couldn't help but shouted loudly and was very excited.

Cheng `see, did the sect master use this sword technique just now, he didn't use any flying sword at all, he just drove the weeds on the ground, but it was able to burst out the power of the peerless flying sword.

"This is the supreme meaning of swordsmanship - can all grass and trees be swords? I wonder if we will have a chance to reach such a state in the future? Even if it is a little closer, I am extremely satisfied."

"Haha, I've said it long ago, the mere demons are nothing at all, how can they compare to our Shushan faction, even if the army of 100,000 demons attacked, they were just chickens and dogs, and they disappeared in an instant.

"That's right, the reason why demons can do whatever they want in this world is because we humans have not mastered the method of cultivation. Once we master it, even demons will be completely expelled from this world by us."

"See, the lord of Nanzhao Kingdom, Jiao Molong, died, and the 100,000 demon army (of Li's) were also destroyed. Then the entire Nanzhao Kingdom will fall into the hands of our Shushan faction."

"Before, our Shushan faction was just a sideshow, but now our Shushan faction is finally going to show its edge. From now on, our human race will also stand up and occupy a place in this world. 39

"More than occupying the Nanzhao country, this world must also be the territory of our human race, and sooner or later all the demons will be expelled, and we humans are the masters of this world. 35

Many Shushan Sect disciples clenched their fists.

Originally, they had always been under the oppression of demons and became the food of demons, thinking that they would not have a bright future in this life, and could only survive.

But now, the Shushan faction was born, bringing them endless hope.

Even if human beings look weak, but after mastering the power of cultivation, even a seemingly powerful monster is vulnerable and cannot be the opponent of human swordsmanship.

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