Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1210 Occupy the State of Nanzhao, shock the Taoist Taiqing of the world

A few days later, the Shushan faction quickly occupied the entire Nanzhao Kingdom with thunder.

And Xia Chuan also personally took action, annihilated all the demons in Nanzhao, imprisoned all the demons in the town demon tower, and used the corpses of the demons as energy to strengthen the power of the town demon tower.

At the same time, the entire array was arranged in the Nanzhao Kingdom, making the Nanzhao Kingdom completely a forbidden place for demons.

But all the demons who entered the Nanzhao Kingdom would be strangled by the sword lights of the Demon Slayer, leaving no armor or bones.

It can be said that the power of the entire Shushan faction has also skyrocketed.

Of course, this news also spread to all parts of the world like a hurricane.

After all, the demise of the Nanzhao Kingdom and the death of the Flood Dragon were unprecedented events for the entire Montenegrin demon world, which had never happened before.

"Just kidding, the Shushan faction really won? Not only did they wipe out the army of 100,000 demons in Nanzhao, but they also wiped out the Flood Dragon?" After hearing the news, the cultivator of the ethnic group was stunned.

In fact, he was ready to run away, planning to escape from the Nanzhao country, continue to hide in the mountains and forests, and wait for this matter to gradually subside.

But now, not only has the Shushan faction not been exterminated, but also personally killed many demons in Nanzhao, completely occupying the territory of Nanzhao.

This incident simply shocked his eyeballs, and he didn't even know how it happened.

"That's right, this is true. Many people have seen the corpses of the Jiao Demon Dragon with their own eyes, and even those dead demon corpses were directly dragged into the Demon Suppression Tower. At the same time, they used the power of the Demon Suppression Tower to Devouring the corpses of these demon beasts and refining them into blood demon pills greatly enhanced the strength of the ethnic monks.

Another human cultivator said solemnly.

"But this Flood Dragon is a demon in the God Transformation Realm. No matter how powerful the Shushan faction is, it's impossible to resist the Flood Dragon, right?" The old man couldn't believe it.

"The person who shot was the Taoist Taiqing, the head of the Shushan faction. It is said that this person's cultivation base is already in the realm of God Transformation. It was only by virtue of this senior's strength that only one person and one sword could annihilate the Jiao Demon Dragon and annihilate the entire Nanzhao. The demon of the country."

"Yes, it is said that the sky was full of sword light that day, and a sword light attacked and killed a monster, showing the power of a peerless sword fairy, even now, there is still a terrifying sword intent on the battlefield.

"I really didn't expect that Taoist Taiqing to be a god-turning cultivator. This is also the first time that a god-turning cultivator has appeared in our human race. No wonder it can kill the dragon.

"Opportunity, this is the opportunity for the rise of our human race. Those demons were so arrogant in the past, and they used the power of the god-transforming demons. Now our human race also has god-transforming cultivators. Can't we build a human kingdom?

Numerous human cultivators discussed and were ecstatic.

"Stupid, how can it be so simple."

Not only was the old man not happy, but his face was extremely solemn, as if a catastrophe was imminent: "It is a good thing to destroy the Nanzhao Kingdom, but in this way, the Shushan faction will really become a thorn in the eyes of all demons.

If you think about it carefully, although the Shushan faction made a lot of noise in the past, it was actually limited to a remote area of ​​Nanzhao.

But now it is completely different. After beheading the Flood Dragon and destroying the Nanzhao Kingdom, the Shushan faction has completely appeared in front of those top demons, which is already a trend.

Therefore, the enemies that the Shushan faction will encounter next are not just the demons of Nanzhao Kingdom, but the counterattacks of the god-turning demons in the whole world. Have you ever thought about the seriousness of this matter? 35


As soon as these words came out, the faces of many human cultivators were extremely solemn and very ugly. Indeed, as the old man said, the demons in this world not only exist in Nanzhao Kingdom, but there are many demon kingdoms in the world.

Now that the Nanzhao Kingdom has been destroyed, the anger of the remaining (babg) demons can be imagined.

This kind of behavior is simply provocation for the demon clan, and it is a great shame, and it will inevitably cause the anger and killing intent of the entire demon clan.

"So now you finally want to understand the seriousness of this matter.""

The old man said helplessly: "After all, this world is dominated by the demon clan, so even if we destroy one of the demon countries, can we resist the attacks of other demon countries?

Once these demon countries join forces, I am afraid that hundreds of demons in the realm of transformation will be easily summoned. At that time, no matter how powerful the Shushan faction is, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist the alliance of demons in the whole world.

Thousands of years ago, there were some such geniuses in our human race, trying to establish a human race country, but unfortunately they were besieged by many demon countries and ended up dying.

It is precisely because of this incident that we have completely hidden, and we no longer dare to appear in front of those monsters, because we are afraid of becoming the target of public criticism and encountering the siege of the monsters.

He was helpless.

After all, this world is the world of demons after all, even if they really build a human country, they may not be able to sustain for a long time under the siege of so many demons.

"What's the matter now? Although the head of the Shushan faction is a cultivator in the God Transformation Realm, but facing the siege of so many monsters, his fists are invincible to four hands.

Some human monks are worried.

After all, a superhuman force has finally emerged, barely competing with the demon country, they don't want the Shushan faction to fall quickly like a meteor.

This is an unimaginable blow for every human being.

"Alas, I have no choice, unless the Taoist Taiqing is willing to give up the foundation of Shushan and lead a large number of Shushan disciples to hide and avoid its edge, otherwise, facing the siege of the demon army, it is still impossible to escape death.

The old man said helplessly.

"This kind of thing can't be done. Facing the siege of Nanzhao before, the Taoist people of Taiqing still didn't take it seriously and were reluctant to give up the foundation of the Shushan faction. Now even if we discouraged it in the past, it is estimated that it will be of no avail."

"Yes, the other party is a spiritual cultivator, and the firmness of mind can be imagined. Even if we really discouraged the other party, the other party probably ignored our suggestion.

"Now I can only pray, I hope the Shushan faction can survive the next disaster.

Many human monks were talking about it.

In the face of the pressure of the entire demon clan, they also felt suffocated. After all, compared with the demon clan, the gap between the human race and the demon clan was simply too great.

Fortunately, there is a genius like the Taiqing Daoist in the human race now, otherwise, the human race would be almost powerless to resist the power of the demon clan.

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