Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1237 Communicate with the Gorefiend Realm and regard the Gorefiend Realm as the food of the

At this time, the Great Mysterious World, the Northern Territory.

The Northern Territory is also considered to be a relatively desolate area in the Great Xuan World, even more desolate than the Western Territory.

It is because of this that there are very few people who want to live in the Northern Territory. They are basically the paradise of monsters, and they are also monsters of the cold type.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

At this moment, a god-turning cultivator who respected the Eternal Spring Sect arrived at this place, and they were busy arranging formations.

"I really didn't expect that we would actually have to set up a formation to attract the demons from the Gorefiend Realm. Does the Sect Master really want to do this?"

When he knew about his mission, he was very shocked. He felt that the sect master of the Changchun Sect was completely crazy, and he actually wanted to re-communicate with the blood demon world. "063" attracted the demons of the ancient times to the great mysterious world.

You must know that the Great Xuan Dynasty in the ancient times was destroyed by the Gorefiend Realm, and it was that cross-border war that led to the decline of the Great Xuan World's cultivation world.

Now all the sects have obtained the inheritance of the Daxuan Dynasty, so they can develop rapidly, but so far, no sect has surpassed the Daxuan Dynasty in the ancient times.

If the demons from the Gorefiend Realm really invaded the Great Mysterious World, then it would be a disaster for the entire world, and it would be unknown how many people would be killed or injured.

"That's right, this is something that the Sect Master has decided, and it cannot be changed.

Another god-turning cultivator squeezed his fist: "And the Sect Master is doing this, not without a purpose, he wants to directly annex the entire Gorefiend Realm, treat the Gorefiend Realm as the food of the Great Mysterious World, and promote the Great Mysterious World to ascend to the Spirit World. What a grand idea this is, to actually make the whole world soar, if it succeeds, it must be an unprecedented feat.

His face was filled with a frenzied look, and he had obviously fallen in love with Xia Chuan's admiration.

"Indeed, in fact, according to the cultivation of the sect master, you can already ascend to the spiritual world, but the sect master is suppressing his own cultivation, and he has never ascended. The purpose is to let the great mysterious world ascend to the spiritual world."

Another god-turning cultivator nodded: "There is no doubt that once it succeeds, the creatures of the entire Great Mysterious World will gain endless benefits, and everyone's cultivation will be greatly improved.

Of course, as the leader, the Sect Master will definitely gain the greatest benefits, and even if he ascends to the spiritual world, he will become an important figure.

"Isn't it? Let the whole world ascend to the spiritual world, this is only the information I have seen in the history books, but it seems that there are very few worlds that can succeed."

"It's more than a few. It's as simple as that. It is estimated that with the history of the mortal world hundreds of millions of years, there are basically not many worlds that can successfully ascend to the spiritual world.

"But if it succeeds, it will surely shake the history of the entire universe, and we can follow the steps of the Sect Master, ascend to the spiritual world, and gain endless benefits."

"If the Great Mysterious World really ascends to the Spirit World, then we don't need to go to other worlds. Just in the Great Mysterious World itself, we can cultivate to the Transcending Tribulation Realm, attain the Dao and ascend to become immortals, and we don't need to surrender. under people.

"Isn't that right? Originally, the spiritual monks who ascended to the spiritual world in our great mysterious world lost all power once they became spiritual world monks, which was equivalent to abandoning all the power they had accumulated before. We, the lower world monks, are in the spiritual world. After being humiliated, he does not know how long he will struggle to survive before he can climb to a higher position.35

Numerous cultivators were talking about it.

To be honest, ascension to the spiritual world is not the best choice. If it is not the ascension to the spiritual world, their cultivation will be upgraded to the Void Refinement Realm. Otherwise, they are not willing to soar casually.

After all, if you ascend to the spiritual world, it is equivalent to finding a place to start again, and the degree of difficulty can be imagined.

"Hehe, it sounds nice, what a terrifying world that Gorefiend World is, that world is said to be the base camp of the Demon World, with countless Gorefiend warriors.

A god-turning cultivator sneered: "In the beginning, the Great Xuan Dynasty was destroyed by the endless army of Gorefiends. At that time, we really communicated with the Gorefiend world. If we lose the war, I am afraid that the entire Great Mysterious World will fall."

He still felt that the danger was too great, and if he failed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I'm afraid, I think even the original Daxuan Dynasty, compared with the current Changchun Sect, is still far behind. The cultivation of the Sect Master is too deep and unfathomable, I am a little suspicious of the Sect Master. Is your lord reincarnated as an immortal, or was it reincarnated by an immortal in our place?

"Indeed, the formations such as Sumeru's Life-cutting Formation, Sumeru's Five Elements Void Formation, Five Elements Time Formation, Ten Thousand Dragons Returning to the Sea Formation, etc., were not inherited from the Great Xuan Dynasty, but were created by the Sect Master himself.0"

"Isn't it? Before, we all doubted whether the Sect Master had obtained the inheritance of the Great Xuan Dynasty, so he could achieve such an achievement today. Now it seems that we still underestimate the ability of the Sect Master. 99

"That's right, such a top-notch formation involves time and space, and it doesn't look like a mortal formation at all, even the original Great Xuan Dynasty was nothing more than that.

"I think the Sect Master must be fully prepared, otherwise, he would not have asked us to arrange a formation to attract all the demons from the Gorefiend Realm.

"If even the sect master doesn't believe it, who else can we trust? It's just the blood demon world. It's impossible to be the opponent of the sect master. It's just a chicken and a dog."

Many god-turning cultivators talked a lot, and their admiration for Xia Chuan had reached a level close to that of a god.

If the two sides can still catch up when the gap is not big, but the gap between the two sides has reached an unimaginable level, then only reverence is left.

In particular, what happened in the Daxuan world in the past few decades has completely subverted their cognition, making them clearly understand that the original process of cultivating immortals, 1.6 is a process of exploring the truth of the world.

Before, they pursued power too much, completely forgetting the essence of immortal cultivation, forgetting the principle of power, which also caused them to fall into a bottleneck when they were promoted to a certain realm and could no longer break through.

"Since everyone thinks it's appropriate, then I don't need to say anything, let's see how terrifying the Gorefiend Realm that destroyed the Great Xuan Dynasty in this legend is.

The cultivator clenched his fists.


In an instant, this great formation was successfully arranged, and it seemed to communicate with the Gorefiend Realm in the depths of the distant void.

Originally in the palace of the Gorefiend Realm, I sensed the power of this formation for the first time, and it seemed that they began to communicate with each other, and the demons of the entire Gorefiend Realm also sensed this breath and power.

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