Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1238 The demons from the blood demon world will definitely destroy the big mysterious world

Blood Demon Realm.

At this moment, many powerful gods and demons gathered together and held a round table meeting.

"We received news before that a monk from the Great Mysterious World built a blood demon sacrificial formation, trying to communicate with our blood demon world, and wanted to ask us for some life-extending treasures."

A god-turning demon said.

The so-called Gorefiend sacrifice formation is the formation that the Gorefiend world deliberately spreads to all walks of life. Once this formation is activated, the spatial coordinates of the opponent's location will be known to the Gorefiend world.

At that time, the Gorefiend Realm can directly set up a cross-border teleportation array, arrive at the place where the sacrificer is, and then annex the world where the sacrificer is.

With such a fishing formation, after billions of years, the Gorefiend world does not know how many mortal worlds have been annexed.

For the Gorefiend Realm, this kind of formation is very hard work.

"What? The Great Mysterious World? Could it be the world that caused huge damage to our Gorefiend Realm tens of thousands of years ago?" Immediately after these words came out, the god-transforming demons reacted.

Because the Gorefiend has been rampant in the human world for hundreds of millions of years, I don't know how many mortal worlds have been swept across, and basically the Gorefiend is an invincible existence.

Only when they invaded the Daxuan world tens of thousands of years ago, they encountered a head-on attack from the Daxuan Dynasty, killing and injuring many gods and demons.

Even they were able to defeat the Daxuan Dynasty only with the continuous support of the spirit world demons.

It can be said that the Great Mysterious World has brought them an extremely deep impression, which is also an unprecedented shame in the Gorefiend world.

"That's right, it's the Great Mysterious World. We searched for the Great Mysterious World for tens of thousands of years, but we didn't expect that we finally found this world. It's really great."

"Isn't it? The Great Mysterious World is our enemy. If the Great Mysterious World hadn't caused heavy damage to our Gorefiend World, our Gorefiend World could have ascended to the Spirit World tens of thousands of years ago, so why wait until today to ascend."

"It's true that we have traveled all over the world to find nowhere, and it took no effort to get it. We exhausted so much effort and could not find the Great Mysterious World, but I didn't expect that the monks in the Great Mysterious World would take the initiative to contact us."

Many gods and demons were ecstatic.

Because they want to find the Great Mysterious World, they don't know how long they have been searching, and they want to return to the Great Mysterious World in their dreams and seek revenge for the creatures in the Great Mysterious World.

The problem is, trying to find a specific world in the boundless human world, even without spatial coordinates, is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Don't look at the blood demon world, it seems that it has been in the human world for hundreds of millions of years, but in fact it is only limited to a small part of the world, and there is no way to expand its power to every corner of the human world.

But now, it is like a pie in the sky. The monks in the mysterious world actually activated the Gorefiend sacrifice formation, which made them obtain the spatial coordinates of the mysterious world for the first time.

With this spatial coordinate point, they can kill the Great Mysterious World anytime, anywhere.

"But how could this happen all of a sudden? Could it be a scam?"

A god-turning demon raised his own question.

"Is there a fraud? Who dares to deceive our Gorefiend?

"That's right, even if it's a fraud, exposing the coordinates of your own world is simply asking for your own death. Is it possible that the current Daxuan world can't help our blood demon world?

"Hehe, conspiracy and tricks have no effect. Only strength can crush everything. Even if it is really a conspiracy of the Great Mysterious World, do you think that with the current Great Mysterious World, we can get our Gorefiend World?"

"The original Daxuan Dynasty was already considered the pinnacle of the human world. If the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty hadn't sacrificed his own life and blew up the empty passage from our Gorefiend Realm to the Daxuan World, I'm afraid that the Daxuan world would have long been The contents of our blood demon world were completely swallowed by us."

"That is, the Great Xuan World after the destruction of the Great Xuan Dynasty is just an ordinary world, it is not worth mentioning at all, it is impossible to do anything about our Blood Demon Realm.

Many gods and demons sneered, they felt that the blood demon world was already the top world in the human world, and they were only one step away from ascending to the spiritual world.

They don't believe that there is any world in the human world that is more powerful than the blood demon world.

Even if such forces really appear, they still have the support of spirit world demons, and they can get continuous support from the spirit world. This is a huge advantage that no human world can match.

"To be honest, the reason why the Daxuan Dynasty was able to compete with our blood demon world at the beginning was probably because the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty picked up a mysterious fairy weapon and was able to compete with us.

A god-turning demon squeezed his fist: "To be honest, we have always wanted to find the Great Mysterious World, not just to annex the Great Mysterious World, but also to find the fairy artifacts that were lost in the Great Mysterious World, this is ours main purpose."

They don't know about the existence of the cosmic wonder travel cat.

But they also knew that the Emperor of the Xuan Dynasty must have mastered a powerful magic weapon.

In their perception, such a powerful magic weapon must be a legendary fairy weapon.

After all, even in the spiritual world, the number of immortal artifacts is still very few.

It is because of this that many spirit world demons hope that the Gorefiend Realm can find the Great Mysterious World and retrieve the 063 Immortal Artifact that was lost in the Great Mysterious World.

Because the power of an immortal weapon is really too great, even a single immortal weapon can suppress a force's luck for millions of years, and maintain a force for millions of years without dying.

"Jie Jie, you're right, the Great Xuan World must have left behind a lot of treasures from the Great Xuan Dynasty, among which there are immortal artifacts. This is something that our Gorefiend World is bound to acquire."

"This is simply a great opportunity. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Great Xuan World and the Great Xuan Dynasty could resist the attack of our Gorefiend Realm, but now, what power does the Great Xuan World have to resist us."

"This time, I will definitely let Daxuan World not leave a piece of armor, die without a complete corpse, and all human beings will be reduced to the slaves of our Gorefiends, and they will become the blood food of our Gorefiends forever.

"Let's do it, immediately set up a cross-border teleportation array, and head to the Great Mysterious World. As long as the Great Mysterious World is annexed, then our Gorefiend Realm will definitely be able to ascend to the Spirit World this time, fulfilling the long-cherished wish of our Gorefiend family for hundreds of millions of years."5

Many demons were murderous, and their faces were filled with fanatical expressions.


With an order, the demons in the entire Gorefiend world began to move, as if a huge war machine had begun to operate, launching a Gorefiend War Order that had never appeared in tens of thousands of years.

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