Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1257 The prince rebels, the Qin emperor is furious, and the world is in chaos

At this time, Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty.


This is where the Grand Master of the Qin Dynasty is located. He is specially responsible for observing the general situation of the world and gaining insight into the changes in the world situation. No matter where a rebellion occurs, the people of the State Master's House can quickly know by observing the changes in the sky and the fortune.

So this is the reason why the Qin Dynasty can exist for 800 years.

Whenever there is a rebellion in a certain place, the people of the National Teacher's House can quickly send troops to pacify, so that no place can rebel against the Qin Dynasty.

But it is different now. Due to the great chaos in the world, rebellions are happening everywhere. Even if you know that there are rebels in a certain place, with the current strength of the Daqin Dynasty, you cannot go to various places to quell the rebellion.

But just today, the Celestial Master of the National Teacher's Mansion was suddenly startled, and when they looked up, they saw a wailing cry from the Luck Golden Dragon that was originally in the air.

There seems to be a Flood Dragon rising slowly in the distance, as if to devour the golden dragon and replace it.

"Oops, Prince Fusu is going to rebel."

In an instant, the pupils of many Celestial Masters shrank, and they immediately recognized that this Flood Dragon undoubtedly represented the prince of the dynasty, Ying Fusu, and it was impossible to conceal the fate of the other party's son of destiny.

Once the rebellion by this dragon is successful, then the dynasty will be changed to replace the contemporary Emperor Qin.

"Isn't this something that was anticipated long ago? The Emperor Qin decreed that the prince Fusu should be executed. It is estimated that the prince could only rebel in order to survive.

A celestial master said quietly, he felt that this was a matter of course, after all, the matter of Emperor Qin's order to execute the crown prince had long been uproar, and I don't know how many old ministers objected.

But nothing could stop Qin Huang's heart.

Naturally, the National Teacher's Office has long known about this matter, which is not surprising.

"But it is rumored that the prince is generous, kind, and extremely filial. He will not fight against Emperor Qin's will at all. He originally thought that the prince would die voluntarily, but he did not expect that he would actually rebel."

"Hehe, even a clay figurine has three points of anger. Even an honest person will be angry when they touch the bottom line. It is not surprising that the Crown Prince made such a decision."

"The question is what do we do now, the prince's rebellion is an unprecedented event, if one is not careful, it may shake the Qin Dynasty's eight-hundred-year rule.

"This is not something we can manage. After all, we are only the celestial masters of the National Teacher's Office, and we only perform the function of observing astronomical phenomena. As for such political affairs, we should leave it to the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

"That's right, in a way, it's an internal affair of the winner, and it doesn't have much to do with other people."

"But the prince doesn't know if the rebellion can be successful? I think it's unlikely. Although Emperor Qin is incompetent, he still has millions of troops in his hands. Even if the prince controls the frontier army, with the support of the general Meng Tian, ​​I am afraid that the rebellion will succeed. , is also more difficult than ascending to the sky.""

"This has nothing to do with us. Let's report this matter quickly. I'm afraid the world will be in chaos from now on. Unless the winner is determined, the turmoil in the world will not stop."

Many Celestial Masters of the Qin Dynasty were talking about it.

It didn't take long for a Celestial Master to report the news and pass it on to the palace. For a time, the news shocked the court and the public, and the civil and military of the whole dynasty shook.

"Nizi, it's really a bad boy! To dare to unite with Meng Tian to rebel is simply outrageous.

At this moment, in the imperial palace, when Emperor Qin got the news, he was immediately furious, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill Ying Fusu immediately.

Because the prince's rebellion is completely different from other riotous people's rebellion, the threat of the prince's rebellion is too great.

First of all, Prince Fusu has mastered the 200,000-strong elite army of the frontier army, and the general Meng Tian supports it. It can be said that this is the strength of the regular army, and it can definitely cause trouble for one party.

In addition, Prince Fusu has great righteousness, and to a certain extent, he can be regarded as the future ruler of the Qin Dynasty.

As a result, the resistance of local officials may not necessarily be too fierce.

If you are not careful, you may succeed in rebellion and bring yourself down completely.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has already said that this prince's ambition to help Su Langzi will lead to disaster sooner or later, and he intends to rebel. Therefore, the concubine must kill this man in advance."

A concubine's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "But His Majesty thought of his old relationship, and he didn't want this Fusu's life for a long time. Now it's okay, this Fusu has finally exposed his wolf ambitions."

Her name is Concubine Su, she is a noble concubine who dominates the world, and she is also a demon concubine who confuses the Qin emperor.

With the favor of the Qin Emperor, she could be said to be a powerful person, even intervening in various government affairs, placing her confidants in various important positions in the court.

Basically, the Qin Dynasty fell into such chaos, and she at least took 50% of the credit.

"Hey, Concubine Su had the foresight, and she actually saw this son's wolf ambitions long ago, and I was still blinded by his past generosity and benevolence, but he didn't know that he had already set his sights on the throne of me.

Qin Huang gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a rebellious son. Although he is the crown prince, he may be the Great Qin Emperor in the future, but now he is not, just my son, this throne is my thing, if I don't want to give it, he can't take it. 99

A terrifying murderous intent pervaded him.

Although he was incomparably stupid, he also knew that the emperor's position must not be given up, and anyone who tried to snatch his position would have to die, even if the opponent was his own son.

Anyway, he has given birth to dozens of sons in his life, and one death is nothing at all.

"Your Majesty, it's nothing to help Su in a mere way. The scary thing is the general Meng Tian. It is said that he is an important general in the fight against the demon clan. He is extremely powerful and has won the trust of the generals.

Concubine Su reminded that Meng Tian's 200,000-strong elite army was the real key. Without the 200,000-strong army, Fusu would be nothing but a bachelor commander.

1.6 "Hehe, don't worry, Concubine Ai, Meng Tian is indeed powerful, but an army of 200,000 people is also human and needs food. Without food and grass, how long can an army of 200,000 be supported."

Qin Huang sneered: "As long as my army of one million arrives, plus the lack of food and water, even a peerless general will be trapped in Shangjun. This world belongs to me, and no one can take it away."

"As expected of His Majesty, you are as expected."

Concubine Su giggled and continued to flatter Qin Huang. She knew all about the means to please men in this way.

Chaos, chaos, complete chaos in the world, the best thing is that the world is rotten. In this way, the world can only be obtained by our demon clan, and the mere human race is not qualified to occupy this fertile land.

Her eyes flickered, with deep murderous intent.

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