Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1258 Fengtian Xing, An Sheji, The Sect of This World

At this moment, the Great Qin Dynasty went to the county, in the barracks.

Now Xia Chuan is holding the swearing-in meeting, and under the high platform is a mighty 200,000 elite army, they are strictly disciplined, and obviously they are all battle-hardened fighters.

"Everyone! 39

Xia Chuan looked at the many soldiers and said: "I, Ying Fusu, is the 38th generation descendant of the Qin Dynasty, the prince of the dynasty, and the closest relative of the country. Since I received Zuo, I only know how to abide by the law and abide by the rules. But today's emperor trusts the traitor. , causing a catastrophe, slaughtering me.

My ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty were difficult to start a business, feudal masters, and the vassal screened the world, and the inheritance is endless. Once it is destroyed, the emperor, heaven and earth will learn from it. "Zu Xun" says: 'There is no official minister in the court, and there are treacherous and evil people in the court, and the soldiers must be trained to deal with them, so that the evil on the side of the Qing emperor.

This disaster forced me to bow, and I really wanted to survive, and I had no choice. Righteousness and wickedness are inseparable from each other, and they must be punished by the heavens, so that the society and crops will be safe. The gods of heaven and earth, learn from the heart. "


His voice contained the supreme technique - the technique of drumming, especially after his cultivation level had reached the Void Refinement Realm, the use of the drum dance technique had reached the pinnacle.

When the 200,000 elite army heard such a voice, they immediately felt their blood boil, as if their whole body was full of power, blessed by some mysterious power.

"According to the heaven to ask, in order to secure the community and grain!"

"On the Qingjun side, the Yasukuni is in trouble! 35

Numerous soldiers roared, and all of them were boiling with enthusiasm, as if they had the support of God.

But any rebellion needs a name, that is, the teacher is famous.

In this way, the soldiers will have morale and know that they are the teachers of justice. In this way, they will naturally be invincible and invincible, and will not be defeated with a single blow.

Originally, Ying Fusu was a prince, compared with the emperor, he was a courtier.

To attack the emperor with a courtier, and to control Laozi with a son, is itself an act of great treason and will be cast aside by the world.

But now Xia Chuan's strategy is roundabout, not against the emperor himself, but just to crusade the traitors around the emperor, and to destroy those villains who bewitch the emperor.

In this way, they have become famous teachers. They are not trying to rebel, but only for the sake of the country, so they want to clear the evil on the side of the monarch.

"As expected of His Highness, the morale is available, the soldiers are single-minded, and they will be invincible.

General Meng Tian and others were extremely excited.

Originally, they were also worried that the morale of the soldiers would be low. After all, not everyone wanted to rebel. Once the rebellion failed, it would be the end of the nine clans.

But looking at it now, it is indeed the prince Fusu, and the moment he appeared, the morale of the soldiers soared. It seems that this action on the Qingjun side also has great hope.

After the swearing-in meeting, Meng Tian and others also returned to the barracks to discuss the next matters.

After all, the Qing monarch needed to kill from the border cities to Xianyang, and all the way down, he needed to break through a large number of cities, and even needed to defend against the millions of troops of the Qin Dynasty.

If one is not careful, they may be killed, so they have to be cautious.

"Your Highness.

Meng Tian said solemnly: "Our biggest problem now is that we don't have food and grass. Before, His Majesty owed the frontier army for half a year of food and wages. The soldiers basically haven't received any money for several months. If this continues, I'm afraid they will even eat food I can't afford it, so I plan to attack the nearby city and snatch the granary inside.

Of course, the nearby cities are all high-walled and heavily guarded. If we attack by force, I am afraid that the casualties will not be small, so we need to outsmart this matter. ""

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Xia Chuan waved his hand and took out a storage bag from his body: "There is a kind of medicinal pill in it, called Bigu Pill. After ordinary people eat it, they don't need to eat for a month. This is food for immortal cultivators. Can be used by mortals.

And this storage bag has 10 billion bigu pills, even if a million army is here, with these bigu pills, it will be enough for a million army to eat for decades. "


As soon as these words came out, Meng Tian and the others widened their eyes. They couldn't believe what they heard. They never thought that the problem of food and grass for the army would be solved so easily.

But how do they know.

Xia Chuan is the ruler of the Changchun world, occupying the resources of the entire world. For this reincarnation, he has prepared a lot of materials. It can be said that his system space stores a huge amount of resources.

The mere Bigu Pill is nothing at all, it's just a medicine for pediatrics.

"Your Highness, where did this Bigu Pill come from?"

Meng Tian and others were shocked.

They felt that Prince Fusu might have already prepared for this matter, otherwise it would be impossible to prepare so many bigu pills. Ordinary people who have nothing to refine tens of billions of bigu pills, isn't this nonsense?!

"You don't have to worry about that."

Xia Chuan said lightly, and did not explain anything. As a superior, he didn't need to explain anything to his subordinates. His subordinates only needed to execute their own orders.

If you don't understand your own command, then deepen your understanding in the process of executing the command.

"Yes, Your Highness.

Although they didn't get Xia Chuan's explanation, Meng Tian and the others were not disappointed. After all, this was His Highness's own secret, and it was impossible for their subordinates to get to the bottom of it.

However, they also felt extremely happy, because after having these medicinal herbs as food and grass, they would not need a huge reserve army, and could go into battle lightly.

If one person carries twelve bigu pills, one can go without food for a year, which greatly reduces the logistical pressure.

"Haha, I didn't expect His Highness Fusu to have such preparations, and I don't know which sect helped His Highness 097, so he is so confident to ask Qingjun to be on his side? 55

With a bang, at this moment, a figure walked in from the door, arrogant and domineering, ignoring the surrounding guards, and appeared directly in front of many generals.


Meng Tian and the others shouted angrily and glared at the uninvited guest, only to see a middle-aged man with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks appearing in front of everyone.

Just the moment he appeared in the barracks, it seemed that the temperature dropped by an unknown number of degrees, and a thick layer of frost formed on the ground, which was bone-chilling.

"I am Zhu Yuan from the Demon Sect.

The middle-aged man stood there calmly, not afraid of the soldiers around him, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain, and he didn't pay any attention to the people present.

It is only natural for him to be so confident. After all, he is a god-turning cultivator, and his strength is extremely tyrannical. He is simply not comparable to Meng Tian and others.

Not to mention an army of 200,000 people, even an army of one million in front of him would be in vain.

"Demon Gate?!"

Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows, it seemed that her actions had finally attracted the sect monks of this world to come here.

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