Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1260 The ancient immortals fell on the nine tripods, and the Qin Dynasty was just a puppet

After all, once the restraint of the soul is touched, Zhu Yuan will turn into an idiot and die.

He has practiced for thousands of years, and has finally cultivated to the state he is today, but he doesn't want to die tragically at the hands of Fusu because of his carelessness.

This kind of death is too unfair.

"Don't worry, I have researched the method of searching souls quite a bit, and the mere soul restriction can't resist me. You have a 90% chance of not becoming an idiot. Xia Chuan comforted.

Study your uncle!

Hearing this, Zhu Yuan was angry, and it wasn't because he was searching for your soul, so of course you wouldn't be afraid, and he said that there is a 90% probability, doesn't that mean that there is a 10% probability that he may become an idiot?!

He is a dignified cultivator, even if it is a 10% chance, he doesn't want to take risks.

"His Royal Highness, I beg you, please spare my life. If you want to know anything, I will say anything. I will definitely know everything and say everything."

Zhu Yuan bowed his head and bowed his knees, expressing that his mouth was very loose, and he would answer whatever he asked.


Meng Tian and the others were speechless when they saw this scene, and they didn't expect the dignified cultivator's residence to become such a virtue.

It seems that the so-called immortal cultivators are similar to ordinary people. They should be afraid of death or have to be afraid of death. Moreover, they are especially aware of current affairs, and their bones may be softer than anyone else.

"I still like your unruly appearance just now, but I don't believe what you said. After all, everyone in your Demon Sect is full of lies, or the memory from the soul is more credible."

Xia Chuan grabbed it with a big hand, and placed his right hand on Zhu Yuan's head.


Soul Search!

In an instant, a huge amount of soul memory flooded into the depths of Xia Chuan's consciousness like a tide, and Zhu Yuan's thousand-year life appeared in his brain like a slideshow.

It was almost a breath of time, and Zhu Yuan no longer had any secrets to speak of.

Of course, he also sensed the existence of soul restraint in Zhu Yuan's soul, but unfortunately, this kind of soul restraint was too rudimentary, and for him, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Just like a door that is not locked at all, he is like his own home, he can enter and exit at will, and even the owner of the home does not know when a burglar has entered his home.

"I see."

Xia Chuan touched his chin, and after obtaining the thousand-year-old memory of Zhu Yuan, he immediately had an extremely profound understanding of this Daqin world, just like the natives who lived in this world for thousands of years.

I have to say that this soul-searching technique is indeed one of the best techniques for understanding a strange world. If you master this technique, you can know most of the information about this world as long as you randomly search the soul of an aborigines.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, this world used to be the world of the monster clan, and countless plants and monsters were born. Human beings are only a weak race in this world, not worth mentioning.

Everything is in primitive and barbaric times.

But at this time, an ancient immortal descended to earth, showed the power of great supernatural powers, and helped the human race to become the overlord of this world.

It is because of this that when a mortal dynasty is established, it will be sheltered by the Jiuding, and will be protected by the luck of the world, and it is difficult for immortal cultivators to destroy the luck of the dynasty.

If you dare to destroy it, you will immediately encounter a backlash from luck, and you will encounter all kinds of catastrophe, and your body will die.

Therefore, many immortals did not dare to interfere too much with the operation of the dynasties on earth, for fear that they would be attacked by luck.

However, once the dynasty changes, the major immortal sects will be born, and they will all choose the spokesperson of their sect, and then let the other party take over the world.

After all, once the world is conquered, the world's luck will be gathered, and even the sects and many immortal cultivators will be enveloped in luck and progress rapidly.

Eight hundred years ago, the world was in chaos, and the princes were fighting.

However, the King of Qin (baby) received the assistance of the Yin-Yang Sect and was able to slaughter other princes and successfully dominate the world, and the Yin-Yang Sect also gained huge benefits and received the protection of the dynasty's luck, and a large number of powerful monks were born.

This kind of benefit makes other sects jealous.

It is a pity that the dynasty is at its peak, and the Yin-Yang Sect is in full swing, so other sects are naturally helpless, and they can only watch the Yin-Yang Sect gain endless benefits.

But things are different now. The Qin Dynasty seems to have run out of gas, there are rebellions in various places, and a new king is about to appear.

They also do not allow the Yin-Yang Sect to monopolize the world's luck, otherwise the other sects will not be able to mix.

"It's no wonder that the Daqin royal family can't practice."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

To a certain extent, the Daqin royal family is actually just a spokesperson from the Yin-Yang Sect. It is a mortal person, and without spiritual roots, it is naturally impossible to cultivate.

Once there are descendants with spiritual roots in the Daqin royal family, they will be taken away immediately, depriving them of their status as descendants of the royal family, and the descendants of the royal family with spiritual roots will never be able to become kings.

If the descendants of the royal family do not have spiritual roots, even if they have the method of cultivation, it is impossible for them to become immortals.

When you think about it, this is a matter of course.

The Daqin royal family was just a puppet of the Yin-Yang Sect. The one who really held power was actually the Yin-Yang Sect. Naturally, they would not allow any immortal cultivators to appear in the Daqin royal family.

If the Great Qin Emperor became an immortal cultivator, he would definitely conflict with the Yin-Yang Sect, and even divide the sect's luck. At that time, perhaps the Great Qin Emperor would control the Yin-Yang Sect, and instead the Yin-Yang Sect would become the puppet of the dynasty.

Therefore, the descendants of the royal family cannot practice cultivation, and it has become a prohibition in the world, and no one is allowed to violate it.

It is because of this that Zhu Yuan was shocked when he found out that Xia Chuan was actually a cultivator. No one thought that the dignified prince Fusu would actually embark on the path of cultivation.

If Fusu has spiritual roots and can practice, it is absolutely impossible to become a prince. When he is just born, he will be deprived of his royal status.

If the Daqin royal family really had an emperor in the God Transformation Realm, or even an Emperor in the Void Refinement Realm, wouldn't it become a dynasty for thousands of years? This is not something other sects want to see.

"There are nine cauldrons in the world, and suppressing the luck of the whole world is closely related to the luck of this world. Could it be that these nine cauldrons are immortal artifacts? What do the so-called ancient immortals want to do in this world? They are really protecting the human beings in this world. ?

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

He felt that the so-called Jiuding was very unusual and was closely related to the luck of the entire world. The cultivation system in this world probably had a great relationship with Jiuding.

Perhaps Jiuding is the deepest secret of this world.

Vaguely, he did perceive that the world was shrouded in an invisible great formation, and that any creature in this world was shrouded in this mysterious great formation and was greatly affected.

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