But these things are also so-called, when he unifies the world and obtains the authority of the Great Qin Dynasty, it is not too late to study it slowly.

The most important thing now is actually to gain authority in this world.

"There are five major forces within the Daqin Dynasty, that is, the five immortal gates."

Xia Chuan pondered the memory obtained from Zhu Yuan: "They are the Demon Gate, the Yin Yang Gate, the Five Poison Sect, the Shennong Gate, and the last puppet gate.

From the very beginning, the so-called "Five Immortal Sects" were not actually five immortal sects, but a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended.

The predecessor of the magic door is actually - the vertical and horizontal family and the military family.

The so-called Zongheng family, in fact, is to unite the vertical and horizontal, and disrupt the world. They incarnate as the world's advisers, lurking in the major countries and forces, manipulating the situation at will, lest the world will not be chaotic, I don't know how many wars they secretly contributed made of.

There is also the military, which began with Jiang Taigong, a martial arts sage throughout the ages, who assisted King Wu in exterminating Zhou, and his book "The Art of War of Taigong" was circulated in the world. Later, the major generals were all fighters, and they were in the major armies, responsible for stirring the world, living on the blood and death of the battlefield, slaughtering the world, and collecting the souls of the dead.

It can be said that with the passage of time, the world gradually became peaceful. Due to the countless killings of the Zongheng family and the military family, the world's life was ruined, so they were considered by the world as a demon.

Due to the situation, they also merged together and became a famous demon gate in the world, secretly controlling the world.

In a way, it's actually not wrong.

Because their method of cultivation is extremely bloody and cruel, they need chaos in the world, chaotic wars between princes, devour the energy of war, the energy of death and the blood of blood.

Basically, the more people who died, the faster they practiced.

That's why they are eager to join the army, become soldiers, and fight in the north and south, because only on the battlefield can they legally kill people, they don't need to be chased by others, and they won't provoke cause and effect.

Yin-Yangmen, in fact, this sect originated from Taoism, Taiji Xuanyi, Yin and Yang two qi, broke away from Taoism thousands of years ago, the sword took a slanted edge, became a school of its own, pursued the limit of heaven and man, and created many powerful tricks for generations. There are also outstanding people.

Because the Yinyangmen bet the right treasure and assisted the emperor of the Daqin Dynasty, and thus won the world, it also became the state religion of the Daqin Dynasty, and the major Tianshifu were all held by the disciples of the Yinyangmen.

This has also caused the power of Yin and Yang Sect to expand rapidly. By now, it is the number one sect in the world, and the other four immortal sects combined are no match for it.

Because the sword is too slanted, the path of Yin-Yang Gate becomes more and more extreme. Since the yin-yang aura between the world is really rare, it is difficult for the cultivators to absorb it, so they put their minds on human beings.

Because human beings are divided into male and female, and also divided into yin and yang, there is a huge yin and yang breath in the body.

It is because of this that they are good at the method of double cultivation, using all living beings as a cauldron, and swallowing the yin and yang energy in all living beings.

This also led to countless people who died at the hands of Yinyangmen disciples.

The Five Poison Sect, this sect is derived from physicians. In the turbulent times, physicians are the guardians of all living beings in the world. But the doctor's medical skills can save all the people in the world, but can't save himself. This is the fate of the doctor. Therefore, in order to inherit the secret art of saving the world, the doctors turned completely black and began to study all kinds of poisons and poisons.

Because doctors can not only save people, but also kill people, and even kill more people than imagined, that is, because they have gradually evolved into the Five Poison Sect.

Basically, this sect gathered all the poisons in the world, and all the immortal cultivators in the world were afraid of it, for fear that they would meet the disciples of the Five Poison Sect, and then die silently.

It can be said that the Five Poison Sect is, to a certain extent, more evil and terrifying than the Demon Sect.

In order to create more and more powerful poisons, they often use various human beings as experiments, and they can be called extremely mad scientists.

If you enter the Five Poison Sect sect, you will know how cruel and terrifying this sect is. There are experimental subjects everywhere, and there are creatures who died tragically because of poison.

The reputation of the Five Poison Sect has reached a level where children stop crying.

Shennongmen, this sect came from a farmer’s family, the land is full of all things, and Shennong is immortal; princes and generals would rather have seeds. Respect the ancient Shennong clan, proficient in the art of five grains.

The leaders of the past dynasties were called xiakui. Disciples are spread all over the world, and there are many upright and chivalrous people, but their whereabouts are unpredictable. They are often hidden in the fields and markets, and do not seek information from the princes. They are the largest group of disciples among the hundreds of schools of scholars today. It can be said that the disciples of Shennongmen are all over the world, with the largest number.

·0 for flowers ·......

But this is also the Shennongmen in history. In order to cultivate immortals, the current Shennongmen uses people as seeds and people as food, and uses the human body as a big medicine, as a big medicine refining.

Every time a disciple of Shennongmen is born, it will cause the death of a city and a city. They devour the flesh and soul of mortals to rapidly grow their own cultivation. They can be called the devil in the devil.

They claim to be gods, and regard human beings as crops and leeks, and they come to harvest them every once in a while.

The puppet door, this sect is from the Mo family. The world is all white, only I am black. Non-attack Momen, and love life.


This sect was founded in Mozi, and the leaders of all dynasties are called Mojia giants. The great masters of the past dynasties and their disciples built the Mojia government city among the peaks of the Jueling Mountains, which became the last paradise on earth.

Of course, this is just a rhetoric on the surface, in fact it is no less than the evil sect of the four immortal sects in front.

They thought that human beings were too weak, and in fact they were not suitable for cultivation at all, so they abandoned the human body one after another, and began to stop being human, merging various mechanical parts.

Flesh and blood pain, machinery soars.

This is the concept of the puppet door, they abandoned the human body, but left the human brain, and then devoured many materials in the world, making their body constantly transform, so that their body is comparable to a demon, or even surpasses a demon.

And they not only incarnate themselves into inhuman existences, but also like to refine ordinary humans into inhuman existences, refining them into various puppets, and become cannon fodder for the puppet door.

It is because of this that the disciples of the puppet gate are all lunatics, their thoughts are completely different from ordinary people, and they are basically the kind that cannot communicate.

"Tsk tsk, the Five Great Immortal Sects? It's just a fart. These are the five major demon sects. There is no good thing in this world's sects." Xia Chuan touched his chin.

He immediately understood the essence of the five immortal gates of the Qin Dynasty, all of them were parasites, feeding on the flesh and blood of ordinary humans, all of them were thieves, parasites, stealing the world's resources to help him ascend enter.

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