Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1262 The imperial army attacked and suppressed the rebel prince Fusu

"I-I'm not dead?!

At this moment, Zhu Yuan opened his eyes and was instantly overjoyed. He found that he had not died at all after being searched for his soul, and the restraining formation of his soul had not been touched.

He felt a sense of joy in escaping death, but he was also puzzled. Could it be that this guy in front of him was intimidating him, but he didn't search his soul at all?

"As I said earlier, I have a lot of research on the technique of searching for souls, and the restraint on your soul is of no use to me." Xia Chuan looked at Zhu Yuan lightly.

"But I didn't expect that you Demon Sect also has bad intentions, you are not sincere in helping me to help Su, you just want to take the opportunity to bring trouble to the world.

He knew from Zhu Yuan's memory that Momen's plan was not to help Fusu unify the world and become emperor.

After all, for the Demon Sect, the best cultivation environment for "Zero Ninety Seven" is naturally the melee of the princes in the ancient times. Only when the world is divided into a large number of countries can the monks of the Demon Sect play a huge role.

Otherwise, the world will be at peace, and the various abilities learned by their Demon Sect disciples will be of no use at all.

It is because of this that the Demon Sect always wants to smash the Qin Dynasty and restore this world to the era of melee wars between princes.

And this time is a great opportunity for the magic door.

The prince helped Su to rebel, and the world was in chaos. Once the Demon Sect seized this opportunity, it would be able to split the Qin Dynasty into more than a dozen countries, and the world would fall into endless disputes in the future.

The Demon Sect can also take advantage of this opportunity to grow rapidly and madly improve his cultivation.


Hearing this, Zhu Yuan was shocked. He was still wondering if the prince in front of him really searched his soul, but now, if he searched for his soul memory, how could the guy in front of him know about it? Devil's plan?

After all, there are not many people who can know about the Demon Gate plan, and there is no possibility of it being leaked.

Could it be said that there is really a soul-searching technique in the world that can ignore the prohibition of souls? If so, what secrets do they have?!

He suddenly felt shivering, looking at Xia Chuan's eyes, as if looking at a terrifying monster.

"Who, who are you? Why do you have such power?"

Zhu Yuan looked at Xia Chuan in disbelief. He felt that the prince Fusu in front of him was very unfamiliar, completely different from the legendary old prince Fusu.

What kind of old man is this, he is simply a scheming hero.

Even though he has such strength, he has endured for so many years without being known by anyone, and it was only now that he was really exposed.

"Press it down and detain it temporarily.

Xia Chuan waved his hand. He didn't want to kill Zhu Yuan for the time being. Instead, he wanted to use Zhu Yuan's identity to fish. He believed that after the people of the Demon Sect knew about this, they would definitely send experts to rob the prison.

At that time, he will be able to wipe out all the people from the Demon Sect.

He has already realized that if he wants to truly dominate the world, he will not only face the millions of troops of the Qin Dynasty, but also the five immortal gates.

One of these immortal gates counts as one, and they are all worms in this world. Even if they die 10,000 times, it is not a pity.

"Yes, Your Highness.

A general stepped forward and immediately dragged Zhu Yuan down and imprisoned him.

"I didn't expect His Highness to be an immortal cultivator? 35

Meng Tian and the others all looked at Xia Chuan with very complicated eyes. They felt that they didn't know the prince at all, and the other party's government was simply unfathomable.

But this will not shake their loyalty. On the contrary, the more powerful the prince Fusu is, the easier it will be for them to succeed in this rebellion, and the greater their hopes will be.

"This is not a big deal, the situation in the palace is changing, I naturally need a certain degree of self-protection, and you don't need to worry too much.

Xia Chuan said solemnly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Meng Tian and the others all nodded their heads. They naturally knew that the children of the royal family looked indescribably expensive, but secretly they were also in danger. Each generation of princes who could live to adulthood was actually a minority.

The probability of premature death of each generation of princes is too great, and it is natural for the prince Fusu to hide something.


At this moment, a soldier rushed in from outside with a panicked expression: "I tell your Highness that the imperial court has dispatched a million troops to Shangjun, and it is estimated that they will kill them within tomorrow. Please make a decision for your Highness."

"how so?"

Hearing this, the general's face changed greatly: "We just wanted to make it, but the news should not have been leaked, how did the court know about this?

He was incredulous and didn't know how the matter leaked out. 0

After all, Shangjun is more than tens of thousands of kilometers away from Xianyang. Even if someone really gets the news and wants to pass the news from Shangjun back to Xianyang, I don't know how long it will take.

But now, the imperial court has known about this for a long time, and they have dispatched a large army to destroy their rebellion. The speed is even faster than their rebellion.

"It is estimated that it is the power of Tianshifu."

General Meng Tian said solemnly: "It is said that the Tianshi Mansion is responsible for monitoring the world and monitoring the luck of the world, and once it is found that there is a change in the luck of the world, it will immediately send a large army to suppress it.

In the past 800 years after the establishment of the Daqin Dynasty, there would be a rebellion basically every few decades, but every time the Tianshi Mansion was able to anticipate the enemy's opportunities and suppress the rebellion in advance, the rebellion in various places could not be formed on a large scale.

It is estimated that the Tianshi Mansion in Xianyang has already noticed the changes in Shangjun's luck. Even if they did not place any spies in the army, they would know what we did. ""

As a general of the Great Qin Dynasty, he naturally knew the horror level of the Tianshi Mansion.

To a certain extent, the Tianshi Mansion was a tool used by the Qin Dynasty to monitor and stabilize the world.

Anyone who wants to rebel or hide from the Tianshi Mansion is basically impossible in 1.6.

"The power of the Tianshi Mansion is actually terrifying to such an extent?

Many generals were shocked. They did not expect that the power of immortal cultivators was so terrifying. It was simply not something that mortals could resist. It is no wonder that after so many years, no one could successfully rebel.

Often these rebellions will be wiped out.

"Haha, isn't this a good thing?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "If this army of millions is eliminated, then the power of the entire Qin Dynasty will be further weakened, and Xianyang will no longer have the power to resist us.

Originally, if the city were attacked, it would have caused a large number of casualties, but now it is different. It actually saves me a lot of effort, and it really helps me. Luo

He thought it was a great opportunity.

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