Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1266 The anger of the Yin-Yang Gate

Of course, this news also quickly spread to Yin Yang Gate.

After all, this time, Yinyangmen also dispatched three disciples of transforming gods to help, but now, they actually died in the chaos of the army, which immediately caused the anger of Yinyangmen.

"What the hell is going on? Why did the three disciples sent by our Yin-Yang Sect die?"

The Sect Master of Yin-Yang Sect frowned and was very dissatisfied. He was a great power in the fusion stage, and his cultivation was earth-shattering.

"Reporting to the sect master, perhaps the people from the magic sect have done it. It is said that the people of the magic sect have sent disciples to join the lineup of the prince Fusu. They want to take this opportunity to bring chaos to the world and restore the chaotic situation of the princes 800 years ago. .

An elder said in a deep voice, saying that they were concerned about the recent actions of the Demon Sect. These Demon Sect disciples, lest the world would not be in chaos, would sneak into various forces and cause chaos in the world.

It can be said that the Demon Sect is a thorn in the eyes of the major sects.

"Hmph, Demon Gate, you're just a mouse crossing the street, and you dare to come out and ask for trouble, you don't know whether to live or die.

The Sect Master of Yin Yang Sect snorted coldly.

Although he said so, he also knew the horror of the Demon Sect. These guys are extremely good at conspiracy and tricks, and their favorite thing is to set up traps in secret.

Often unknowingly, the enemy will fall into the trap of the devil's door, and at that time - he will die without knowing how to die.

"Sect Master, recently, the prince Fusu has conquered a million troops, his power has skyrocketed, and his luck has greatly increased. If this continues, I am afraid there will be hope of becoming emperor, but the emperor wants us to take action and kill them. Then Prince Fusu." An elder said.

"What a joke, although Prince Fusu has not been enthroned as an enemy for the time being, but he also has the luck of the dragon, if we take action casually, I am afraid we will encounter the backlash of luck.

An elder's face was very ugly.

They don't take the so-called Prince Fusu as one thing at all, he's just a mortal person, and a cup of loess after a hundred years is not worth mentioning at all.

The problem is that once the prince Fusu is beheaded, he will immediately encounter a backlash from luck.

Even if they are cultivators in the Void Refinement Realm, they may not be able to bear it.

They have finally cultivated to such a state, with a life span of five thousand years, but they don't want to die with a mortal for no reason.

"But if we don't stop that Prince Fusu, once he becomes emperor, then the status of our Yin-Yang Sect will be in jeopardy, and maybe the luck of the entire sect will drop sharply and suffer heavy losses.

Some elders felt that it would be a big problem not to prevent Prince Fusu from ascending the throne.

"That's right, although this emperor of the Great Qin Imperial Family is incompetent, this is just a matter between mortals, and what has it to do with us, it doesn't matter how many mortals die. 99

Another elder said solemnly: "As long as the rule of the Daqin Dynasty can be maintained, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, and this emperor is very respectful to us. It is rare to find such a good puppet, and there is no need to let others ascend the throne."

To be honest, although many mortals resented this generation of Emperor Qin, but for Yin Yangmen, such an emperor was a real good emperor who worked hard for them.

In this way, their cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

Even if there is an emperor who tries his best to govern, he may still fight against their Yin-Yang Sect and cause trouble for the Yin-Yang Sect, which will actually be detrimental to them.

"It's better to kill the prince Fusu, don't let him continue to disrupt the world, make the dynasty collapse, and then make other sects cheaper.

At this time, the sect master of Yin-Yang Sect opened his mouth and said: "In order to be safe, our Yin-Yang Sect dispatched three elders of the Void Refinement Realm.

As long as the Prince Fusu is beheaded, the so-called rebellion will naturally be self-defeating. Of course, you will also encounter the backlash of luck because of this. Don't worry, the sect will naturally not treat you badly. "

"Thank you, Sect Master. 35

Hearing this, the eyes of these elders suddenly lit up.

Although beheading the prince will encounter the backlash of luck, but after so many years, they have also found various ways to resist the backlash of luck.

However, each method requires a lot of rare elixir and treasures, which can be said to cost a lot.

But if such resources are provided by the sect, then they are naturally bound to, and may even take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

In short, as immortal cultivators, it is not impossible for them to kill the descendants of the royal family, but they must pay a certain price.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

On the other hand, the Demon Sect naturally knew the news, and at the same time they also sent the elder Zhu Yuan of the outer sect, but Zhu Yuan was captured by Prince Fusu and became a prisoner.

"No way, that kid Zhu Yuan was actually caught by Fusu and imprisoned in prison? He is a cultivator of spirit transformation, how could he be captured by mortals? 95

The Sect Master of the Demon Sect was taken aback and didn't know why such a thing happened.

"It is said that this Prince Fusu is also an immortal cultivator, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Zhu Yuan was careless for a while and was captured and made a prisoner.

Someone got this critical intelligence.

"No way, Prince Fusu is actually a cultivator? What the hell is going on? Doesn't it mean that all the descendants of the royal family with spiritual roots are not allowed to become crown princes? Why does this prince Fusu have spiritual roots, and he still has spiritual roots? Will you practice?"


Some elders were very surprised and did not know why this happened.

"There is no doubt that someone must have settled in the Daqin royal family, and used the power of the great supernatural power to cover up the secrets, so that the Yinyangmen could not detect the abnormality of the prince Fusu, and the purpose was to disrupt the dynasty.

The Demon Sect Master's eyes flickered, as if he had sensed the conspiracy.

"That is to say, a mysterious force has intervened in the Daqin royal family, and even the Yin-Yangmen can't detect it, and they did these things under their noses?!"

"Yinyangmen are just a bunch of idiots, being played like this, they haven't noticed anything tricky until now, but who is secretly helping Prince Su?"

"I don't know, the puppet door, the Shennong door, the five poison sects and other sects are very likely, and there are even some sectarians who may do such a thing.

"Interesting, I don't know the sect master, what should we do now?"

Many Demon Sect elders were talking about it.

"Haha, isn't this a good thing? The more turbid the waters are, the better. Only when the situation is chaotic and there are so many things, we can be like a duck to water. 35

The Sect Master of Demon Sect laughed: "Now, not only can we not stop Prince Fusu, but we have to help Prince Fusu, and it is best to let him hit Xianyang and start the situation of chaos in the world.

He felt that this was a great opportunity for the Demon Sect to return to the arena.

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