Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1267 The trend sweeping the world

In the blink of an eye, three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Xia Chuan led an army of one million troops from Shangjun, all the way to conquer the city, conquered 108 cities one after another, and also brought the number of troops to two million.

Of course, his method of attacking the city is also very simple, that is, he directly kills the city alone, and forcibly planted soul imprints on the city's political officials and soldiers.

In this way, they can only obey orders obediently and become servants of Xia Chuan.

But in the eyes of other people, these things are like legends, and the news seems to be crazy, and it spreads wildly in all directions and spreads all over the world.

"Exaggerated, it is too exaggerated. Since His Royal Highness took the banner of the Qingjun side, he has been invincible in all battles, conquered 108 cities in a row, and has the potential to sweep the world. It is estimated that there will be no more" Ninety-seven "for a long time, he can directly attack Xianyang City and become emperor."

Some people were emotional.

Originally, many people thought that the success rate of Prince Fusu's rebellion was not very high, and he might soon be defeated by the army of the Daqin Dynasty and executed in the street at the same time.

But now, not only did the prince Fusu not succeed in the crusade, but he counterattacked all the way. Wherever he went, many cities surrendered one after another, and he did not dare to make any resistance.

"It is said that His Royal Highness the Prince is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. He entered these cities alone, and he knew it with reason and moved his feelings. As a result, these cities felt the prince's benevolence and righteousness, so they all surrendered and bowed. 35

"It's really amazing. It is said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a three-inch incorrupt tongue, and when he speaks, it is like a goddess scattered flowers. At the same time, he has the air of a tyrant and the appearance of an emperor, so how can the officials of those cities dare to oppose His Highness. 35

"In other words, the Crown Prince alone can withstand a million lions, no wonder the Crown Prince dared to rebel in Shangjun, it is estimated that it will not be long before His Royal Highness may ascend to the throne as Emperor.

"This is also a good thing. Today, the saint is bewitched by the demon girl. He is incompetent, cruel and cruel. He is taxed and subjected to heavy corvée. Then he should be replaced by an emperor."

"Isn't it? His Highness Fusu is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, and the world knows that it is a blessing for our common people to have His Highness to be the emperor of the Daqin royal family. I hope His Highness can overthrow that tyrant as soon as possible."

Everyone was talking and sighing.

It can be said that during this period, the deeds of Prince Fusu have spread all over the world, and various legendary stories have been narrated by storytellers from all walks of life, which has added a lot of popularity.

However, some people sneered: "What three-inch tongue persuades officials and soldiers, how can those old fritters be so persuasive, I am afraid that Prince Fusu has long been resentful and colluded with each other, just wait until now , Finally something happened, so these talents all surrendered.

However, I have to admire the skill of this prince Fusu, who actually concealed the world and quietly gathered a force capable of subverting the world. This is indeed the appearance of an emperor.

He felt that he had seen through the tricks of the prince Fusu.

"Hehe, the image of a goddamn emperor is just a mortal emperor. If there is no Dao and Qi luck on his body, we immortal cultivators can simply kill him at will. A hundred years later, it will be a cup of loess, not worth mentioning."

Some cultivators were dismissive of Prince Fusu.

'Don't look at this prince Fusu looking like he is in the prime of life, but this is already a sign of dying. It is said that the Yinyangmen sent three illusory elders to attack this time, just to kill this scorpion. It is estimated that it will not take long. This Fusu's power will vanish into thin air. Someone sneered and told an amazing secret.

"No way, it's true or false, Yin Yangmen actually want to personally take action to kill the prince Fusu, don't they worry about the backlash from luck?"

"Hehe, top sects like Yin Yangmen are afraid of backlash from luck, they have some means to resist backlash, but it's just how much they want to pay.

There is no doubt that the rise of the prince Fusu has touched the foundation of the Yin-Yang Clan's interests, so the Yin-Yang Clan wants to kill and then quickly, this Prince Fusu is dead. 35

"However, where do you know such secret information? Generally speaking, it is impossible for us to know the news of the power of the Void Refinement Realm.

"Stupid, this is naturally the news released by Yinyangmen, the purpose is to kill chickens and monkeys, and warn other sects. If you dare to help the prince Fusu, you will be the enemy of Yinyangmen.

"So that's the case, it seems that this is a conspiracy of Yin Yangmen. We deliberately released this news, just to see which sect force is helping the prince Fusu.0"

"I'll just say, this world is the world of immortals after all, the so-called mortals are nothing but chess pieces, and it's not worth mentioning at all, the so-called mortal emperors can change if they want to change, how can it affect the general trend of the world.

"It is estimated that this prince Fusu is also the spokesperson of a certain immortal sect, a pawn of a certain force, a puppet pushed to the surface, and I don't know who the force behind Fusu is.

"Some people say that it is very likely to be the Demon Sect. After all, the Demon Sect likes to disrupt the world and likes war. No matter how you look at it, it is the Demon Sect's handwriting. 35

Many cultivators were talking about it.

Undoubtedly, with the passage of time, this incident has increasingly affected the situation of the entire world, and even the situation of immortal cultivators has been pulled up, affecting every immortal cultivator.

At this moment, the three old men silently approached a certain city. This is the place where Prince Fusu was temporarily stationed, and where the army of millions is located.

And these three old men are the elders of the Void Refinement Realm of Yin and Yang Gate. Their cultivation base is earth-shattering. They restrained their aura and finally approached the place where the prince Fusu was.

"Finally found the location of this guy. In the past three months, this kid has made a lot of noise. If it continues like this, maybe he will really be enthroned as emperor."

An illusory elder Jie Jie said with a smile.

"It is indeed extraordinary luck 1.6, and there seems to be a sign of turning a dragon into a dragon. Unfortunately, starting from today, this kid's lifespan will come to an end. After all, the sect master has given us three great benefits, and we cannot afford to lose it. 99

Another Lianxu elder was murderous.

"Be careful of the ambush of other sect monks, but don't overturn the ship in the sewer."

The remaining Lianxu elders reminded.

"Don't worry, how many years have you lived, don't you know this?

"I checked just now, and there are not many monks nearby, this time our actions must be foolproof.

"According to the breath, that Prince Fusu is resting in the city lord's mansion, first go to kill him, and then go back to rest, there is no need to continue wasting time.

The three elders of Lianxu talked a lot, and felt that beheading Prince Fusu was a matter of hand.

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