Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1268 Shoot the Elder Lianxu to death, the invincible Prince Fusu


In an instant, the three elders of the Void Refinement Realm flashed, and they came to the city's city lord's mansion at once, planning to kill Prince Fusu with one blow.


When their figures arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, their pupils shrank, and they saw that Prince Fusu was sitting on the throne, condescendingly, as if he had long been waiting for their visit.

What shocked them even more was that there seemed to be seven or eight powerful monks lying on the ground.

"Wait, isn't this the Puppet Sect's Wenbo Elder? How did he appear here?"

"Just kidding, this seems to be Elder Hong Tao of the Demon Sect. It is said that he is also a cultivator of the Void Realm. He is proficient in earth-shattering magical arts, and his whereabouts are strange. 99

"Five Poison Sect, the elders of Shennongmen are also here, don't they want to come here to ambush us?"

"No, didn't you see them all on the ground? I'm afraid they've all been captured."

The three yin and yang gate elders were dumbfounded, and when they saw the eight monks lying on the ground, they were all well-known elders of the five sects.

It can be said that the cultivation of these monks is no less than the three of them, and even stronger.

But now, these elders are all lying on the ground, unconscious, what happened?

Vaguely, they felt a lot of bad things. On the surface, it looked like an ordinary city lord's mansion, but now it has suddenly turned into a dragon pond and a tiger's den.

"You are the famous three elders of Yinfeng in Yinyangmen."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly and looked at the three elders of the Void Refinement Realm lightly: "To be honest, I have been waiting for you to come since your Yin-Yangmen released the news, I didn't expect to wait so long to come, really Made me wait a long time.

But it was not in vain that I waited for you for so long. I didn't expect that not only people from Yin and Yang Sect would come, but also people from the other four sects. "

"What exactly do you want to do?"

The bald elder stared at Xia Chuan: "Do you know what you are doing? You have offended not only our Yin-Yang Sect, but also the other four immortal sects. Once you offend the five immortal sects, I am afraid that There is no hiding place for you in heaven and earth, and no one can keep you.

He looked at Xia Chuan sternly, but he instinctively realized that the prince Fusu in the legend was not simple, and he was not a mortal in the legend at all.

You must know that he is a cultivator of the Void Refinement Realm, with a life span of five thousand years, and his cultivation base is earth-shattering.

This is simply not normal.

"Haha, the Five Immortal Sects? It's the Five Great Demon Sects, right? Your five Demon Sects are all worms in this world, absorbing nutrients from the world, but not giving anything back to this world. You are outdated, you know?

Xia Chuan looked at the bald elder lightly.

"Damn, how dare you say that our Five Immortal Sects are moths? Could it be that your purpose is not only to become an emperor, but also to deal with our Five Immortal Sects?"

The pupils of a white-haired elder shrank. He looked at the Prince Fusu in shock. To be honest, he never thought that the ambition of the Prince Fusu in front of him was so great. He not only wanted to replace Emperor Qin, but also wanted to replace the five Daxianmen was completely banned.

This is something that has never happened in the past countless years.

"That's right."

Xia Chuan doesn't bother to hide anything. He has always acted in such an upright manner: "The five major demons are illegal organizations, and they have done a lot of evil in the Daqin Dynasty. Naturally, they need to be judged. After I become emperor, you will have one of the five demons. One, don't even try to run, all of them go to the gallows.

"You bastard, you're just a mere mortal, and you dare to speak out like this, and you want to judge our immortals. It's just wishful thinking. You have no idea how terrifying the power of our five immortal sects. You think that with your strength, you can shake us. The rule of the five immortal gates? It's a joke.

The bald elder laughed suddenly, very loudly.

He almost laughed until tears were about to come out. After countless years in this world, I don't know how many mortals wanted to resist the rule of the Five Immortal Sects, but they all turned into dead bones, without exception.

In the face of absolute power, the so-called mortals are just a joke, not worth mentioning at all.

"Noisy, who gave you the right to bark in front of me.

Xia Chuan squinted and grabbed with a big hand.


The bald elder's eyes showed a look of horror. He felt a terrifying void force crushed down, blocking the time and space in all directions, making him unable to move a step at all.

In the next second, his body exploded with a bang, as if his entire body was crushed by some inexplicable force, and he instantly turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared into this world.

For Xia Chuan, who has long been perfect in refining the virtual world, pinching a monk in the virtual world at random is like pinching an ant to death.

In fact, let alone a cultivator, even a cultivator in the integration state was like an ant in his eyes.

Even a monk in the Mahayana realm could not resist his sword.

Even if there is no further breakthrough in his cultivation, the cultivation of the Void Refinement Realm alone can traverse this realm.


The two Void Refining Elders next to him were stunned, panicked to the extreme. What kind of terrifying power was this? Just a single grab would kill a Void Refining Cultivator.

It's as simple as pinching an ant to death.

They never imagined that such a terrifying existence still exists in the world, even if 097 is their yin and yang sect master, a great power in the fusion stage, and does not have such terrifying combat power.

"You're not the Prince of Fusu, you can't be Fusu at all. If you were Fusu, how could you have such a level of terrifying combat power?"

The hairs of the two Void Refining Realm elders stood up, and they now know why the elders of the other four immortal sects fell to the ground and fell unconscious. It turned out that they were all captured by the prince Fusu himself.

This Prince Fusu crushed a cultivator to death as easy as crushing an ant, so catching some elders would be a piece of cake.

"I am Fusu, who is Fusu?"

Xia Chuan looked at the two elders indifferently: "Don't worry, you are not alone, I will send the entire Yin-Yang Gate down and die with you."

"Run! 35

The two elders of Lianxu were suddenly scared to pee, how dare they assassinate the prince Fusu, and now they are lucky to survive.

In an instant, they want to run out of this place, the farther the better, this place is a trap.


Unfortunately, before they could take a step, Xia Chuan raised her hand and slapped it.


In the next second, the two illusory refining elders were slapped to death by a palm, their bodies turned into powder, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

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