Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1278 Immortal Puppet Technique, Immortal Puppet

A few days later, Xianyang City of the Daqin Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, according to frontier news, there is a change in the demon army, and it is estimated that it will soon reach our human territory. 35

Meng Tian and other generals also came to the palace with a very solemn expression.

Although the territory of the human race is occasionally eroded by monsters, it is only a small scale, with a large army guarding it, all problems are not big.

However, it is completely different when the army of the demon clan comes out in full force, which will definitely bring unimaginable disaster to the entire human race territory.

It has been a hundred years since the last time the monster army attacked.

But they didn't expect that this time the demon army would make a comeback again, and they chose this time.

There is no doubt that this time must be an unprecedented crisis for the Qin Dynasty.

After all, there were five major sects that resisted the attack of the demon clan before. Now, the five major sects have been wiped out by the Qin Emperor Fusu. Except for them, there is no cultivator who can come forward to resist the army of the demon clan.

"Monster clan? You actually chose to take action at this time. It seems that our Qin Dynasty was underestimated by them.

Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows in disapproval.

To tell the truth, the mere army of demon clans is nothing more than he has long ignored.

What's more, in the past few days, he studied all the materials of the five major sects, and finally created the five immortal arts, the great yin and yang technique, the great puppet technique, the great poison technique, the great harvesting technique, the big heart magic and so on.

Every immortal art is extremely powerful, and it can be called the top in the world.

No matter it is invincible in the fairy world, but at least in the spiritual world, it must be invincible.

"Your Majesty, this time the demon clan is aggressive. It is said that the leader of the demon clan, Jiuyou Baihu, will also take action in person. I am afraid that the visitor is not good. What should we do?"

Meng Tian said worriedly.

Although the five major sects are indeed incomparably hateful, killing people like numbness and fleshing out the common people, but to a certain extent, they also resisted the invasion of the demon clan and maintained the peace of the human race.

After losing the five major sects, now the entire human race territory has no power to protect, and there are sieves everywhere.

"It's just a little thing. Years

Xia Chuan waved his hand.


In an instant, silhouettes appeared on the ground, each of them exuding a powerful breath, and they looked like puppets, losing all their sanity.


"What's the matter? Isn't this the head of the five major sects, and is there an elder?"

"Didn't they say they were killed by His Majesty? How could they appear in this place?"

"Wait, take a closer look, these monks are actually dead long ago, and there is no breath of life on their bodies."

Meng Tian and the others shrank their pupils, and when they saw these figures, they couldn't help being startled, because these figures were all cultivators of the five major sects.

The figures present were densely packed, tens of thousands, which was extremely astonishing, as if the cultivators of the five major sects had been resurrected at this moment, which was extremely inconceivable.

"They are all puppets, with only basic sanity left.

Xia Chuan explained: "I used the power of the Great Puppet Art to refine their corpses into puppets one by one. Now they are not just as simple as having the power before death. After being tempered by the magic, they have After the body of immortality, even if it is broken into pieces, it can continue to regenerate, but it is an immortal puppet.

There are a total of 18 puppets in the Fusion Realm, 138 puppets in the Refinement Realm, and 35,673 puppets in the God Realm.

Now I will assign these puppets to you. I believe that with them by your side, it is not difficult to deal with the army of monsters.


Hearing this, Meng Tian and the others' eyes suddenly lit up, and they looked at each other, feeling very excited.

"That's great, as expected of His Majesty, he really has great powers.

"I originally thought that after the collapse of the five major sects, there would be no more monks in the entire human race to protect us. I didn't expect His Majesty to directly refine these people into puppets."9

"Is this His Majesty's method? This big puppet technique is simply earth-shattering, as if the world has been created, that is to say, no matter how many monks we kill, if they are refined by His Majesty's methods, these monks can be revived, and they can be revived. Become a puppet in our hands and fight for us."

"Wait, if that's the case, then after we kill those monsters, wouldn't Your Majesty be able to refine those monsters into puppets? Fight for us?

Many Great Qin generals talked a lot, and they immediately thought of the horror of the Great Puppet Technique.

After all, as long as you kill the enemy, you can refine the enemy into immortal puppets and fight for yourself, which means that their forces are constantly increasing, but the enemy is constantly weakening.

More importantly, even if the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty died, they could be refined into puppets, transformed into immortal soldiers, and resurrected in this world.

In other words, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty will only increase and never decrease.

"Yes, you are right, this is the power of the Great Puppet Technique.

Xia Chuan nodded: "It's just a mere monster clan, it's not worth mentioning at all, they want to constantly consume the living strength of our human clan? It's just a joke.

As soon as the Great Puppet Technique comes out, no matter how many monsters die, they will become as many monsters and puppets, and they will become the troops of our Great Qin Dynasty. When they grow and disappear, the Monster Race will definitely be destroyed by our Human Race.

So after you kill those 097 monsters, don't burn and destroy the corpses, bring them all back, and in the future they will become our soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. ""

This is the horror of the great puppet technique that has become an immortal technique. It can refine life into puppets, and has an immortal body.

As long as the core of the puppet is not destroyed, they can automatically restore the body by devouring the vitality of the world.

It is conceivable that the terrifying aspect of this immortal art definitely surpasses all the secret spells of the puppet door.

Even an immortal might not be able to do this. Only a Celestial Venerable like Xia Chuan, under a high house, can create a terrifying magic technique that surpasses the level of ordinary immortals with the cultivation of the body.

"Your Majesty Wansheng, my human race is forever prosperous.

When Meng Tian and the others heard these words, they were all excited, and even burst into tears.

To know that the human race is facing the threat of the monster race, I don't know how many years it has been. Basically, a large number of humans are eaten by monsters every year, and the monsters have also become the confidants of the human race.

Even the five major sects of the past could not solve the demon clan.

But now, the emergence of the Great Puppet Technique has given them hope to resolve the threat of the demon clan.

Before, they were still worried about the invasion of the demon clan, but now they are worried that the demon clan will not come.

They want to take this opportunity to completely solve the threat of the demon clan.

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