Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1279 The defeat of the demon clan

a few days later.

The demon army and the human army collided in the frontier of the Daqin Dynasty.

In this battle, the monster army suffered heavy casualties. They were attacked and killed by the puppets of the human race, and a large number of monsters died.

After all, these puppets are immortal. As long as the core is not damaged, they can be repaired continuously. Basically, one puppet of the same rank can hang ten monsters of the same rank.

Even if you fight head-to-head with the opponent and exchange injuries for injuries, it is a puppet profit.

This also caused the army of the demon clan to retreat, and it was not an opponent of the Qin Dynasty at all.

"How is that possible? What the hell is going on? Didn't the five sects of the Qin Dynasty have been wiped out, and there aren't many human cultivators anymore? 95

There is a demon king who can't believe it.

It originally thought that after the demise of the five major sects of the Qin Dynasty, there would be no human race monks participating in the war, and they could also slaughter ordinary humans with confidence.

It is a pity that when the two armies collided, it was shocked to find that there was a terrifying deity transformation, a monk at the level of refinement in the human race.

There is even a fit-for-purpose powerhouse.

At the same time, these human monks are not afraid of death, and they are not afraid to die with them, which also leads to a large number of powerful monsters being killed by the human monks.

What terrified them the most was that they thought that the human race cultivator had been killed, but they didn't expect to run out alive and unscathed the next day.

Who would have thought that even if the five major sects were eliminated, the strength of the human race would still be so terrifying.

"Being fooled, we really got fooled this time."

The demon king was very terrified: "This is the essence of the human race, even if the five major sects are eliminated, there are still countless powerful human race monks alive in secret, and we should not attack the human race territory.

It has been said for a long time that the human race is not easy to mess with, and the background is endless, otherwise, it would not have occupied this world for such a long time.

It felt that this group of belligerent demon kings did not listen to its own advice, so this kind of thing happened, resulting in heavy losses for the demon clan.

If they were hiding outside the Great Wall, it would be impossible for the human race to cause such a huge loss to the demon race.

"No, that's not the case. I learned from the human spy that this is not a spy of the human race. It's all the work of the human emperor Fusu."

The demon king gritted his teeth: "It is said that after the human emperor Fusu obtained all the secrets and techniques of the puppet door, he actually created a supreme immortal technique that has never been seen before - the great puppet technique.

As long as this immortal technique is used, the corpse can be refined into a powerful puppet, so that the opponent has the combat power of his life, and at the same time has an immortal body.

It is because of this that the monks of the five major sects killed by Human Emperor Fusu were all resurrected by Fusu and turned into puppets and became soldiers of the Daqin Dynasty.

Even the corpses of many monsters that were killed on the battlefield were pulled away by the human soldiers, the purpose was to pull them back and let the emperor help Su to refine them into puppets.

That is to say, the reason why so many undead races have been appearing continuously these days is that they are not real human beings, but only puppets refined by the human race. 35

It said its own information, indicating that those undead humans are actually puppets, and they are all the handwriting of the emperor Fusu.

"Impossible, big puppet technique? What kind of technique is this, and why is it so terrifying?"

"I don't know, if this is the case, then this immortal art is simply earth-shattering. If this immortal art exists, then our demon race can't be the opponent of the human race at all."

"What a joke, didn't the previous puppet door claim to be a puppet technique that has been studied for countless years? I haven't developed a big puppet technique for such a long time. Supreme magic?

"It can only be said that the gap between people and people is even bigger than the gap between people and ants. That human emperor Fusu is definitely the first person in ten thousand years. Whether it is cultivation and wisdom, it is earth-shattering and incredible.

"How can we do this now? With the existence of this great puppet technique, how many companions we die, how many puppets the other party will resurrect, even if their people die, they can be refined into puppets.

That is to say, the troops of the human race will never decrease, they will only fight more and more, but the soldiers of our monster race will only fight less and less, and they may become extinct in the end. "

"To be honest, we don't have to fight, we and the human race don't have to fight at all, and while the losses are not too heavy, let's run back quickly.

"Indeed, although it is a peaceful corner, it is still safe and will not be bullied by humans."

Many demon kings were talking about it.

In the face of this battle, coupled with the terrifying immortal technique of Human Sovereign Fusu, they were completely desperate.

To be honest, it is not ashamed to run away now. Anyway, even the five major sects were destroyed in the hands of the emperor Fusu, so it is a matter of course for their demon clan to fail?

For the current situation, they still tend to retain their living strength and fight again in the future.

".`Escape? I'm afraid it's too late.

The leader of the monster clan, Jiuyou Baihu, said quietly, it looked up at the sky and seemed to sense something.


As soon as these words came out, it was as if they had been reminded, and the hairs of many demon kings stood up. They looked up and did not know when a big black and white hand stretched out from the void.

It is formed by the condensed yin and yang, and it is like a huge yin and yang grinding disc, as if the deep inside contains the unfathomable mystery of the yin and yang avenue.

It seems that its very existence is the world itself, as if it constitutes the essence of the world.

Just the moment they saw this big hand, many demon kings felt hopeless, they seemed to have seen an immortal from the upper realm descend to earth, filled with terrifying aura and power.

At the beginning of chaos, yin and yang are divided into two parts.

This is another celestial technique created by Xia Chuan - the Great Yin Yang Juju.

At this moment, Xia Chuan was sitting in the middle of Xianyang City, sensing the demon kings of this group of demon clan, so he performed the Great Onmyo Technique from the air, trying to wipe out this group of demon kings in one go.

"It was the Emperor Fu Su who took the shot."

The leader of the monster clan, Jiuyou Baihu, squeezed his fist.

"What a joke, I underestimate our human race. Without the real body, I actually want to kill us with a single blow from the air. It's really impossible to think that we are a mess."

A fit body monster was furious and felt that he was underestimated by the Emperor Fusu.

"It's just a mere emperor, I don't believe it's really possible to get us so many big monsters, but I want to see what magic is so powerful, and dare to underestimate us like this.

Many monsters in the fusion realm also felt that they were underestimated, and all of them were furious.

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