Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1280 Destroying the Jiuyou White Tiger with one palm is like a blow from a fairy!


A great monster in the fusion realm, including the leader of the monster clan, Jiuyou Baihu, they were all furious, roaring, and immediately burst out a door of life supernatural power, displaying earth-shattering formidable power.

A door of magical power erupted from them, and each of the demons' life divine ability is enough to shatter the world, and contains terrifying power, which can completely shatter mountains and rivers.

Just a fit monster can set off a huge wave in the territory of the human race, causing a huge threat, and even the original five sects did not dare to provoke it easily.

So it is conceivable to imagine the horror of these great monsters in the fusion realm.

Unfortunately, facing Xia Chuan's palm, it was of no use at all.


This palm bombarded, covering an area hundreds of thousands of miles in radius, as if the sky was collapsing, and the endless yin and yang grinding disc annihilated everything and consumed everything.

The power of the lunar yin and the power of the sun gathered together, as if interpreting chaos, obliterating everything.

No matter how struggling, how roaring, and how unwilling these demon kings are, it is useless.

Just like when a nuclear bomb is dropped, all living beings are equal.

The same is true now.


Immediately, this palm slapped the ground fiercely, instantly smashing the surrounding 100,000 mountains to the ground, razing them to the ground, and a clearly visible palm print appeared on the ground.

At the same time, this land is also filled with the energy of the sun and the energy of the yin, and it seems to be bound by the beam 097 in the territory of tens of thousands of miles, even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, it will not disappear.

As for those demon kings, at the moment of contact, their primordial spirits were wiped out by the power of yin and yang, leaving only corpses like empty shells.

This is the Great Yin Yang Technique of Immortal Art.

Even if Xia Chuan is only a cultivator in the fusion realm, even a monk who has crossed the catastrophe realm can't resist the palm of a fairy. The power of this fairy art is infinitely close to the power of a fairy. the limit of this realm.

"No way, we are the great monsters of the dignified integration realm, and we just died like this?"

"Is this human emperor Fusu really reincarnated as an immortal? How can the cultivation level be so terrifying?"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled, God is so kind to the human race, and actually let such a human race be born."

"Damn, I don't accept it, I don't accept it.

Before dying, many great monsters in the fusion realm roared endlessly, containing emotions such as unwillingness, resentment, regret, grief and anger, but unfortunately this was of no use.

On the second day, the emperor helped Su sit upright in Xianyang City, and slapped the demon king Jiuyou White Tiger to death with a palm in the air, and the news of many demon kings spread all over the land of Kyushu like a hurricane.

Even at the end of the world, some people began to know the news of the Emperor Fusu.

The remnants of the five major sects hidden in the Daqin Dynasty, and the monks from the sidelines even heard the news.

Even if they raised the power of Emperor Fusu of the Qin Dynasty again and again, they did not expect that Emperor Fusu would solve the threat of the demon army in this way.

From ancient times to the present, the human race has not had such a great victory, this is simply an overwhelming victory.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

At this moment, Meng Tian led the army to the place where Jiuyou Baihu and other demon kings fell. They looked at it from a distance, and the place was shrouded in endless black and white fog.

"General Meng, we can't go in casually, otherwise, we will definitely be wiped out by the power of the yin and the sun here." A general said immediately, "Yesterday, His Majesty slapped here, not only destroying the entire demon The clan army is so simple, and at the same time, the geographical environment here has been permanently changed.

Before, I saw an animal accidentally run into this area, but it was wiped out by the power of the sun and the sun in the next second and turned into dust. "

"As expected of His Majesty, it really is the heaven of Xiuweitong (baby), it is said that His Majesty is in Xianyang City at the moment. It was simply earth-shattering.”

"Isn't it? I think that even the immortals in the legends are nothing more than that, and I don't know how far His Majesty's cultivation has reached."

"Fortunately, His Majesty is the emperor of our Daqin Dynasty. If it is the emperor of the demon clan, then our human race will be completely finished, and it is really God bless the human race.

"To be honest, I originally thought that this war would take a long time, at least ten years, maybe even decades, with countless casualties.

But who could have imagined that, after we found out the headquarters of the demon army, His Majesty personally took action and slapped these demon kings to death and ended the war.

"There is no doubt that the so-called demon clan will no longer be able to be the opponents of our human clan from now on, and the demon clan has no hope of defeating our human clan. 33

"It is said that the power of this palm is an immortal art created by His Majesty based on the secret book of Yin-Yang Sect.

"As expected of an immortal art, it is indeed extraordinary. Those cultivators of Yin-Yang Sect are also idiots. After studying for so many years, they could not create an immortal art, but how long did it take Your Majesty to learn to create a supreme immortal? The power of this technique is estimated to be able to fight with immortals.

"This can't be compared like this. Your Majesty is a genius that has never been seen in ages. The monks of the five major sects are all mediocre. How can you compare with Your Majesty? Isn't this insulting Your Majesty?"

Numerous soldiers and soldiers talked a lot, and all of them felt unparalleled admiration for Human Sovereign Fusu. They felt that Human Sovereign Fusu at this moment could be regarded as an immortal in the world.

If it is not an immortal, how could it have such an earth-shattering cultivation and power?!

"Wait, if we can't enter this place, then how can we bring out the corpse of the demon king? These demon king corpses are all protection, and can become the guardian puppets of our Daqin Dynasty in the future?

Meng Tian frowned and was in trouble.

After all, every corpse of a demon king is a treasure now, and all of them can be made into powerful puppets using the Great Puppet Technique, which can continuously enhance the strength and heritage of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, he was naturally unwilling to give up these demon king corpses.

"This is quite simple. Although ordinary people cannot enter this Jedi, they can use puppets to enter. It is estimated that the puppets in the refining world can withstand the power of the sun and the yin inside, and will not be wiped out by these two forces.

The monk thought for a while and came up with a solution.

"Yes, this method is good."

Hearing this, Meng Tian couldn't help nodding his head. After all, there are still many puppets in the army, and there are many puppets in the Void Refinement Realm. They were dispatched to collect the corpses of monsters inside.

Although the Great Qin Dynasty has a great business, it will not waste everything.

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