Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1341 In the special world of the Song Dynasty, the number of cultivators is rare

It didn't take long for the remaining demons to immediately know what happened in the capital.

Even though Xia Chuan's movements are very fast, the demons and the demons are connected to each other. Once they lose contact, they will know each other immediately.

Even if they lose a demon, they will immediately be vigilant.

"What's going on? Why have all the demons left behind in the capital disappeared?~"

"Yes, they are not dead, they have not returned to the demon world, they are undoubtedly sealed by people.

"The person who shot is very familiar with our demons, so he did not kill our demons, but chose to seal our demons, which is extremely cruel."

"Damn, it must be the reincarnated people who have been reincarnated this time. We originally thought that we could wipe out this group of reincarnators, but who would have thought that there would be hard stubble among this group of reincarnators.

Many demons were talking about it, and their faces were very ugly.

Originally, they thought that as long as they made their own shots, they would be able to wipe out all the reincarnated people this time, and wipe them out completely.

But who could have imagined that Cheng Yaojin suddenly shot out and captured all the demons in the capital, like killing a chicken, and sealed up all the demons.

This also led to their heavy losses.

"What's the matter now? Do you want to go to the capital immediately and save these companions?"

A demon asked.

"Stupid, now we don't know what's going on in the capital. Who knows if there are any traps waiting for us to pass."

"That's right, maybe that reincarnator just wants to wait for us to pass, and then wipe out our demons in one net, you are going now, aren't you seeking your own death?

"It's true, the enemy this time is beyond imagination and is very familiar with our demons, but we are not familiar with this guy, and it is easy to fall into the opponent's hands.

"If that's the case, then we can only endure it for a while now?

"Yes, it can only be hidden temporarily, it is not suitable for confronting the enemy head-on. After we understand the true face of this reincarnator, it will not be too late to deal with this guy.

"Yes, hide it first, what we have is time and this reincarnation.

"It's just a mere samsara. To actually dare to compete with our demons, it's just asking for a dead end. After we know your true face, then it will be your death."

Many Heavenly Demons gritted their teeth, and it was the first time they encountered such a loss, and they were all furious.

But they are not fools, and naturally they will not foolishly rush into the enemy's trap.

In short, because of this incident, the demons in this world temporarily subsided and lurked.

a few days later.

The palace of the capital of the Song Dynasty.

After a few days of understanding, Xia Chuan also completely understood the situation of the Song Dynasty.

For example, the Prime Minister Cai Jing, the Taiwei Gao Qiu, the internal chief Yang Jian, and the general Tong Guan, etc., these four traitorous ministers have the power to control the whole court situation.

It is precisely because of what they have done that the situation in the world has been corrupted, with beacons everywhere, starving and dying everywhere, and uprising armies have emerged one after another.

Of course, the more important thing is that there are demons in the dark, and even the four major traitors have become creatures possessed by demons.

However, because Xia Chuan took action and captured these demons, they were not controlled by the demons for the time being.

But the only good news is that these four traitors are also loyal to the emperor.

To a certain extent, the reason why traitors can become traitors is because they are good at flattering and knowing the emperor's mind, and their power depends on the emperor.

They and the emperor are a prosperous existence, a loss and a loss.

If he was not loyal to the emperor, he would have been divided by five horses long ago.

"Wait, if this is the case, where are the practitioners in this world, and if there are no immortal practitioners, how can this world resist the attack of the demons? 35

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Although this world is used by the demons as bait, constantly attracting reincarnations, but to a certain extent, this world has indeed resisted the demons for a long time.

Otherwise, the reincarnation space will not send reincarnators.

The problem was, after he searched Zhao Ji's memory, he found that there seemed to be no powerful sects in this world, and even immortal cultivators were extremely rare.

This is actually an impossible thing for a world in the spiritual world.

Moreover, the concentration of spiritual energy in the world of the Song Dynasty is not simple. It can definitely be regarded as the top world in the spiritual world. It is normal for a world like this level to be born.

·0 for flowers.‥.....

"No, no, although there are no traces of immortal cultivators in this world, there are no traces of those large sects, but there are many stories and legends about immortals descending to earth.""

"For example, Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, claimed to be the Great Immortal of Thunderbolt, and he was an immortal who descended from the Immortal Realm.

"There is also Song Renzong, the third emperor of the Song Dynasty, who also seems to call himself the Great Barefoot Immortal."

"In addition, there is also a very famous courtier Bao Zheng, who is also a star of Wenqu."5

"The rumored one hundred and eight heroes of the Water Margin are also one hundred and eight immortals descended from the sky. These famous figures all contain powerful extraordinary powers. 99


"That is to say, this world is not without the existence of immortal cultivators, but they are hidden and separated from mortals, so mortals do not know their traces, nor do they know whether there are immortal cultivators in this world.

"It seems that this world is very special. According to the current information, there are not a large number of immortal cultivators in this world, but there are a few elite immortal cultivators, and each immortal cultivator is extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He instinctively sensed the particularity of the Song Dynasty. There was no doubt that the world of the Song Dynasty was artificially monopolized. Most of the people in this world did not know the method of cultivation, and no one was able to embark on the path of cultivation.

Only a very small number of geniuses are qualified to obtain the method of cultivation, and then become immortal.

He felt that such a world would have enormous benefits for immortal cultivators.

Because there are very few immortal cultivators in this world, maybe only a few hundred, but they have occupied the cultivation resources of the whole world. As a result, it is conceivable that these immortal cultivators have benefited greatly.

But anyone who can embark on the road of cultivation is almost certain to become a monk in the integration state, or even in the Mahayana state.

Since the resources are extremely abundant, there is no need to fight for the resources, so these immortal cultivators will naturally not fight each other, but everyone can step into the extreme realm of cultivation.

This also led to the scarcity of practitioners in the Song Dynasty world, but each of them were high-level cultivators.

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