Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1342 Fragments of the reincarnation space, the secret of the Song world

"Interesting, if this is the case, does that mean that after the failure of the battle between the immortal cultivators and the demons in this world, a large number of demons invaded this world?"

"But in this case, where will the immortal cultivators in this world hide?"

Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he was immediately interested in immortal cultivators in this world. After all, a world with few immortal cultivators like this is extremely rare.

In other worlds, there will definitely be a large number of sects, and in order to compete with each other, these sects will inevitably recruit a large number of sect disciples and spread the method of cultivation.

It can be said that the spread of the practice method is almost inevitable.

But in this world, the method of cultivation is completely monopolized, and it is basically impossible for mortals to embark on the path of cultivation. This is a privilege that only a few people can enjoy.

"One Six Zero"

"By the way, if you talk about the person who is most familiar with this world, there is probably no one other than the demon.

Suddenly, Xia Chuan thought of this.

After all, Heavenly Demons have invaded this world for many years, and they have fought against immortal cultivators in this world for a long time, so they will definitely know the specific situation of this world.

Of course, if it is an ordinary immortal cultivator, it is almost impossible to obtain the corresponding information from the mouth of the demon.

But he is not an ordinary person. He has created the supreme magic of big heart magic. Once he performs this magic, he can gain insight into the memories and emotions of other living beings.

Heavenly Demons are also one of the beings with souls, and the same applies to Big Heart Magic.

Even big heart magic restrains these demons to some extent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't control it any longer, and began to torture the captured demons.

Another day passed.

Through the power of big heart magic, Xia Chuan finally obtained key information about the world of the Song Dynasty from the memories of these demons, and finally knew the ins and outs of the immortal cultivators in this world.

"I see."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light. Judging from the memory of the demons, he knew the history of the Song Dynasty world for countless years in the past.

In the beginning, the world of the Song Dynasty was like other worlds. A hundred flowers bloomed, and a large number of immortal sects were born. Immortal cultivators from all walks of life appeared one after another.

But later, because of a war in the ancient times, all the sects were destroyed, many immortal practitioners suffered heavy casualties, and very few ancient Qi practitioners survived.

At this time, a cultivator stepped forward and created a sect of reincarnation. He monopolized the cultivator sect of the entire Great Song world, making this world only a cultivator sect and not allowing the existence of other sects.

From then on, all the methods of cultivation in this world belong to those who reincarnate, and there will be no cultivation methods in other places.

Apart from the disciples of the Samsara Sect, no one else can become a cultivator.

At the same time, the number of disciples in the Reincarnation Sect was also fixed at three hundred and sixty-five. Unless someone died from the exhaustion of their lifespan, or someone ascended to the Immortal Realm, they were not allowed to recruit more disciples.

The reincarnation sect's sect is high above the sky, building a reincarnation hall, and at the same time arranging a Zhoutian star formation, covering the world of the Song Dynasty, responsible for monitoring the entire world.

Moreover, this Reincarnation Hall seems to have the ability to reincarnate. As a disciple of the Reincarnation Sect, you can use the power of the Reincarnation Hall to reincarnate your soul into the mortal world, reincarnating one after another.

After accumulating enough power, the soul will return to the Hall of Reincarnation, so that by accumulating the power of practice for a lifetime, you can finally attain the Dao ascension.

It is because of this that the world of the Song Dynasty often hears news of immortals descending to the mortal world. This is actually the disciples of the Temple of Samsara who entered the mortal world and started their own mortal cultivation.

It is precisely because of this special cultivation method that all the disciples of the Samsara Sect have extremely high cultivation bases, and basically there is a probability of more than 50% that they will be able to ascend to the Tao and become immortals.

No matter how bad it is, he will become a Mahayana monk, enjoy 20,000 years of life, and finally die under the catastrophe.

When the demons invaded the world of the Song Dynasty, they encountered resistance from the disciples of the Samsara Sect. At the beginning, the demons were always blocked from the world and could not come in at all.

Later, a disciple of the Samsara Sect had an inner demon, and as a result, he encountered the invasion of the demons and occupied his body. Then the defense of the entire Song Dynasty completely collapsed, and was gradually eaten away by many demons, gradually embezzled.

Up to now, the disciples of Reincarnation Sect have died in seven or eighty-eight ways, and only some defeated soldiers are left, lingering in this world, and the demons have also begun to wreak havoc in this world.

"The ability to reincarnate? Why does it sound so similar to the reincarnation space?

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

As for the ability similar to reincarnation, he has only seen it in the reincarnation space, but he did not expect to see a similar ability in the world of Song Dynasty.

"Right, we Heavenly Demons are also very curious about this matter, so we suspect that this so-called Temple of Reincarnation is probably a piece of hidden space of reincarnation, so it has such abilities. 39

A demon said.

"Unfortunately, that group of reincarnation disciples ran too fast, and they were driving the reincarnation hall to hide, otherwise, if they were caught by us, they would definitely be able to gain insight into the secret of the so-called reincarnation hall.

The other Heavenly Demon said regretfully.

"Oh, you are willing to tell me such important news, so the reincarnation space has been broken before? Don't you plan to resist? I still like your rebellious appearance at the beginning.

Xia Chuan glanced sideways.

"What kind of important news is this, but everyone knows it. In the ancient times, the great existence that controlled the reincarnation space fought with other great existences, and the result shattered the reincarnation space and scattered a lot of debris in the universe. Perhaps One of the fragments of the reincarnation space fell in this place.

"And 1.6 and you hateful human, seems to be proficient in the magic of the mind, and can perceive our memory and thinking, I am afraid that no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to stop you from obtaining information from us."

Many demons are very depressed.

They felt that they were eaten to death by this human being, and all the previous methods were useless in the face of this human being, as if the human being in front of them restrained their own group of demons.

To be honest, they don't even know where this human being came from, how could it be so terrifying.

"Interesting, it's actually a fragment of the reincarnation space? If you can get it, wouldn't you be able to understand the secrets of the reincarnation space?" Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He sensed that there were indeed unimaginable opportunities in this world.

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