Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1344 The reincarnation sect wants to run away, the immortal cultivator aloof

"Hey, what's the use of saying these, the reason why we have inner demons and are taken advantage of by outsiders is because we haven't cultivated at home, and we can't blame others."

The Sect Master of the Reincarnation Sect said quietly.

He said that even blaming the two Reincarnation Sect disciples was useless now, because the other party had already been killed together by them and turned into ashes from the very beginning.

Even blaming the two dead would be of no use in the present situation.

Of course, he also knows the flaws of the Reincarnation Sect, which can easily cause the disciples to have inner demons, a slack mentality, and even indulge in enjoyment every day.

After all, after there is no threat from the outside world, it is difficult for any immortal cultivator to continue to work hard.

"Lord Sect Master, we also know that it is useless to blame the two dead guys, but if we continue like this, we will be dead. If we are found by the demons, we will surely die."5

"To be honest, I have a hunch that maybe the place where we are has been found by the demons long ago. It's just that the other party has some special purpose and is not planning to do anything to us for the time being.

"Just kidding, don't scare us here, if that's the case, then aren't we doomed? We've already become the devil's meal?"

Many Reincarnation Sect disciples said in a panic.

Although their cultivation bases are at least monks above the integration realm, and even most of them are monks in the Mahayana realm, they have experienced too few battles.

Once they encountered setbacks, they were a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to do.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of?"

The Sect Master of the Samsara Sect showed a hint of coldness in his eyes: "If you want to survive from the hands of the extraterritorial demons, it is not impossible. There are two ways."

He held up two fingers.

"Two ways? Lord Sect Master, what is the way?"

Hearing this, the eyes of many Reincarnation Sect disciples suddenly lit up. They thought they were dead, but they didn't expect that there were actually two ways to survive.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the sect master of the reincarnation sect.

"The first way is to get the Dao to ascend, to pass through the catastrophe, and to ascend to the Immortal Realm. Once they ascend to the Immortal Realm, it is naturally impossible for those extraterrestrial demons to kill us and trouble us.

The reincarnation sect master said the first method.

"Lord Sect Master, we also know this method, but it is such a simple matter to survive the catastrophe. If we can really survive the catastrophe, we would have already ascended, and we will continue to stay here." 5

Someone said very speechlessly.

He felt that this method was bullshit, who didn't know that after attaining the Tao and becoming an immortal, they would be able to get rid of the pursuit of extraterrestrial demons. The problem was that they couldn't do it.

Don't look at their high cultivation bases, but they still don't have much confidence to survive the catastrophe.

After all, the power of the catastrophe is too terrifying, if you are not completely prepared, it is almost impossible to pass through.

If this is not the case, they will not suppress their cultivation and keep themselves in the Mahayana realm, the purpose of which is to prolong the time of transcending the calamity and find a way to survive the calamity.

If they rashly trigger the catastrophe, then they will surely die under the catastrophe and vanish into ashes.

"In this case, there is only the second method left, which is to control the Hall of Samsara, leave the Great Song World, and go to another world to live."

The Sect Master of the Reincarnation Sect said solemnly and said the second method.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Reincarnation Sect disciples who were present immediately lit up, feeling extremely excited, as if they had seen a dark way out.

In fact, they have long known that they are in the spiritual world. In addition to the Great Song World, there are still countless Great Thousand Worlds in the endless void.

It's just that before they stayed in the world of the Song Dynasty, they were able to ascend to the Tao, and there was no need to go to other worlds.

After all, there are endless dangers in the endless void. If it is not necessary, they will naturally not leave the Great Song world stupidly and go deep into the endless void.

But it's different now.

Due to the threat of extraterrestrial demons, the world of Song Dynasty is no longer a safe place, which also forced them to leave this world and go to other safe worlds.

"As expected of the sect master, he really is able to understand the past and the present, and he can even think of this method."

"If we leave the Great Song world, no matter how powerful the extraterrestrial demons are, they will not be able to kill us."

"Isn't it? This is simply the perfect strategy. With our strength, even if we go to other worlds, we can still obtain a lot of resources and ascend.

"But what will happen to those mortals after we leave the world of the Great Song Dynasty? They must have no resistance in the face of the demons, won't they be dead by then?

". `Hehe, after I die, no matter where the flood is, those mortals will die when they die, and their lives will not be as noble as ours.

"That's right, the so-called mortals are just slaves who provide us with cultivation resources, it doesn't matter how many these slaves die, we don't need to pay attention to them.

"That's right, the time we have sheltered them for so many years is completely enough, and for this reason, we have also died so many brothers, isn't it enough?"

Many reincarnation sect disciples were talking about it.

They have long been accustomed to being aloof, thinking that they are immortals in the world of the Song Dynasty, and they control the supreme existence of the world of the Song Dynasty.

As for the idea of ​​protecting the world and protecting the people, they have absolutely no idea.

They just regard ordinary people as servants who collect cultivation resources for them. Occasionally, when they are happy, they may go down to earth to reward them and enlighten some mortals.

But beyond that, they won't do much more (kingly).

After all, they and mortals were not the same species from the very beginning. They could easily survive for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, while mortals would turn into loess in a hundred years at most.

If so, how could they possibly put mortals in their hearts.

As for the death of so many Reincarnation Sect disciples in the battle against Heavenly Demons, it was only because they encountered the enemy that they had to fight back.

Simply put, they didn't want to die, so they fought against those demons to the end.

If the demons were targeting mortals and not them, I'm afraid they might not be able to take action, but they might even watch a good show in the Hall of Reincarnation.

This is the character of the disciples of the Samsara Sect. After countless reincarnations, they have long since become ruthless, almost Dao-like, selfish, and only concerned with their own interests from beginning to end.

They are the purest refined egoists.

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