Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1345 More than half of the disciples of the reincarnation sect have fallen, and they have be

"Wait, someone seems to be coming outside.

Suddenly, the Sect Master of Reincarnation Sect seemed to have noticed something, and his face immediately became serious.

"Someone came over? Could it be a demon? 39

Many of the disciples of the Samsara Sect suddenly panicked. They all changed their colors when they heard the Heavenly Demon.

"No, not demons, but humans.

The Sect Master of the Reincarnation Sect was a little puzzled. He found that a strange human was silently approaching the place of Reincarnation Hall.

"What? It turns out to be human, so don't worry about it, anyway, it's just mortals, it's impossible to find us. 99 A Samsara Sect disciple waved his hand and said indifferently.

After all, mortals find their mountain gate unintentionally, and that happens occasionally, but so what, even if they are really close to the mountain gate, with the power of mortals, it is impossible to enter the Reincarnation Hall.

This is the eternal separation of immortals.

"No, something is wrong, this human seems to have found the space node to enter the Hall of Reincarnation, and he has already begun to enter the Hall of Reincarnation." The Sect Master of the Reincarnation Sect was simply unbelievable.

He was surprised to find that after this human being came to the nearby mountain, he just glanced at it and found the space node to enter the Reincarnation Hall, and then took a big step.

With a swoosh, this strange human immediately entered the Hall of Reincarnation. It seemed that the various forbidden formations in the Hall of Reincarnation were of no use to him.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that such a ridiculous thing could exist in the world.


Immediately afterwards, a figure entered the Hall of Reincarnation and appeared directly in front of many disciples of the Reincarnation Sect. Obviously, this person was the emperor of the Song Dynasty, Xia Chuan.

After he learned the specific location of the Reincarnation Hall from the Heavenly Demon, in order to avoid too many nights and dreams, he went straight to the Reincarnation Hall without stopping.

Sure enough, the Reincarnation Hall does not know that he has been exposed, and he has not left here.

Even though the Reincarnation Hall thought that it was very secretive, it was still not worth mentioning in front of the Great Insight Technique. He was still aware of the entrance for a moment, and then he directly entered the Reincarnation Hall.

"Interesting, is this the famous Samsara Sect? It seems that I did not find the wrong place.

The figure of Xia Chuan appeared in the (babg) Reincarnation Hall.

He looked at the splendid palaces around him. The area here is extremely vast, which is comparable to the surface area of ​​a planet. It seems to be divided into different areas.

The most important thing is that this reincarnation hall is full of forbidden formations, which is extremely powerful, and its power is comparable to fairy weapons.

Vaguely, deep inside, it seems to contain bursts of reincarnation, unfathomable and profound.

Maybe this palace really hides the fragments of the reincarnation space.

"Who are you? How did you find our Samsara Sect?"

The pupils of many Samsara Sect disciples shrank and looked at the strange man in front of them in disbelief. They instinctively realized that the man in front of them was very unusual and could not be a mortal at all.

They are not idiots, if they are mortals, it is impossible to find the place where the Samsara Sect is located so easily.

Moreover, the other party was very calm, and it was obvious that he was specifically looking for the Samsara Sect.

"Oh, I am Zhao Ji, the emperor of the Song Dynasty. 35

Xia Chuan said it bluntly.


As soon as these words came out, the people present were completely stunned and stunned. What the hell is the emperor of the Song Dynasty? Isn't the so-called emperor a mortal? What qualifications do they have to find their Samsara Sect.

"This fellow Daoist, stop joking, since you can find our Samsara Sect, it proves that you are definitely not a mortal."

"That's right, what's your background? Immediately recruit from the truth."

"It is impossible for unfamiliar cultivators to appear in the world of the Song Dynasty. How did you come to the world of the Song Dynasty? Could it be that you are a cultivator from another world?

Many Samsara disciples stared at Xia Chuan, full of doubts.

To be honest, they were very suspicious of the identity of the mysterious man in front of them, and felt that the other party could not be a native of the Song Dynasty.

Because all the cultivation methods in this world are completely monopolized.

Except for the disciples of the reincarnation sect, the rest of them are unable to practice.

Even if someone is lucky enough to get the method of cultivation, and thus embark on the path of cultivation, they will be executed by the disciples of the Samsara Sect in person, and they will be killed without mercy.

It is because of this that they do not think that the guy in front of them is a monk in the world of Song Dynasty.

Moreover, they believed that the spiritual world was boundless, and naturally it was not only the Great Song world, but also occasionally encountered immortal cultivators from other worlds, which was also a normal thing.

"You don't need to understand this point, you only need to know a little bit, I have taken a fancy to this reincarnation hall, and it will be my territory in the future.

Xia Chuan said bluntly, wanting to occupy this magic weapon Reincarnation Hall.



"Where are the madmen who dared to covet the treasure of our Samsara Sect, you are simply asking for a dead end. 35

"You bastard, you really came to our reincarnation sect with bad intentions, and you dare to come to my reincarnation sect to be presumptuous.""

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Reincarnation Sect were furious and glared at Xia Chuan.

Because the Temple of Reincarnation is the treasure of their Reincarnation Sect, it can be said that all power relies on the Temple of Reincarnation. If the Temple of Reincarnation is lost, then 90% of the strength of the Reincarnation Sect will be completely lost.

How could they give up the Temple of Samsara, this is no less than wanting their lives.

The Sect Master of the Samsara Sect had a gloomy face, staring at Xia Chuan, with a powerful killing intent permeating his body. It seemed that as long as his mind moved, he would be able to launch a thunderous strike and completely kill the scorpion.

But deep down in his heart, he always had scruples, because this mysterious cultivator was arrogant and arrogant, and he definitely had a hole card. Otherwise, how could he dare to appear in front of them so blatantly.

A careless word, maybe the Samsara Sect will be completely destroyed in this place, so he has to be careful.

"Interesting, a reincarnation sect actually hides sixty-four demons, all of you here have become the lair of demons.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

With his great insight technique, he instantly understood all the secrets of the disciples of the Samsara Sect, and immediately noticed that more than half of these disciples were occupied by demons.

It's no wonder that the Samsara Sect is no longer in the eyes of the demons. It turned out that more than half of the disciples had been invaded by the demons, and they had already become turtles in the urn.

It can be said that if it wasn't for fishing, the Samsara Sect would have been destroyed long ago and would not survive to this day.


Hearing this, the disciples of the Samsara Sect present, including the hidden demons, were all shocked and looked at Xia Chuan in disbelief, especially those demons, they had no idea how they were exposed.

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