Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1346 The Emperor's Fist, This is the Fist of the Emperor

"What nonsense are you talking about, and you dare to say that we have hidden the demons. I think you are a guy whose origins are unknown. You are really invaded by the demons. You dare to talk nonsense here and disturb the heart of the army."

A disciple of the Samsara Sect yelled and glared at Xia Chuan, feeling that the strange man in front of him was clearly making trouble here, deliberately trying to bring the Samsara Sect into chaos, and his heart could be punished.

"Haha, does the little devil still want to fight back? 35

Xia Chuan squinted and grabbed with a big hand.


In an instant, the disciple of the Samsara Sect was shocked, as if he was completely imprisoned by a certain force, his body could not move, and then a huge inner demon power slapped him.

The next second, a celestial demon was shot out of his body and seemed to let out a shrill scream.


Seeing this scene, many Reincarnation Sect disciples were stunned, their hairs stood on end. They did not expect that the brothers who met day and night would be invaded by the demons and became the parasites of the demons~.

If it wasn't for this mysterious cultivator who suddenly came, they would not have known that the Samsara Sect had long since become the lair of the demons, and basically more than half of the disciples were spies.


Immediately afterwards, when Xia Chuan grabbed the void, the demon was like an eagle grabbing a chicken, and he was instantly caught in his hand, completely sealed up, unable to move.

"Damn human, how on earth did you find me?"

"Reincarnator, you must be a reincarnator who was reincarnated into this world. 35

This Heavenly Demon screamed again and again, as if he couldn't believe that he was caught by a little human like he was grabbing a chicken.

It immediately knew that the human being in front of him was not bluffing, but really discovered these hidden demons.

But when did such human monks who could perceive their true bodies appear in the spiritual world?

"Let it go, let it go for us right now.

"Damn human cultivator, even knowing that there are so many demons here, you still dare to come here, do you think that your life is too long?

"This guy must be the samsara who destroyed many demons in the capital, and he dared to appear in front of us. He just shot and arrested this guy and tortured him severely."

In an instant, the many hidden demons no longer have any scruples. Anyway, their true body has been completely exposed, so there is nothing to say, nothing more than a decisive battle.

Anyway, many reincarnations have been caught now, and it is considered a successful strategy, so even if the reincarnation sect is completely destroyed now, it is not considered to destroy the original plan.


Seeing this scene, the rest of the Reincarnation Sect disciples were almost paralyzed with fright. Just now, they were still dubious about Xia Chuan's words, thinking how could the Reincarnation Sect have been invaded by more than half of the disciples.

But now, looking at him, the very kind-hearted brothers and sisters around him have long been invaded by demons.

The person who gets along with you day and night is actually a demon?!

As long as they thought of this, they shuddered, because if the demons had malicious intentions, they would have killed them all long ago, and they have been dancing with the god of death these days.


Xia Chuan looked at the group of demons lightly, without talking nonsense at all, and immediately shot.

Supreme Immortal Technique - Divine Fist of the Son of Heaven!

This is the human emperor boxing method that he created after being the emperor for several generations. It can mobilize the supreme human emperor's power, the power of humanity, and the power of luck.

Killing with a punch, it is like the arrival of the emperor, the emperor's power is boundless, and the corpses are buried in hundreds of millions.


In the middle of the air, terrifying golden fist marks appeared immediately, filled with endless human emperor aura, as if it was a Fang Fang emperor jade seal, containing boundless power.

The speed of such a fist mark is really too fast, and it has reached the realm of the speed of light.

When they saw the punch mark, they found that the punch had already hit them, and even if they wanted to dodge it, it was basically impossible.

Immediately, one after another fist prints bombarded these Samsara Sect disciples one after another, bursting out terrifying power, shaking the soul to tremble, as if it was the arrival of dragon power.


In an instant, many celestial demons let out shrill screams, their souls were hit hard in an instant, and without the ability to fight back, their entire bodies were shaken out of these human bodies and revealed to the outside world.

It was stopped by the power of the emperor and the power of humanity, making it impossible for them to invade the human body at all.

·0 for flowers ·......

It seems that at this moment all human beings are protected by the power of incense, and no monsters can invade.

The surrounding space burst out with endless golden rays of light, as if piercing through all darkness, smashing these demons into a thousand warehouses and hundreds of holes, and even bursts of blue smoke appeared.

It's like being corroded by sulfuric acid.

In fact, the power of incense that comes from human beings is one of the demons' nemesis power. They contain the pure faith and bright belief of human beings, and can harm the body of the demons.

"Just kidding, when did the demon actually be punched out of the body with a punch, what kind of boxing method is this, and it can restrain the power of the demon?!"

The many disciples of the Samsara Sect were stunned and couldn't believe it.

Before, they were terrified of the demons, because the body of the demons was invisible, and ordinary attacks would not be effective. Often, they fell into the tricks of the demons without knowing it.


If inner demons are born, they can even sneak into the void of the soul, making them have nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape, and eventually become the puppets of the demons, swallowing all their souls and flesh.

But now, there are actually people who can knock out a demon from a human body with one punch.

Such mighty power is simply earth-shattering.

Vaguely, they sensed that the human being in front of them seemed to be really an emperor, not an emperor in the human world, but an emperor in the immortal world who ruled countless immortals.

Even if they claim to be immortals of the Great Song world, and they are high above, but they feel the pressure of the emperor, they can't wait to crawl down immediately and pay homage.

"No, this human monk is a monster. The power in him restrains us."

"I can't continue to fight this human, run away, run away immediately.

"Damn, this human has actually mastered the power to restrain our demons, no wonder it can seal many demons in the capital.""

"Go back immediately, take this news back, and lead the army of demons to destroy this damned human being."

Many heavenly demons panicked to the extreme.

They found out that they were not the opponents of this human cultivator at all. If they continued like this, they would definitely be beaten to death by this human and return to the world of demons.

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