Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1350 Primordial spirit is immortal, flesh is immortal, body Xia Chuan's excitement

At this moment, in the depths of the origin of the Xuanhuang universe.

As the main body, Xia Chuan has been staying here, eternally suppressing this high-level Heavenly Venerate Eternal Desire, the power of six reincarnations emerged around, and the chains of reincarnation ran through the nine heavens and ten places.

This is simply the strongest cage in the universe, even if it is a high-level Tianzun, don't even think about escaping.

"Huh? The door of chance has opened? Has the clone gained so quickly? What is this?

The main body Xia Chuan blinked.

He suddenly discovered a strange item sent back by the clone Xia Chuan, as well as a huge memory, and then instantly disappeared into the depths of his consciousness.

After all, for Tianzun, thousands of years are just a flick of a finger, not even a nap, so the time spent by the clone is really too short.

For him, it was only a moment.

"So it turns out that the clone actually crossed into a universe of immortal cultivation, and it is suspected that there is the existence of Tianzun?"

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the door of chance, it was actually teleported to such a unique universe, and it also gave the clone a cosmic wonder travel cat and a fragment of a cosmic wonder.""

"Sure enough, this universe contains opportunities that are of great benefit to Tianzun. 99

The main body Xia Chuan is very satisfied.

He spent a huge price to transfer a clone to other 173 universes. This step is indeed correct, otherwise, he would not be able to find a chance to defeat the Eternal Desire.


In an instant, a huge spiritual consciousness penetrated into the fragments of this reincarnation space, and then the infinite information belonging to this reincarnation space shards submerged into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

For ordinary people, it would be a fantasy to know the mystery of it by relying on a fragment of a cosmic wonder.

But for a Supreme Heavenly Venerate, this kind of thing is many times simpler.

Under the tall building, even just a piece of debris can allow him to deduce endless knowledge.

"It turns out that this is a cosmic wonder that brings the soul to the extreme. The true spirit is immortal, and the primordial spirit is immortal. It seems to have the same effect as the power possessed by the Eternal Desire.

The main body Xia Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

To be honest, he was already the powerhouse of the Xuanhuang universe. Basically, there was nothing in this universe that he did not understand, which meant that he had already reached the end of the universe.

If you want to go further, you must learn more unknown knowledge.

Only the unknown can promote the progress of Tianzun.

Now thanks to the knowledge from the Immortal Cultivation Universe, even if this is only some elementary knowledge, it still makes him understand by analogy and brings him endless inspiration.

Coupled with the special soul power and primordial spirit power contained in the reincarnation space fragment, it has allowed him to obtain infinite gains.

"It's no wonder that the door of chance brought my clone to the universe of immortal cultivation, is it because of the reincarnation space of this cosmic wonder? If we can gain insight into the mystery of the immortality of the primordial spirit and the ultimate power of the soul together from the reincarnation space, Then perhaps the high-level Tianzun Eternal Desire is not something to be afraid of.

Ontology Xia Chuan was very excited.


In an instant, he felt that the cultivation base on his body was increasing at the speed of geometric progression, and the endless void energy around him surged, instilling it into his body of Heavenly Venerate.

His cultivation is only the first step into the realm of the first-level Heavenly Venerate, but now, due to the acquisition of a large amount of unknown knowledge, his cultivation has been greatly improved.

It is estimated that after a period of time, his cultivation will rise to the peak of the first-order Heavenly Venerate, and it is only one step away, and he may be able to truly step into the realm of the middle-order Heavenly Venerate.

In fact, the practice of Tianzun is like this.

Once there is insight, then the cultivation base will be instantly improved, but if there is no insight, then the cultivation base will not be improved, and can only be trapped in this realm forever.

It is because of this that Tianzun's practice is extremely difficult, and he needs to search for his own opportunity (babg) everywhere. If there is no opportunity, he cannot improve his cultivation.

Fortunately, he has the door of chance for the strange things in the universe, and he can find his own chance in the endless time and space, so the speed of his cultivation is not comparable to other Heavenly Venerates.

After all, if other Heavenly Venerates want to find opportunities, they can only spend a lot of time searching for unknown opportunities in endless time and space.

But for him, as long as he opens the door of chance, he can find his own chance.

The comparison between the two is really too big, it is simply immeasurable.

"Interesting, but I didn't expect that after the clone crossed into the Immortal Cultivation Universe, it would bring me such great benefits in such a short period of time. It seems that I also need to give him a certain degree of help. 39

Ontology Xia Chuan touched his chin.

But ordinary treasures are estimated to be of little use to the clone. After all, the clone already has too many treasures, even if there are one or two more treasures, it is just icing on the cake.

Therefore, knowledge is the most important and most helpful to the clone.

"Just by virtue of the perception of the reincarnation space fragment, I created two immortal arts belonging to the universe of immortal cultivation, which may be just right for the practice of avatars.

The main body Xia Chuan pointed lightly, and a ray of light instantly disappeared into the gap in the door of chance.


In an instant, Xia Chuan's body, who was originally staying in the Xiuxian universe, was shocked, and he felt a huge message like a flood, sinking into the depths of his consciousness.

Immediately in the depths of his soul, there were two more cultivation methods of supreme immortal art. One was the great reincarnation art. Imprisoned in reincarnation, eternal life can not be transcended.

The remaining immortal art is the Great Blood Soul Art. This immortal art can make human flesh and blood indestructible. Even if only one cell is left after being bombarded by the enemy, it can regenerate flesh and blood and be reborn again.

Even the more severe the injury, the greater the benefit.

This technique can withstand the enemy's attack, and then can devour all kinds of knowledge of the enemy's techniques, as well as all kinds of sword intent, sword intent, and spear intent.

It can be said that through countless battles, one can exercise a terrifying physique that has been tempered and nurture an immortal body.

Even in death, this body is immortal.

"As expected of the main body, it's really amazing, and it actually created two great immortal techniques in an instant, and it's a technique that directly points to the peak level of the universe."

The clone, Xia Chuan, was shocked. He felt the horror of these two supreme immortal arts. Primordial spirit is immortal, and flesh and blood are immortal. Once he learns these two techniques, then no one in this universe can beat him to death.

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