Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1351 The Great Reincarnation Technique and Great Blood Soul Technique, the Shock of the Eter


In an instant, the avatar Xia Chuan fell into a deep understanding. He obtained higher-level things from these two immortal arts, and it seemed that he began to understand the laws of this universe.

I have to say that the main body is still quite powerful, and it is worthy of being a Heavenly Venerate.

Although the main body has never been to the Xiuxian universe, and only got the information about the Xiuxian universe from memory, but with the power of Tianzun, he can still easily understand the system of the Xiuxian universe~.

Although the Xuanhuang universe and the Xiuxian universe are different universes, and the internal laws are also completely different, in essence, they are both evolved from the Chaos Law.

That is to say, their roots are all the same, but their manifestations are different.

After a little observation on the main body, he began to understand the cultivation system of the Immortal Cultivation Universe.

It is because of this that the existence of Heavenly Venerate, even if he travels to a different universe, can quickly become familiar with the laws of the local universe and the power of the local universe.

If it was the clone Xia Chuan, he would not be able to create such a powerful spell due to his limited knowledge.

"It turns out that the essence of the so-called Great Reincarnation Technique is to create a black gate that can hold the true spirit, just like the life gate of the lich in legends."

"As long as this true spirit is immortal, then a ray of soul power is released, and even if the soul is destroyed, it will return to this place to be reborn. This is the principle of the immortality of the primordial spirit. 99

"In this way, the primordial spirit can be reborn in different bodies and reincarnate continuously.

"That is to say, even if I don't need the help of the fragments of the reincarnation space, even me, based on the power of the great reincarnation technique, can create an inferior version of the reincarnation space, a special magic weapon for reincarnation."

"Of course, this technique can not only be used as an aid, but also a terrifying attack technique. Once it is used, it can instantly drag the enemy into endless reincarnation, making it impossible for the enemy to escape. , is unavoidable. Even the demons have to obediently enter the reincarnation and be imprisoned in the eternal reincarnation.35

The avatar Xia Chuan's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

The talent of Yi Wen Qian Wu began to play a role in him. The mysteries from the Great Reincarnation Technique of Immortal Technique were all analyzed, and then he mastered the essence of this Immortal Technique and understood the mysteries.

The more he studied, the more he felt that this immortal technique simply brought the soul together to the extreme, almost reaching the end of the universe, and was able to support himself to cultivate to the Heavenly Venerate Realm.

"This Great Blood Soul Art is not simple. If the Great Reincarnation Art is the supreme art of the soul, then the Great Blood Soul Art is undoubtedly the supreme art of the flesh type.

"It is estimated that this is an immortal technique created by the body based on the characteristics of the reincarnation space debris."

"Once you learn this technique, you can use the countless energies in the world to temper your body by swallowing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, as well as various spiritual medicines, so that your body can reach the realm of eternity and immortality."

"That is to say, if you learn this technique, even if it is only a small level, you can be reborn from a drop of blood, and even if you are beaten to a single cell, you can quickly regenerate.

'Wait, if you use this technique to create a special magic weapon and then integrate it into the human body, then even if the human being is killed, he can be reborn in another place?!

"Interesting, not only that, if you combine the power of the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Blood Soul Technique, you may be able to create an immortal army of terror, even if killed by the enemy, it can be reborn from a drop of blood somewhere. Not only the body can be regenerated, but the soul can also be regenerated.99

"Perhaps in the legend, the sea of ​​blood does not dry up and the Styx does not die. This is such a mysterious realm."

The clone Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he felt that many inspirations emerged from the depths of his consciousness. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these two immortal arts were extremely terrifying and unfathomable.

He felt that he might be able to experiment with the power of these two immortal arts in the Great Song World. After all, the Great Song World was also a battlefield to fight against demons, and it was a natural place for experimentation.

At this moment, in the Xuanhuang universe, the main body Xia Chuan has also entered a deep state of cultivation.

Due to the information transmitted from the clone, coupled with the research on the space debris of reincarnation, he has benefited a lot, and has made a big progress towards the road of Tianzun realm.

He felt that the power of Heavenly Venerate in his body was increasing at a geometric rate, and at the same time, the entire Xuanhuang universe seemed to be expanding at an astonishing speed along with his cultivation.

·0 for flowers ·......

Since he replaced the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanhuang Cosmos, he is the God of the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanhuang Cosmos. With the improvement of his cultivation, the entire Xuanhuang universe will naturally become stronger.

"what happened?"

At this time, the suppressed high-level Heavenly Venerate Eternal Desire suddenly woke up, it opened its eyes, and terrifying evil thoughts swept the entire Xuanhuang universe.

It sensed the change of breath on Xia Chuan's body at this moment, and his face was uncertain.

"Damn, how can this guy's cultivation level improve so quickly? How many years have passed, and he is about to be promoted to a middle-level Heavenly Venerate, what the hell are you kidding?

The Eternal Desire was shocked.

You must know that when it wanted to be promoted from the first-level Tianzun to the middle-level Tianzun, it didn't know how many billion years it took, and how many opportunities it took.

This is how he succeeded in becoming a middle-level Tianzun.

But now, this kid has clearly not left the Xuanhuang universe, and his body is still suppressing himself, but his cultivation has improved at an astonishing speed.

This speed of improvement is simply appalling and unimaginable.

To be honest, if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that a rookie Tianzun could improve his cultivation so quickly, which is really incredible.

"It's probably this kid's talent. Even if he stays at home, he can quickly improve his cultivation. It's really an amazing talent. If he didn't meet me, it might take hundreds of millions of years. , can really become a high-level Heavenly Venerate, or even a stronger existence.

"Unfortunately, this kid is completely unlucky, and he has met this seat before he has become a Heavenly Venerate. This is his catastrophe.

"However, even if you become a middle-level Tianzun, there is still a huge gap with high-level Tianzun. It is impossible to compete with this seat just by virtue of such power."

"But even so, I can't let this kid continue to cultivate so smoothly, he has to make trouble for this guy, it seems that he has to release more power to erode this universe.

The face of the Eternal Desire is very gloomy, and it has decided to increase its strength and speed to erode this universe as soon as possible, so that this universe can be completely dyed with its own color.

But it can be said that the confrontation between the two sides is destined to last for a long time.

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