Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1356 Immortal soldiers, the terror of the Song Dynasty

"Wait, if that's the case, this plan would have been leaked to the demons long ago."

Suddenly, a reincarnator suddenly thought of something, and his face changed: "After all, everyone knows the horror of demons, they can enter the gaps in people's hearts, silently and without a trace.

Even those of us who are in the Mahayana realm and the tribulation realm can hardly resist the invasion of the demons, let alone those low-level immortal cultivators, it is impossible to resist. 35

"Yes, once the demons invade, then the memories of these low-level immortal cultivators will probably be understood by the demons? Isn't the overall plan of Fellow Daoist Xia completely exposed?"

Another reincarnation also changed his face, thinking of the seriousness of this matter.

After all, the success of this plan also has a great relationship with them.

In any case, this is a faction mission. If Xia Chuan can succeed, then they can also get their hands on it, so that their mission can be successfully completed.

If it fails, everyone will be unhappy.

So no matter what, they hope that Xia Chuan's plan will succeed and not be destroyed by the demons~.

"Haha, how could Daoyou Xia never imagine this."

Hearing this, Zhou Feng said faintly: "This is the horror of Daoyou Xia. It can be said that it is a no-brainer. So far, those demons have not been able to obtain any intelligence from those low-level cultivators."9

"Impossible, how did this happen?"

"Yes, does Fellow Daoist Xia have any means to help those low-level immortal cultivators resist the demons?"

"This kind of thing is impossible. Even if there are real treasures that can defend against the demons, they can only shelter one or two. It is impossible to shelter so many immortal cultivators."

Many reincarnations were shocked, and they didn't know how this was done. So far, they didn't know any means to resist the soul-searching technique of the demons.

"It's simple."

Zhou Feng said solemnly: "Because every immortal cultivator of the Song Dynasty is immortal, they will not be afraid of demons at all, even if they encounter demons, they will fight to the end without fear of death.

Even if the power of the demons touches the restriction of the soul and tries to know their soul memories, they will immediately explode and die, and will not give the demons any chance. "

"Nima, Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are really getting more and more outrageous, an existence that doesn't die? Even our Tribulation Transcendence cultivator, no, even an immortal, wouldn't dare to say that he is an immortal existence, a mere low-level immortal cultivator. How could someone possibly do this. =

These reincarnations looked at Zhou Feng as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"No, I'm not kidding, it's true.

Zhou Feng looked at the crowd with a very serious expression: "This is the real horror of Daoyou Xia, and it is also the real background of the Song Dynasty, that is, the famous undead soldiers of the Song Dynasty."5

Undead Soldier?!

As soon as these words came out, many reincarnations shook their bodies, looked at each other, and they all saw the shocked expressions of each other.

At this moment, Zhou Feng continued: "I know you don't believe it, and I did the same at the beginning, but it wasn't until I saw a Dao soldier of the Song Dynasty who was killed by a demon.

The next day, I actually walked out of the palace again, looking as if nothing had happened. I was convinced that the undead warriors really existed.

"That is to say, those undead soldiers have the same ability as the demons, can they die and be reborn?"

Someone couldn't help but swallow a saliva.

They have only heard that the demons have similar abilities, but they have never heard of any race in the world with similar abilities.

If there really was such a racial life, it would have been famous all over the world, and it would not have been unknown until now.

"That's right. 35

Zhou Feng nodded: "The undead soldiers of the Song Dynasty do have abilities similar to those of demons, they have the power to regenerate after death, and no matter how many times they are killed, they can be resurrected again.

It is said that the appearance of the undead warriors is because of fellow Xia Daoist. Before, he captured a large number of demons just to study the secrets of the demons. As a result, he understood the mystery of the immortality of the demons, and this mystery was also used by him on the undead warriors. . "

"No, it's a joke."

"That is to say, this guy was not joking before, but was really just a rookie, he had never seen a demon before, and this is the first time he has encountered a demon?!

"Exaggeration, it's too exaggerated. It's incredible that you can study the secret of the immortality of the demon just by meeting the demon for the first time. Is this guy a monster? 35

·0 for flowers......

"Isn't it? There are many immortals in the immortal world who are madly studying the demons, but so far there is nothing they can do. They don't know where the secret of the immortality of the demons comes from.""

"This guy is a monster, absolutely a real monster, even if it is compared to a demon, it is nothing. 35

When many reincarnations heard these words, they simply couldn't believe it.

It was only the first time I saw the demons, the first time I studied the demons, and I actually knew the secret of the immortality of the demons, and even used this power on humans.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they all thought it was too much.

But such a nonsense thing actually happened in front of them, it was incredible.

"How did this undead soldier do it?

Those who are reincarnated are heartbroken. If they can also master the secret of immortality, wouldn't they also be able to become an immortal existence?!

After all, who in this world doesn't want to live forever.

"Not sure.

Zhou Feng shook his head: "I also wanted to inquire about the refining process of this undead Taoist soldier, but unfortunately, such a secret cannot be leaked out, and I have no way of knowing it.

But what can be known is that their primordial spirit is immortal, and their flesh and blood can be reborn. Even if they are killed by the enemy, they can be reborn somewhere and return to their original state.

Of course, death is not without a price, that is, the previous cultivation will be swept away and need to be re-cultivated, but due to the previous cultivation experience, the speed of restoring the original cultivation will be much faster.

In addition, there is another disadvantage, that is, their lifespan is actually similar to that of our immortal cultivators. If their lifespan is exhausted, they cannot be resurrected.

"This shortcoming is a piece of shit. With this kind of undead ability, won't it become a great power sooner or later?"

Many reincarnations were shocked.

You must know that there are many geniuses in the world, but not every genius can grow to the limit. They always die early due to various accidents.

But now, the Song Dynasty actually mastered this kind of immortality and immortality, doesn't that mean that as long as it has enough talent? Then it will never die on the road of growth?

In this case, wouldn't the power of the Song Dynasty be extremely terrifying in the future?! Enter.

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