Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1357 The genius of the human race, the huge threat of the demon family

"What is the origin of this fellow Xia Daoist? Not only did he refine the Heavenly Demon Pill, but he also created the Immortal Dao Soldier. What is this sacred?"

"Isn't it? Although we are in the spiritual world, we are reincarnators after all, and we have dealt with immortals from the upper realm, but we have never discovered this kind of technology in the world."

"That is to say, this kind of technology is unique to Xia Daoyou and created by himself. 35

"It's really unbelievable, but he is a spiritual world cultivator just like us. How can he achieve such achievements?"

Many reincarnations were amazed and felt incredible.

They felt that the achievements displayed by the Song Dynasty were shocking enough, and they didn't know how many things that Daoist Xia did not show.

"To be honest, if Daoyou Xia was not an immortal who descended from the immortal world, "One Seventy-Three" must be a well-known immortal world almighty who will be famous enough to be remembered in history."5

Someone sighed.

"Even if an immortal descended from the immortal world can create such a secret technique, it is enough to make him resound in the immortal world.

Zhou Feng couldn't help but nod his head.

"If this is the case, then what are we doing now? It seems that Fellow Daoist Xia has nothing to do." Someone asked.

"Isn't this a good thing? To be able to safely complete the basic task, even if it is a big luck, if I complete this task, I will be able to rise through the catastrophe, but I don't expect to get any high rewards.

"That's right, according to the fact that I have participated in so many camp missions, the more I do, the more mistakes I make. If you don't have such a big head, you don't need to wear such a big hat, and you can hold your thighs. Why should you be the main force yourself? "

"That's true. If Fellow Daoist Xia can complete the task, I don't mind being an errand, just wait and see."9

Many reincarnations were talking about it.

They are not rookie reincarnations, naturally they will not sacrifice themselves for a faction mission, no matter how high the evaluation is, the small life is gone, and the evaluation is meaningless.

Therefore, they all put life-saving as their priority. If they can get a high evaluation by the way, that would be the best.

If there is no way, they will not go all out for it.

It can be said that all of them are old fritters, how can they be like young guys, they will work hard for such a little task evaluation, and it is okay to get a subsistence allowance.

On the other hand, somewhere in the Song Dynasty world, this is the gathering place of demons.

Basically, the demons in the whole world are gathered together, but the number of demons has reached more than 600, and the number of such demons is more than anyone imagined.

But even so, they did not dare to attack the Song Dynasty rashly, lest they fall into the enemy's tricks.

It has to be said that Xia Chuan brought too much pressure on them.

"Damn, since those reincarnators came to the world of Song Dynasty for 20 years, our plan has been continuously defeated, and it has been defeated. So far, three hundred and twenty-six demons have been sealed by the reincarnator Xia Chuan, and it will continue like this. If we do, we will all be caught by that guy and sealed.

A demon's face was very ugly, and he was extremely angry.

Normally, their demons are simply invincible and invincible. Wherever they go, nothing can grow, and there is no creature that can resist the invasion of the demons.

But now, their demons were actually frightened by a human cultivator. If this incident spreads, it will definitely make them a laughing stock in the demon world.

It is conceivable that this kind of thing brings such great shame to them.

Of course, at the beginning, Xia Chuan did not seal so many demons.

But after so many years, from time to time there are demons who try to attack the capital, or make chaos in various places, and then just hit the muzzle of the gun, and they are captured and sealed by Xia Chuan in an instant.

It can be said that in the past 20 years, on the surface, the capital has been calm, but in fact, these demons are still restless in the dark.

It's just that Xia Chuan caught him before these demons started to make trouble.

Over time, no stupid demon dared to go to the capital anymore.

"No way, this reincarnation Xia Chuan seems to have mastered the means to deal with our demons. Even if hundreds of demons go together, they are not his opponents. It can only be said that this guy is simply the nemesis of our demons. 35

"Isn't it? And after this guy captured our demons, he actually divided our demons' bodies, and used our demons' bodies as the material for the pills to refine them into demon pills to supply those human monks to practice. This is simply outrageous. .0”

"We have always been the only one who can devour humans. When is it time for humans to devour our demons? Isn't that the opposite? This reincarnation Xia Chuan is the biggest enemy of our demons in the spiritual world. We must solve him as soon as possible, otherwise our demons Attacks in the spiritual world are bound to suffer serious setbacks.

"That's right, this reincarnation Xia Chuan is really too terrifying, and his methods are amazing. Just the Mahayana realm has caused such harm to our demon clan. If he rises through calamity and becomes an immortal, wouldn't it be against the sky? "

Many demons gritted their teeth.

After 20 years of competition, they hated Xia Chuan so much that they wanted to skin Xia Chuan and cramp, and smash this damned human monk into tens of thousands of pieces.

If they hadn't been able to defeat this human being, they would have swarmed up and killed this beast.

It's not like now, you can only scold secretly, but there is nothing you can do.

"And the other party not only mastered the means to refine our demons, but even learned the secret of our immortality from our demons, and has already begun to refine the immortal Taoist soldiers in the Song Dynasty."

A demon clenched his fist.

"Immortal Dao soldiers? I've heard the term too. It is said that these guys are also undead existences. Even if they are killed, they will be reborn in the capital. Like our demons, they have the characteristics of immortality. Is that Xia Chuan really? Have you mastered the mysteries of my 1.6 demons?" You Tianmo said in shock.

It said that although it had never encountered an undead warrior, it had already heard of it, but it never believed that humans could really grasp the mystery of their immortality.

Because that is a mystery that even the immortals of the immortal world have not grasped, how could it be possible for mere mortals to do it.

"That's right, a mere cultivator in the spiritual realm, I think I look down on this guy too much. How can the mystery of our immortality be so easy to grasp, do you really think this guy is a saint?"

One day, the demon sneered, thinking that this was a rumor, it was like a fantasy.

"No, you are all wrong, that reincarnation Xia Chuan has indeed mastered the mystery of immortality.""

A celestial demon gritted his teeth.

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