Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1358 Mobilize the army of demons and let this monster be buried with the world of Song Dynas

"No, it's true or false, don't you have any information?"

Many demons looked at each other in shock.

"Yes, I do have some important information. 35

A gleam of light appeared in the eyes of the demon: "I have a powerful special ability, that is, I can listen to the voice of the soul, and even if I don't enter the other person's body, I can eavesdrop on what the other person is thinking.

That is, with this ability, I kept eavesdropping around these undead soldiers. After over ten years of eavesdropping, I finally collected enough information and learned a lot of secrets about the undead soldiers. ""

"What secret?"

Many demons asked impatiently.

They know that even if the undead soldiers have soul restraints, they are not allowed to disclose information to anyone. The problem is that this is only subjective, but their eavesdropping is objective.

Even those undead soldiers don't know that they have leaked relevant information, which is also an objective leak.

Therefore, sometimes the power of soul restraint is not omnipotent, and it cannot guarantee 100% secrets.

"It is said that there is a huge underground river of blood among the palaces of the 10 cities of Beijing, which runs from north to south.

The demon said solemnly: "This underground river of blood is the source of the undead soldiers, once they die, they will be reborn in the river of blood and reshape their bodies.

At the same time, their true spirits are also attached to the river of blood. As long as the true spirit is not destroyed and the river of blood is not destroyed, then these Dao soldiers will not die, and will continue to be reborn in the river of blood until their lifespan is exhausted. "

"Damn, this reincarnation Xia Chuan really discovered the secret of our demon!"

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of many demons were shocked, and they naturally knew the secret of their immortality. The reason was that their true spirits were attached to the demon world.

If the demon world is not destroyed, then the demons will not truly die.

In fact, the Immortal Realm also knew about this, and had always wanted to find the exact location of the Demon Realm, but it was a pity that the Demon Realm could be foolish enough to reveal its specific location.

It is because of this that the demons have always been immortal and immortal. As long as the demon world is not destroyed, they do not need to worry about their true death.

But where did they expect that this kind of technology, which is unique to the Demon Realm, was actually cracked by a human being.

No, it's not just that simple to crack, but also to copy.

"Not only is it as simple as discovering our secrets, but it has also successfully replicated the results of our demons' immortality, and even went a step further, because our demons are just reborn of the primordial spirit, but these undead soldiers are not just reborn of the primordial spirit, Flesh is also reborn."5

The demon squeezed his fists that day: "It can be said that the reincarnation Xia Chuan has gone a step further on the basis of our indestructible primordial spirit, and has reached the realm of immortality of flesh and blood and immortality of primordial spirit.

It was shocking to the extreme.

"Monster, this guy is a monster, a mere Mahayana cultivator, but he is still terrified by those immortals in the immortal world, this person's aptitude is definitely the existence that can be ranked first in this universe from ancient times to the present, this person has the characteristics of a saint. posture."

A monstrous sea wave was set off in the heart of a demon.

The pose of a saint?!

Many heavenly demons were shocked again and again. This evaluation can be said to be the highest. Even among the countless immortals in the immortal world, there are very few who can truly become saints.

In fact, the people who dominate this war have not always been immortals, but an existence beyond immortals—sages.

If the sages decide the winner, then the war that affects the entire universe will also be decided.

It is precisely because the saints have no winners and losers that they are always in a state of equilibrium, and these creatures will always be fighting each other.

But at this time, if a new saint is born in this universe, then there is no doubt that the scale of victory will tilt toward this universe.

And their demon clan will surely die, and there is no possibility of victory.

"Damn, this guy must not be allowed to grow up, he must not be allowed to rise through tribulation, otherwise our demon clan would be in danger." A demon couldn't help roaring.

It is only now that it truly realizes the danger of this reincarnation Xia Chuan, this guy is definitely one of the main culprits that will lead to the destruction of the Tianmo family in the future.

If you don't take advantage of this guy to deal with him when he is weak, then there will be no way in the future.

"That's right, this guy is too terrifying, he's just a Mahayana cultivator, he just caught our demons and studied them for 20 years, and he copied our indestructible technology, and even introduced the old and brought forth new ones. Indestructible technology, even a saint is nothing more than that.""

"Although it is a bit exaggerated, I think that the human race in this universe has no one from ancient times to the present that can match the talent of this scorpion. It is really terrifying. 99

"I've never seen a mortal with such a terrifying talent. Fortunately, we can find out in time now. If he really flew to the fairyland, wouldn't it be like a dragon entering the sea and lawless?"

"Even if we all die in this world, this guy must not be allowed to live. 35

"Even if this world is destroyed, the humans in this world will die with this guy.

Many demons roared one after another, murderous.

They sensed the terrifying threat of Xia Chuan, a reincarnator, and it was definitely the greatest threat that the Tianmo clan had faced throughout the ages.

Even if the other party's cultivation base is nothing, they are just mortals, but this guy's talent and wisdom have already made them feel frightened.

In fact, these demons also misunderstood.

According to the current talent and cultivation of the clone, Xia Chuan, it is absolutely impossible for 173 to study the secrets of the demons, and it is impossible to create such terrifying immortal arts as the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Blood Soul Technique.

This is the Xia Chuan created by the body Xia Chuan himself.

That is to say, the level of terror created by a Heavenly Venerate himself can be imagined, and this is already a spell directly at the level of Heavenly Venerate.

However, it is no wonder that these demons misunderstood. If an ordinary person creates a technique of the level of the gods, one can imagine how talented this person is.

It's like a primitive man, living in a primitive society, but he created aircraft cannons, rubbed out nuclear bombs and other future technologies, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this guy was a super scientist that is unparalleled in the past.

It is precisely because of various misunderstandings that this group of demons has regarded the clone Xia Chuan as an unusual monster, perhaps a variable bred by this universe.

"Don't worry, in order to completely solve this monster of the human race, I have already notified the demon world, and now I have dispatched a huge army of demons towards the world of the Song Dynasty. It is estimated that it will take a long time to reach the Song Dynasty The world, when the time comes, all creatures in this world will have to die.

A demon leader with murderous aura, it is no longer about martial arts, and began to mobilize the army of demons from the demon world, to completely destroy all living beings in this world, and let this world accompany Xia Chuan to die together.

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