Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1373 Building a foundation in a hundred days, the experience of the new monks in the Song Dy

more than three months later.

Yue Fei and other freshmen entered the Black and White Taoist Academy for a full 100 days, and they finally succeeded in establishing a foundation. They became foundation-building cultivators, and their cultivation has been greatly improved.

If it is a cultivator from another world, if he wants to advance from the Qi training stage to the foundation-building stage, even if he is a genius, it will take at least a few years before he can do it.

But in the world of Song Dynasty, thanks to the assistance of the Heavenly Demon Pill and the Divine Blood Pill, their cultivation progressed rapidly, and in just a hundred years, they were able to successfully establish a foundation and become a foundation-building cultivator.

If cultivators in other worlds knew this, they would definitely be envious, jealous, and hateful. This is too exaggerated.

"Very good, after a hundred days of cultivation, you have finally succeeded in building a foundation, and you have not been in vain for the cultivation of you by the Dao Institute. From today, you will go to other worlds to practice."

A Taoist teacher said solemnly.


Hearing this, Yue Fei and the others were stunned. They were only eight-year-old children. Even if their cultivation base was already a foundation-building cultivator, it would be too fast to start training now.

But if you think about it, it's actually quite normal.

If it is a monk from another world, it is naturally impossible to start training so early, because if you are a little careless, it may lead to the death of your own sect's disciples.

But in the world of Song Dynasty, it was different. Every disciple had an immortal body and was not afraid of death at all. Even if there was a problem during the training process, they could be reborn in the river of undead blood.

That is to say, they can experience more things and grow faster than other cultivators.

In fact, the same is true. Because of the characteristics of the Great Song cultivator, the Great Song cultivator is basically a fighting lunatic, not afraid of death, and has extremely rich combat experience.

Compared with the cultivators in other worlds, the Da Song cultivators are simply too powerful.

"Teacher, I don't know which world we should go to to experience?"

Yue Fei asked curiously.

After more than three months of study, he can be considered to have a preliminary understanding of the whole world, and also know how powerful the world of the Song Dynasty is.

At present, more than 500 worlds have been discovered by the world of Song Dynasty, 200 of which have been successfully captured, and 300 worlds are being simultaneously attacked.

These worlds have been arranged with cross-border teleportation arrays.

As long as the cross-border teleportation array is activated, they can easily reach this world.

Basically, most of the Great Song monks were not in the Great Song world, they went to other worlds.

After all, the cultivation resources in the Great Song world are still very limited, and they need to go to other worlds to obtain resources, so that their cultivation speed will be faster.

And with the passage of time, more and more worlds have been discovered by the Great Song World. There is no doubt that in the near future, the Great Song World will definitely become a super world that plays an important role in the spiritual world, a supreme holy place for the human race.

"Well, you are about to go to Mingguang Great World."

The teacher of the Taoist Academy said solemnly: "This Mingguang Great World has been almost conquered by our Great Song World, and most of the demons have been captured and sealed.

However, the harm caused by these demons to the Mingguang Great World has not ended. Due to the power of the demons, many monsters and other spirit beasts in the Mingguang Great World have been transformed into demons.

They have lost their minds, and there is only killing in their hearts, causing huge damage to the world, so your task this time is to strangle these monsters and restore the world to its former peace quickly. "

You must know that the harm of the demons is not only as simple as its own power, but more importantly, the demons can create terrifying demonic disasters and release the terrifying power of the demons.

Once eroded by the power of demons, whether it is humans or monsters, their minds will be corroded, and then transformed into demons and demons, which are opposed to normal humans.

At the same time, they have also mastered extraordinary combat power, far exceeding the creatures of the same order.

What is even more terrifying is that these demons can also assimilate other beings, transforming other beings into their own kind, becoming demons, and constantly infecting them.

In the end, all the creatures in the world will be transformed into monsters, and this is the calamity brought by the demons.

It is because of this that even hundreds of demons can easily destroy a world.

"So that's the case, this time we teleported to the Mingguang Great World just to kill demons?

Yue Fei and others were very excited.

Because the demons have long been extinct in the Song Dynasty, they can only see similar creatures in books, but now they can see them in reality, which really makes them extremely excited.

As for whether it is dangerous or not, it is not within their scope of consideration, and they will not die anyway.

You must know that the demons are not so easy to deal with, at least the monks who have reached the level of integration are qualified to arrest the demons, and even fight against the demons.

If it is a weaker cultivator, it can only fight against demons.

"That's right. 99

The Taoist teacher smiled slightly: "This is also the only way for you to master what you have learned through actual combat, and this is also one of the fastest paths for you to grow.

After you kill these monsters, remember to bring back the corpses of the monsters, because these corpses are also very valuable, and if you take them back to the world of Song Dynasty, you can exchange for money.

And don't just rely on your immortality to die casually. Every time you die and respawn, you will need to spend a lot of money. If you die too many times, you may not even have the money for death and rebirth. 190

He warned these little ones very seriously.

After all, he was also young once, and he was once a child. He knew very well that these children didn't know anything, and they were easy to get into trouble, causing trouble everywhere and causing big trouble.

If it weren't for the existence of the River of Immortal Blood, these young monks would not go out to practice, but would stay in the Taoist academy to continue their studies, and only after they possessed a certain level of strength could they truly come out.

"Got it, teacher.

"But teacher, how long do we need to practice this time?"

"Yes, you can't leave too early."

Yue Fei and the others all nodded. They also knew that death and rebirth cost money. Although the lower the cultivation base, the less money was spent, but the price was not cheap.

No one wants to waste so much money if it's not necessary.

"Well, since it is your first time to practice, the natural time will not be particularly long. You will have a month, and then you can return to the world of the Song Dynasty to continue your studies. host.

"If you wait for you to graduate, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay in other worlds.

The Taoist teacher smiled slightly and said the time of the training, which lasted about a month.

"Yes, teacher.

Everyone nodded.

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