Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1374 Reincarnation who has survived in the world of the Song Dynasty for thousands of years,

At this moment, on the other hand, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

This is also the place where many reincarnations gather. They have also stayed in the Song Dynasty for thousands of years. They wanted to leave for a long time, but unfortunately, Xia Chuan didn't want to leave, and they couldn't leave either, so they were forced to stay in Thousands of years in this world.

But even so, they felt that it was worthwhile to stay in the world of Song Dynasty for a thousand years.

This also makes them feel a sense of vicissitudes of life, and they are very emotional.

"Who can think of it, but in just a thousand years, the world of the Song Dynasty has grown from a place where birds don't shit to a world full of monks, and even started to fight in the heavens and the world to recover those worlds that were invaded by demons, and started a resistance. The first shot of the demon." A reincarnation said with emotion.

I remember when he was just reincarnated into this world, the world of the Song Dynasty was at stake, invaded by hundreds of demons, natural and man-made disasters were rampant, corpses were everywhere, and everything was devastated.

No matter how you look at it, this world is completely over, and sooner or later it will be completely swallowed up by the demons.

At the beginning, they just wanted to complete the mission of the reincarnation space, and it was enough to hinder the actions of the demons a little. As for saving the world of the Song Dynasty, they never thought about it.

Because this kind of thing is beyond their ability.

Who could have imagined that there was a monster among them, who defeated the demons of this world by himself, and at the same time defeated the reinforcements of the demons, and made a brilliant contribution.

Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the world of the Song Dynasty has undergone earth-shaking changes because of the power of this monster.

If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes, no one would have believed that such a ridiculous thing could happen.

"Isn't it? It can only be said that Daoyou Xia's power is really incredible. The power of our practice can only be the power to change individuals, but the power of Daoyou Xia's practice is the power that can change all beings and change the fate of the world. The gap between people is really huge.

The reincarnation Zhou Feng was also very shocked.

Before, he still wanted to compete with Xia Chuan more or less, and felt that he might not lose to the opponent. As time went by, his thoughts completely disappeared.

If there is still a gap between the two sides, then there will be jealousy, unwillingness and envy.

But if the gap is really too huge, then there is only admiration left, this is a transcendent existence that he will never be able to catch up with in his entire life.

"That's right, the Great Reincarnation Technique and Great Blood Soul Technique created by Fellow Daoist Xia are simply breathtaking, and even the many Immortal Techniques in the Immortal Realm are probably incomparable.

Another samsara said solemnly.

As people who have survived in the world of Song Dynasty for thousands of years, they naturally know the existence of these two immortal arts, but they are not monks in the world of Song Dynasty, and they cannot be taught the immortal arts.

But even so, they also know the power and terror of these two immortal arts, even the many immortal arts that have appeared in the fairy world are difficult to compare with.

"Isn't it? I don't know where these two immortal arts came from. Is it the supreme inheritance he got from somewhere? Or did he create it himself. 55

"To be honest, I think it may have been created by Daoyou Xia himself. If it was obtained from someone else, how could it be spread freely and taught to others as it is now. Only immortal arts created by oneself can be taught. Give it to others, and teach it to others, without the consent of others."

"If that's the case, then Daoyou Xia's talent is simply unbelievable. Even if he is only a Mahayana cultivator, it is unbelievable to create an immortal art that even immortals can't match."9

Many reincarnations were shocked.

"To be honest, is there any way to learn these two immortal arts?

Someone asked curiously.

"It's still possible."

Zhou Feng, the reincarnator, said solemnly: "If you integrate your true spirit into the river of undead blood and become a part of the Great Song world, then you will naturally be taught the immortal arts, otherwise there is no other way.

There is no doubt that this is the method of Xia Daoyou. He does not prohibit the spread of immortal art, but if you want to obtain immortal art, you must become your own person, otherwise others will not want to learn immortal art.

Due to the existence of Soul Restriction on Da Song cultivator, other people don't even want to obtain any information from Da Song cultivator, and Da Song cultivator cannot pass on the knowledge he has learned to outsiders.

Moreover, coercion, enticement, torture, and all kinds of methods are useless, because Da Song cultivator is not afraid of death at all, even if it is death, he will be reborn in the river of undead blood.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the reincarnator to obtain the inheritance of these two immortal arts from the Great Song cultivator.

"Hehe, I'm about to ascend to the Immortal Realm. How can I merge my true spirit into the river of undead blood? Isn't this stupid? This is equivalent to putting my own life on Xia Daoyou."

". `That's right, the river of undead blood was created by fellow Xia Daoyou, who knows if there is anything tricky about this river of undead blood? Although the two great immortal arts are powerful, it is not impossible that they can be compared with them. Life and death depend on its hands.35

'That's not what I said. If the true spirit is integrated into the river of undead blood, we can also have an immortal body like the monks of the Song Dynasty, which is equivalent to a lot of lives. If I was born in the Great Song world, I would definitely not hesitate to integrate my true spirit into the river of undead blood. 99

"That's right, what about flying into the fairyland? Everyone is a reincarnator. It makes no sense to not know the situation in the fairyland. Even the fairyland is not a paradise in the imagination. The fairyland at this moment is also a vast and huge battlefield, just like us. This kind of immortal who has just ascended can easily become cannon fodder and die.

If we can keep the true spirit in the river of undead blood, this is equivalent to giving us an extra life. Even if we encounter the crisis of death in the immortal world, we can return to the world of the Song Dynasty to die and be reborn, and (the promised one) will be reborn. "

"No, it's true or false, you guys, shouldn't you really be tempted, this is something created by others, do you really want to entrust your life and death to others?"

"To be honest, if the other party is a monk, I would never believe it, but this person is Daoyou Xia, and Daoyou Xia will definitely be an existence that will shock the past and present in the future, and watching Daoyou Xia's actions for thousands of years will prove everything. Xia Daoyou must be a sage of the human race, and he is absolutely trustworthy. It is absolutely possible to entrust his life to a sage.

"Crazy, you are really completely crazy. For a little benefit, you actually put yourself in the middle of an illusory character. I really don't know what you are thinking about."

Many reincarnations were talking about it.

It is obvious that they have lived in the world of Song Dynasty for thousands of years, which has caused the thoughts in their hearts to undergo earth-shaking changes.

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