Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1381 The world of the Song Dynasty is already a holy place in the spiritual world, and the c

"If that's the case, then what is the origin of this Xia Chuan? I don't know where he came from in the spiritual world. Does anyone know his specific information?"

Someone asked curiously.

After all, it is impossible for such a talented person to hide it. If it is a disciple of a certain sect, it must be Tianjiao, or a holy son or a holy girl.

So he also wanted to know the origin of this reincarnation Xia Chuan~.

"I don't know, the identities of the reincarnators are kept secret, who knows who they are in real life, and what's more important is that this person doesn't seem to be in contact with any reincarnators, as if they appeared out of nowhere, the time of the rise. It's really too short.

Someone sighed.

He also tried to investigate the traces of Xia Chuan, but found that no traces were found, because Xia Chuan had no connection with other reincarnations at all, and there were zero relationships.

This is like a mysterious person, without any information.

"It's also a good thing not to know. If you really know the real identity of the other party, then you will definitely encounter the assassination of the demon family. Over the years, I don't know how many geniuses were assassinated by the demons, causing the spiritual world to wither. If the identity is exposed. If you do, you may be in danger.”

"What I said, according to this person's cultivation base, I am afraid that no one in the spiritual world is his opponent. Even if his true identity is revealed, it doesn't really matter at all."

"Stupid, even if you are invincible in the spiritual world, once you ascend to the immortal world, isn't your identity exposed?"

"That's true, not now, but in the future. These demons are very insidious. Sometimes, in order to assassinate someone, it is normal for them to hide for tens of thousands of years without doing anything.

"There has always been a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thousand days of thieves. The best way to protect yourself is naturally that even the enemy does not know who you are, so don't look for the other party's traces, so as not to provide help to the demons.

Many reincarnations were talking about it.

They have fought against the Demon Clan for so many years, and naturally they know the power and terror of the Demon Clan, even though the Demon Clan's offensive in the spiritual world has been hindered now.

But this is simply insignificant to the huge demon clan, unable to shake their foundation.

"However, although we can't find where Xia Chuan is, we can know what kind of master this person has done in this camp mission. It is said that the other party has created a river of undead blood, as long as we stay in this river of undead blood. His true spirit, even if he dies, he can continue to be reborn in the river of undead blood.

A reincarnation said mysteriously.

"What? Is this thing true or false? To be able to be reborn continuously, wouldn't it have an immortal body? Why does it seem to be similar to a demon.

"That's right, that's why the Demon Clan wanted to hunt down Xia Chuan? Because this reincarnation Xia Chuan discovered the secret of the immortality of the Demon, and at the same time copied it.

You must know that this is the unique method of the demon clan, which can continuously regenerate and regenerate after death, so they are not afraid of death, and it is difficult for us to compete with them.

But it's different now. Our human race has also copied the method of immortality of the demons and obtained the ability of the opponent to immortalize, which means that we can finally not fear the power of the demons.

"It's no wonder that the Heavenly Demons are chasing Daoyou Xia frantically. Even after many immortals have studied for countless years, they have no way of knowing what the mystery of the immortality of the Heavenly Demons is, but Daoyou Xia found it easily, and even copied it. If this is not the appearance of a saint, So what is the posture of a saint?"

"Indeed, now I can understand why the Tianmo family is crazy, if I am a Tianmo, I am afraid I have to kill Daoyou Xia with all my life.

"Isn't it? Just the Mahayana realm is so terrifying. If you fly to the fairyland and become an immortal, then you can still get it?!"

Many reincarnations were shocked. They also knew that the reason why the demons chased and killed Xia Chuan was because of the existence of the river of undead blood, which shook the foundation of the demon clan.

"If this is the case, then we go to the Great Song World and merge our true spirit into the river of undead blood, so wouldn't we also have an immortal body?"

A reincarnation said excitedly.

After all, who doesn't want to have an immortal body, even if it's a monster, if it doesn't grow up, it doesn't make any sense.

No one knows when the accident will happen.

If they have the body of immortality, then no matter what they do, they will not hesitate, and sooner or later they will step on the road to the top and stand above countless people.

"That's true, but the world of the Song Dynasty has been marked as a special world by the reincarnation space, and its spatial coordinates have been completely banned. Unless it costs a huge amount of money, you can't go to the world of the Song Dynasty."5

·0 for flowers·

A samsara said solemnly.

In fact, many reincarnations immediately wanted to transmit to the world of Great Song through the reincarnation space after knowing the news. Unfortunately, this kind of thing was forbidden by the reincarnation space.

Even the specific spatial coordinates of the Great Song World have been obscured, and no one can go to the Great Song World.

After losing the spatial coordinates, trying to find the Great Song World in the vast spiritual world is no less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Why does Reincarnation Space do this?"

"Yes, if so many of us who are reincarnated have immortality, wouldn't that be a surge in strength? At that time, the demons will not be our opponents, and will be driven out of the spirit world?"


Some people are very puzzled.

"Oh, it's just stupid."

There was a reincarnation person next to him with a sneer: "You know this, don't the Heavenly Demons know it, and the Protoss don't know? There is no doubt that the Heavenly Demons will definitely attack the Great Song world with all their strength, and must destroy this world.

If the spatial coordinates are leaked out, then the other party will also follow. Now Samsara Space personally took action and banned the spatial coordinates of the Great Song World, so that no one would know where the Great Song World is. This can also be enough for the Great Song World. time grew rapidly.

"But the demons have invaded the world of the Song Dynasty before? Didn't the coordinates leak long ago?"

"Idiot, the world can be moved. Do you think the world of the Great Song Dynasty is still in its original position? It is estimated that it has been moved to another place by the reincarnation space."

"No way, what kind of power is this, it can actually move the world? 99

"What a superficial guy, what is it to move the world, even an ordinary immortal can do this, not to mention the supreme treasure reincarnation space that can cross the three realms.

"In short, the world of the Song Dynasty has been classified as a special world. If you want to go to the world of the Song Dynasty, unless you pay a huge price."

"In any case, the world of the Song Dynasty will become a holy place for the spiritual world in the future, and it will also be an important base to fight against the demons."

Many reincarnations have been talking about it.

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