Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1382 The river of immortal blood shakes the immortal world, the shock of the immortals

The appearance of the Great Song World, the appearance of the River of Immortal Blood, is not only as simple as disturbing the spiritual world, but even the immortal world and many immortals know this amazing news.

Especially these powerful immortals belonging to the reincarnation space, they knew the existence of the river of undead blood immediately.

"What? This kind of thing actually appeared in the spiritual world? And it wasn't formed naturally, or was it created artificially? How could such a thing be possible?" Immortal was shocked.

After he heard the news about the river of undead blood, his first reaction was to not believe it.

After all, countless immortals in the fairy world are studying the mystery of the immortality of the demons. In fact, they also know that the true spirit of the demons is integrated into the demon world, and then they can be reborn after death by virtue of the power of the demon world.

The problem is, the principle is the principle, and it is not so simple to make it.

It seems that everyone in "1900" knows the principles of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, but so far no one has mastered the technology of nuclear fission power generation. The distance from theory to technology is as wide as the sea.

Same thing.

Even if the immortals knew this, they would not be able to replicate the second Heavenly Demon Realm.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. If it is not for the main body, the wisdom and strength of the clone Xia Chuan alone will not be able to understand the mystery of the immortality of the demons and create the river of undead blood.

If the existence of Tianzun level takes action personally, he can build a high house and gain insight into the mysteries of the demons from a high-dimensional perspective.

"Nothing is impossible. Facts speak louder than words. Samsara Space has confirmed this."

Another immortal said solemnly: "And this river of undead blood seems to have more potential than the demon world, because it can not only regenerate the soul, but also the flesh and blood.

Once the true spirit is integrated into the river of undead blood, unless the river of undead blood is destroyed or the life essence is exhausted, it will not die due to unexpected factors. "

He has already obtained relevant information from the reincarnation space, and has learned a lot about the river of undead blood.

"Is this reincarnation Xia Chuan a monster? It's just a Mahayana cultivator, not even an immortal. He actually understood the mystery of the immortality of the demons, and also copied the methods of immortality of the demons. 55

"This Xia Chuan is indeed an unseen evildoer, with the appearance of a saint. It's no wonder that the Heavenly Demons will go completely crazy and send millions of Heavenly Demons to hunt him down."

"Fortunately, the strength and cultivation of this Xia Chuan are unfathomable. Not only did the millions of demons not succeed in chasing them, but they were also trapped by Xia Chuan and sealed in an instant. It's really terrifying."

"It's just a mere spiritual world, is it possible that such a monster would appear?"

"Nothing is impossible. There will always be many miracles in the universe. Perhaps this Xia Chuan is one of the miracles that the universe has conceived. The universe knows that a huge disaster is about to happen, so it breeds some miracles and wants to save it. Own."

"If that's the case, isn't this Xia Chuan likely to be the lucky child of this universe?"

"Even the children of luck are not surprising. Are there still few children of luck in the universe? To be honest, which of us immortals are not the children of luck once, luck is illusory and unfathomable, and we cannot rely too much on it. ."

"It's true, if the luck is strong, then everything can be turned into good luck, but if the luck is weak, then drinking water may jam your teeth, relying too much on the luck will easily lead to death. Xiao. I don't know how many children of luck, because they consumed too much luck in their own bodies, and they suffered ill luck in their later years."

"Perhaps this Xia Chuan used his luck to find the secret of the Tianmo family, and even successfully copied the undead power of the Tianmo family. 39

Many immortals were talking about it.

They all believed that Xia Chuan must be the child of luck born out of this universe, adhering to the existence of the atmosphere, otherwise it would be impossible to do such incredible things.

In fact, this is also a normal thing.

Many technologies in the world are actually born out of some kind of accident, or the flash of inspiration of scientists, or a dream of Nanke.

It is not a genius, a person with extremely high intelligence can make great scientific achievements, even ordinary people, as long as they have a little luck and the shroud of the goddess of fate, they can also make great achievements.

"Unfortunately, this river of undead blood is actually in the spiritual world. If it is in the fairy world, then every immortal can integrate the true spirit into the river of undead blood, and then we will have an army of undead.

There are immortals regretting.0

To be honest, if he could, he would like to go down to the spiritual world and merge his true spirit into the river of undead blood.

It is a pity that, according to his current strength, it is impossible to enter the spiritual world, and he will inevitably be rejected by the laws of the spiritual world.

"Wait, in fact, we can let the world of Song Dynasty fly to the fairyland, and then the undead blood river will come to the fairyland?"

A fairy thought of this.

"How can it be so simple, since ancient times, since the appearance of the demon clan and the god clan, there has been no world in the spiritual world that can ascend to the immortal world.

An immortal's eyes showed a hint of cold light: "Do you think that there is no world in the spiritual world that meets the conditions for ascension? It is not the case, it is just because of the obstacles of the demon clan and the god clan.

Even if the calamity is really successful, in the process of ascending to the Immortal Realm, he will encounter the obstruction of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and some worlds have been destroyed because of this.

"Isn't there any way to stop those demons?"

Many immortals frowned.

"Hehe, stop those demons? Those demons are immortal, all of them are bombs, they just made up their minds to die with us.

It doesn't matter if they die, they can be reborn in the world of demons, but we are really dead when we die, and we will never have any chance to be resurrected into this world. "

"That's right, these demons are very ruthless, they directly explode 1.6, producing a terrifying explosive power, and even immortals will be blown to death by this power.

Although the rebirth of the demon after death also requires a certain price, but this price is still worth it, and we simply can't fight against the opponent.

"The goddamn demon clan, if it weren't for them, they would have no idea how many worlds would have ascended to the Immortal Realm.

"Could it be that the immortal blood river can only stay in the spiritual world all the time? It's a pity, isn't it?"

"It's no big deal, just wait for the opportunity. Maybe in the future, the decline of the demon clan will give us the opportunity to bring the river of undead blood to the fairyland, but now is not the right time."5

"That's right, we don't need to be in such a hurry, in fact, it is a good thing for the undead blood to stay in the spiritual world, at least it can stop those demons from invading the spiritual world.

Many immortals were talking about it.

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