Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1386 Immortal Seventh Rank, Immortal Strength of Immortal Universe

But for Xia Chuan, what he is most curious about is the realm of immortals. He wants to know how immortals cultivate, which is also related to the cultivation system of this world.

Fortunately, he already has the eighth-order authority, so he also knows what the realm of immortals is.

"There are seven levels of immortals, namely the human fairyland, the earth fairyland, the heavenly fairyland, the mysterious fairyland, the golden fairyland, the Daluojin fairyland, and the quasi-sacred realm.

Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he exchanged a book of "The Immortal's Minutes", which cost 10,000 reincarnation points, and then described the specific content of the immortal realm in detail.

I have to say that the above content made him feel that he had benefited a lot, and he finally knew what the so-called immortal cultivation was all about, which also opened his eyes.

"The so-called human fairyland, that is the cultivator of the tribulation realm, the first realm after passing through the thunder calamity and ascending to the fairyland, and being baptized by the power of the fairyland, the mortal body will be further transformed and transformed into a human being. Fairy body.

After reaching this realm, the body of a human being is actually an energy body, an elemental body, which can gather and disperse invisible, even if the arms and legs are cut off, it can quickly recover, because this itself is a part of energy.

When it gathers, it becomes a human being, and when it spreads, it becomes a gas. This is the mystery of the human immortal body, and even if it is just a human immortal, its lifespan is as many as one million years.

"Earth Immortal Realm, this is the next realm of Human Immortal Realm, stepping into this realm will condense into Earth Immortal Physique, which is a stronger body than Human Immortal Physique.

After reaching this state, one can incarnate the five elements, that is, one's physical body can be transformed into elemental energy such as fire, sunflower water, Yimu, Gengjin, Wutu, etc.

At the same time, it can also imitate the heavens and the earth, which means that the earth immortals can not only change into swords, but also into stones, trees, animals, etc. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

These abilities can also be called real immortals. Human immortals are just the beginning, earth immortals are real immortals, and each earth immortal can survive for thousands of years.

Xia Chuan squinted his eyes, and he had to say that the cultivation system of the immortal universe did have a set, at least the lifespan of the immortals was longer than that of the practitioners of the Xuanhuang universe.

Perhaps because of the different relationships between the two laws of the universe, the effects of each other's cultivation are not the same.

He stopped thinking and continued to read.

"The Heavenly Immortal Realm is the next realm of the Earthly Immortal Realm. After stepping into this realm, you can condense the Heavenly Immortal Body, which is an even more incredible physique.

After reaching this state, the soul has undergone further transformation, and the primordial spirit can begin to integrate into the heavenly way, and can even use the power of the heavenly way to deduce the future picture, and at the same time, it can also deduce its own exercises and techniques.

Every goddess claims to be the son of heaven, and has been favored by heaven, so the strength of gods is extremely terrifying, far surpassing the so-called earth gods.

Basically, every immortal has an extremely long lifespan. They can survive for at least 100 million years. Such an existence is comparable to an ancient living fossil. "

"Xuanxianjing, this is a more powerful realm than the immortals. Even in the immortal world, there are not many immortals who can become Xuanxian, and Xuanxian can already become the leader of a party of immortals.

After being promoted to Xuanxian, they can evolve into Xuanxian body and understand the power of the mysterious and mysterious. They can condense all the immortal powers and merge into one. This is the unity of all methods and can tear space.

What is the unity of all dharmas? It is to condense all of one's own mana, condense it to the extreme, and finally realize the true meaning of 'one', the great evolution of heaven. The so-called Dayan number is fifty, and there are forty-nine after one. As long as all laws are unified, and the magic power of the 'one' is obtained, it is absolutely unbelievable, and then it has the ability to obtain the tearing space.

It can be said that the lifespan of each Xuanxian can be as long as one billion years. Their lifespan is ten times longer than that of the gods, and their combat power is hundreds of times stronger. This kind of power to tear space is enough to smash all gods.

Xia Chuan touched her chin, tsk tsk in admiration.

It is no wonder that these immortals are so arrogant and powerful. If they are placed in the Xuanhuang universe, they can be compared to gods. Whether it is strength or lifespan, they are far superior to ordinary humans.

Immortals are actually high-dimensional beings, completely different from ordinary beings.

It is too difficult to make immortals look down on mortals. Often immortals sleep and mortals die when their lifespan is exhausted.

Let me ask this way, it is an extremely difficult thing to make immortals look up to.

·0 for flowers..

"Golden Immortal Realm, this is also the next realm after Xuanxian. After reaching this realm, you can already become the master of many worlds, and control a party of immortals. Even in the Immortal Realm, not many can become Golden Immortals.

After being promoted to the golden fairyland, it will condense into the golden fairy body, which is an immortal body, a perfect body, and has the mysterious power that all evils are immortal and all evils cannot invade.

After reaching this realm, you will have the power between the two worlds. Simply put, the golden immortal body can move instantaneously and break open the void. As long as you tear the void, drill into it, find the coordinate point, and jump violently, you can reach the Reach your destination in the blink of an eye.

You must know that if you want to jump in space, it is impossible without Jinxian's physique. Even Xuanxian may not be able to withstand the power of void tearing. Only Jinxian can do this.


It is because of this that every golden immortal is a famous person in the immortal world. In terms of official position, it is probably equivalent to a governor-level leader, and they can survive for tens of billions of years. 35

"Daluojin Fairyland, this is the realm beyond the Golden Immortal. In the name of Daluo, even among the hundreds of millions of immortals in the Immortal Realm, there are only a handful of people who can become Daluo Jinxian. Famous boss, Megatron Three Realms.

After being promoted to this realm, it will condense the body of the Daluojin Immortal, and each Daluojinxian will master the ability to smash the vacuum, not just the simple shuttle between the two worlds.

What is smashing the vacuum, in fact, it is to completely smash the space of a place, and then absorb the power of this space into the body to refine, so that the mana contains the power of time and space, and prepare for the future realm.

Only by smashing the space, digesting the vacuum, integrating the mana, and integrating the power of time and space in the body, this is the Daluo Jinxian who is at ease in endless time and space.

Each Daluo Jinxian has a lifespan of hundreds of billions of years, and they are the real top bosses in the immortal world, equivalent to the existence of the head of state, and their cultivation is unfathomable.

If the limit of ordinary immortals is Xuanxian, then Daluo Jinxian is an unattainable existence. Among the hundreds of millions of immortals, few can become Daluo Jinxian. One can imagine the difficulty of becoming Daluo Jinxian. . "enter.

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