Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1387 There is no reason for the world to ascend to the fairyland, saints beyond nine days


Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he sensed that the cultivation method of immortals became clearer and clearer, and a path leading to longevity was clearly presented in front of him.

Human Immortals, Earth Immortals, Heaven Immortals, Xuan Immortals, Jin Immortals, Daluo Jin Immortals, etc., and even the final quasi-sages, and saints, this is the path for the immortals to advance step by step.

"The quasi-sacred realm is basically the highest realm in the immortal world, and it is also the strongest in the immortal world. It is also a terrifying existence far beyond Luo Jinxian. Every quasi-sage is the leader of a big power. to a trillion years.

The reason why quasi-sages are so terrifying is because in order to become quasi-sages, one must comprehend the power of part of the law and form a field of laws, so they are only second to saints and are called quasi-sages.

Every quasi-sage is extremely close to a saint, but if it cannot be broken through, "Twenty-seven" will be assimilated by the power of the law sooner or later, and eventually become part of the law.

It is because of this that there are also many such law puppets in the law of the immortal world.

"As for the saints, that is beyond the existence of immortals, their power exceeds the limit of the immortal world, and they can soar to a place beyond nine days.

Every saint can master a complete law. Only by comprehending the complete law can he be regarded as a true saint and master the power of the terrifying law.

Therefore, the fighting power of the saints is extraordinary. If they stay in the fairyland, they will definitely cause extremely serious damage to the fairyland. Therefore, their battles will be outside the nine heavens, that is, among the cosmic barriers. The battlefields of the saints are all in the holy world. among.

After seeing the above content, Xia Chuan felt very satisfied immediately. He had already fully comprehended the so-called cultivation methods of immortals. In essence, the cultivation methods of the major universes were all like this.

Although it was a different method and cultivation method in the beginning, in the end, it was necessary to comprehend the laws of the universe and to comprehend many laws.

It can be said that the end points of the major universes all come to the same destination.

"Let's exchange a copy of Immortal's Cultivation Technique first."

With a move in Xia Chuan's heart, she spent one million reincarnation points to exchange a copy of the cultivation manual of an ordinary immortal.

If it is an ordinary Mahayana cultivator, he is not qualified to exchange it, but he is already an eighth-order authority, so it is no longer a problem to exchange immortal cultivation secrets.

Don't look at it as an ordinary immortal cultivation manual, but to Xia Chuan, it is like a stroke from a god who pierced the window paper, letting him truly know the secrets of immortal cultivation.

"I see.

In an instant, Xia Chuan suddenly realized that the talent of a thousand enlightenment was activated immediately, and his entire brain seemed to be transformed into the computing power of the Heavenly Dao level, and he began to frantically deduce his next cultivation method.

As a comprehension at the level of Heavenly Venerate, even if it is just an ordinary exercise, he can deduce this exercise to a perfect state, not only innovating the old and bringing forth the new, but as simple as inferring others, and even iterating several versions.

Immediately, his follow-up exercises were continuously deduced, the method of human beings, the method of earth immortals, the method of heavenly immortals...

It seems that at this moment, he is completely immersed in the process of deducing the exercises.


At this moment, the voice of the reincarnation space sounded: "Xia Chuan, the reincarnation person, the time for you to stay in the reincarnation space is up, do you want to continue to practice in the reincarnation space, or return to the original world?

Such a voice interrupted Xia Chuan's further deduction, otherwise he might have been completely immersed for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

"Is the time up? Then go back to the reincarnation space, just to see what the Changchun world is like now, I hope that there are not too many accidents in the Changchun world during this time.

"However, looking at it this way, it doesn't make much sense to continue to stay in the spiritual world, because the real top civilization in this universe is actually still in the fairy world, or nine days away. It seems that it is time for Changchun world to ascend to the fairy world.

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

He had already made preparations for Changchun Realm to ascend to Immortal Realm, but after seeing all kinds of information in Immortal Realm, he made up his mind even more.

He can't wait to fly to the fairyland and see the scenery of the fairyland.

After all, he is no longer from the Novice Village, and now he is still reluctantly staying in the Novice Village, which is actually meaningless, and it is just a waste of time.

According to the previous deductions, I am afraid that the time for the decisive battle between the God Race and the Ten Thousand Races is getting closer and closer. cannon fodder.0

Therefore, he naturally needs to ascend to the Immortal Realm, so that his cultivation will be brave and diligent.

"However, according to the information, from ancient times to the present, there have been many great worlds born in the spiritual world, and many of them are qualified to ascend to the immortal world, but even so, these worlds still failed to ascend."

"The reason is not just as simple as the horror of the spiritual world, but more importantly, there are people who interfere with it. The enemies should be the demons and the gods."

"As the hostile races of the heavens and the world, the demons and the gods naturally do not want the world of the spirit world to ascend to the fairy world, increasing the background of the fairy world, so it is normal for them to stop.

"Originally, it is extremely difficult for the world of the spiritual world to ascend to the immortal world, and now it is still blocked by the gods, so the success probability of ascension is even closer to zero.

"That is to say, if the Changchun Realm wants to ascend to the Immortal Realm smoothly, it is not only necessary to deal with the calamity, but also to deal with the obstruction of the Protoss and the Demons."

"This is also the main reason why many world ascension fails.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

To be honest, if ordinary immortal cultivators knew about this situation, they would definitely back off, because the probability of success is close to zero, and it is almost impossible to succeed.

Once you try, 1.6 is a sure-fire way to win, with no hope of winning.

But his body is Heavenly Venerate, and the obstruction of the mere Protoss is nothing. If he prepares enough trump cards, it is not impossible to deal with their attacks.

"Reincarnation space, I want to return to Changchun Realm.

Xia Chuan's figure flashed, and once again passed through the reincarnation space and returned to the Changchun Realm.

Immediately, he discovered that the time flow of the Great Song World and Changchun World was similar. He stayed in the Great Song World for a thousand years, and the Changchun World naturally passed for a thousand years.

However, because the Changchun Sect has already been on the track, as the suzerain, even if the real body does not appear, the Changchun Sect of the Great Connaught can still operate continuously.

After all, a truly mature sect can function perfectly even without a sect master, so that the entire sect will not fall apart without a sect master.

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