Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1395 The horror of Xumi's life-cutting formation, the formation method to restrain the

"It turns out that it is no wonder that no one dares to run wild in Changchun Realm."

The Taoist man in white and the others couldn't help nodding their heads.

They also finally knew why Changchun Realm was so safe. No matter which city they went to, no immortal cultivator dared to violate the laws of Changchun Realm.

In fact, the law is nothing but a rule, what really matters is the violence behind the law.

Without absolute violence, no one would obey the law.

Especially in the immortal world.

If there is no absolute power to suppress those monks who are in the Mahayana realm and transcending the robbery realm, relying on their lawless characters, they would have no idea how many major cases have been made in the Changchun realm.

It is precisely because of the strength of the Wanlong Guihai Formation that they dare not act wild in the Changchun Realm.

"Of course, the formation arranged by the Changchun Sect in the Changchun Realm is not just the Wanlong Guihai Formation. This is just one of the formations, and there is another formation called the Sumeru Cut Life Formation."

Taoist Iron Crown said solemnly.

"Xumi's life-cutting formation? What formation is this?

The Taoist man in white asked curiously.

"As the name suggests, this is the formation method to reduce lifespan."

Daoist Iron Crown said bluntly: "Once this formation appears, if the person in the formation is hit by a ray of light, it will instantly swallow 237 thousand years of life.

Even if you are a Mahayana cultivator, with 20,000 years of lifespan, how many attacks can you withstand? There are not many others, but if you hit it a few times, your lifespan will be exhausted and you will die. "


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people present widened, and they were shocked. This is actually a formation that reduces lifespan. To be honest, they have only seen similar formations in books.

In reality, they have never seen a similar formation.

Originally, they thought that this formation was comparable to the Immortal Rank formation and could only appear in the Immortal Realm.

But I never imagined that there is such a formation in the Changchun world.

To be honest, even the top immortal cultivators felt incomparably fearful in the face of such a formation.

After all, they have worked so hard to cultivate to such a realm, and they managed to have such a long lifespan. Now that they have been hit a few times, their lifespan has been exhausted, and no one can bear such consequences.

"It's terrifying, it's really terrifying, the Changchun Realm actually hides such a formation. 99

"No wonder there are so many tribulation cultivators, and the Mahayana cultivators are as well-behaved as quails. With such a formation in the Changchun Realm, who would dare to run wild in the Changchun Realm? Isn't this self-defeating?"

"The question is that if the Changchun world is so dangerous, why do these great monks stay in the Changchun world so stupidly? Aren't they afraid that the Changchun world will explode and destroy these great monks?"

"Stupid, of course, because the Changchun Sect has a good reputation. If there is no reason, the Changchun Sect would not be able to do such a self-destructing thing. Isn't this slapped? It will destroy its reputation. 35

"That's right, if there is no need, the Changchun Sect will not do such a depraved thing, as long as you follow the rules here, the Changchun Sect will not have any thoughts about you.

"It can only be said that this is the confidence of the strongest forces in the spiritual world. If other forces have this kind of formation, they will definitely be regarded as a threat, and even be regarded as a demon sect, shouting and killing.

But Changchun Sect, even if they have a similar formation, it is just icing on the cake. Even if there is no Xumi to cut the lifespan, other formations can easily defeat those great monks.

"Xumi's life-cutting formation, how is this arranged? This is an extremely rare formation even in the Immortal Realm, but I didn't expect it to be arranged by the Changchun Sect.

"It's all due to the Sect Master of the Changchun Sect. It is said that the Sect Master of the Changchun Sect is a top-notch formation master. Even if it is placed in the immortal world, it can be regarded as a famous one, and it can be called the first formation master of the spiritual world. 35

"It's unbelievable, what else does the Changchun Sect Sect Master know?

Many Holy Land disciples were talking about it.

After hearing the description of Daoist Tieguan, they truly felt the horror of Changchun Sect. No wonder there are so many high-level monks who trust Changchun Sect and feel that Changchun Sect will definitely make Changchun Realm ascend to Immortal Realm.

To be honest, even the low-level cultivators like them are still heartbroken now.

After all, the time when they became Mahayana monks and ascended from tribulation was actually not very far away.

If you rely on your own strength, there is a high probability that you will die under the catastrophe. If you can follow the Changchun Realm to ascend to the Immortal Realm, this is equivalent to a free ride.

Anyone will be moved, and there is no greater chance than this.

"Haha, now you know the horror of the Changchun Sect. With Xumi's life-cutting formation, even if he encounters an army of demons, he will have the power to fight. 35

"Don't look at those demons that are invisible, silent, and undead, but they are not invincible, and these demons also have weaknesses, that is, they also have the troubles of life essence.

"If their lifespan is exhausted, even the energy of immortality will not be able to keep their lives."

"And Xumi's life-cutting formation is the best formation to deal with the demons. Once the big formation is opened, the lifespan of these demons will be continuously reduced. At that time, I am afraid that they will not be able to be reborn in the demon world, and they will die directly from exhaustion of lifespan."

Taoist Iron Crown said quietly.

He said that Xumi's life-cutting formation must be a supreme formation method to deal with demons.

With this formation, no matter how many demons come, they will be killed.

"It's no wonder that the Changchun Sect keeps cultivating those low-level monks, but all disciples with spiritual roots can set foot on the power of cultivation. It turns out that a lot of labor is needed."

"Isn't it? Although these low-level monks cannot appear on the frontal battlefield, nor can they compete with those high-level monks, but they can stay in the formation, provide energy to the formation, and maintain the operation of the formation.

Once the formation continues to operate, even in the face of many high-level cultivators, I am afraid that this formation can easily refine these high-level cultivators to life and die. 35

"It's true, the energy in the body of high-level monks is limited, but for low-level monks, they are better in number. The combined energy of tens of thousands of low-level monks surpasses that of tribulation-transcending monks.

If these low-level cultivators take action and maintain the operation of the formation, then every formation in Changchun Realm can be run forever without worrying about being destroyed by the enemy. 99

"Is this the reason why the Iron Crown elder said that even low-level cultivators have a great effect?"

"As expected of the Changchun Sect, their philosophy has far surpassed ours. We advocate individual force and believe that individual strength can determine the outcome of everything. However, the strength of the group is invincible. No matter how powerful a person is, what will happen? Maybe a group of people.

Many disciples in the Holy Land are very emotional․

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