Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1396 The river of reincarnation that runs through the Changchun world, the well of resurrect

"But even if this is the case, the Changchun world has its shortcomings."

The Taoist priest in white showed a gleam of light in his eyes, staring at the Taoist Iron Crown: "Although these low-level monks can maintain the operation of the formation, the low-level monks are low-level monks after all, and they are still the biggest weakness.

Especially in the face of demons, such weaknesses will be magnified infinitely, because they can easily penetrate into the formation.

Of course, the Changchun Sect will definitely have precautions, and will also arrange various methods to prevent the penetration of the demons, but there will always be opportunities for day and night defense.

Once a certain demon invades the interior, as long as one thought, most of the low-level monks will die under the power of the demon in an instant, and the formation will naturally be self-defeating.

He could see the flaws in the Changchun Realm formation, and that was those low-level monks.

After all, if they are approached by high-level monks, those low-level monks are just targets, they will be killed instantly, and they will not even have the strength to fight back.


The other Holy Land disciples couldn't help but nod their heads, all agreeing with what the Taoist man in white said~

Once approached by the demons, how many low-level disciples would not be enough to die.

"Yes, as you said, if you are approached by the enemy, it will be a disaster, but this kind of problem has been solved long ago.

The Tieguan Taoist smiled slightly.

"It was solved long ago? How?"

As soon as these words came out, the white-clothed Daoist and the others were shocked. No matter how they imagined, they couldn't believe that there was any way to solve this kind of thing. It was simply incredible.

"Well, this is the real secret of the Changchun world. Except for the people in the Changchun world, no one else is qualified to know it, and it's not convenient for me to disclose it. 99

Taoist Tieguan shook his head, saying that this was top secret information in the Changchun world and could not be leaked to outsiders.

But deep in his heart, he was very emotional. The solution to this matter is actually very simple, that is, let these low-level monks have the ability to resurrect, and have the ability similar to the demons.

In fact, the biggest change in the Changchun Realm in the past ten thousand years is not the change of the territory, not the change of the practice method, but the change between life and death. Every person in the Changchun Realm has the ability of immortality.

Flowing in the depths of Changchun Realm is a river of reincarnation!

This river of reincarnation was personally created by the sect master of the Changchun Sect. As long as you integrate your true spirit into the river of reincarnation, even if you die accidentally, you can be reborn in the river of reincarnation.

Compared with the river of undead blood created by Xia Chuan before, there is no doubt that the river of reincarnation has been made more terrifying progress.

If it is an immortal river of blood, once it dies, those who are reborn after death will lose all their cultivation bases and need to practice again and start from scratch.

But the river of reincarnation is different.

It can record the time of your rebirth. As long as you go to the River of Reincarnation to record your current state after a certain period of time, it will also return to the state recorded at that time after an accidental death.

To put it simply, if you record your cultivation in the Golden Core Realm in the River of Reincarnation, then after death and rebirth, you will also be reborn in the River of Reincarnation with your cultivation in the Golden Core Realm.

This is as if it has been solidified at a certain time, and it can be continuously resurrected and reincarnated.

Compared with the river of undead blood, the ability of the river of reincarnation is undoubtedly more terrifying. Even people who are resurrected after death need to waste a lot of time to practice.

Of course, the number of such deaths is not infinite. If there are too many deaths, then the cultivation will continue to decrease.

After all, this kind of rebirth after death is not without cost.

It is precisely because of the appearance of the River of Reincarnation that basically every city will have a Well of Resurrection. Anyone who leaves their mark in the Well of Resurrection will be reborn in the Well of Resurrection after death.

To be honest, when Tieguan Daoist chose to join Changchun Realm, he knew the existence of the river of reincarnation, and he was shocked and unbelievable.

Even if he was extremely imaginative, he never thought that the Changchun world would still have such a heritage.

In this way, he is more sure of the future of Changchun Realm. If such Changchun Realm can't successfully rise through calamity, then there will be no world that can ascend to Immortal Realm in the future.

"Can't tell, can't we reveal a little bit?"

Someone said reluctantly.


Taoist Tieguan shook his head. To be honest, he also wanted to reveal relevant information. Unfortunately, when he joined Changchun Realm, he signed a contract with Changchun Realm.

He couldn't reveal any important information about Changchun Realm, no matter whether it was intentional or unintentional, but anyone who had such thoughts would be punished by the law.

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So it's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he can't say it.

This is also the reason why not many outsiders know about the River of Reincarnation after the birth of the Changchun Realm.

After all, the secrecy of the Changchun world is really too great.

Of course, even if other people have seen people who were reborn after death in Changchun Realm, if there is no evidence, they can only be dubious, and it is impossible to leak this information into the hands of countless people.

"Okay, everyone, don't embarrass Elder Iron Crown, Elder Iron Crown has leaked too many things, which is completely enough for our Holy Land.

The Taoist white clothed waved his hand to dissuade the disciples from the Holy Land. He had already seen the unspeakable hiddenness of the Taoist Tieguan.

"Yes, in fact, Changchun Realm and our Holy Land are not enemies. Even though Changchun Realm is very powerful and even the first force in the spiritual realm, sooner or later, it will ascend to the Immortal Realm. No matter whether it succeeds or not, it will probably not be a threat to our Holy Land in the future.

Someone knows this very well.

As long as the Changchun Realm tries to ascend to the Immortal Realm, then the Changchun Realm will not be the enemy of other worlds. After all, once the ascension is successful, it will naturally become the Immortal Realm.

At that time, everyone was no longer a creature of the same dimension, so what about threats?

If it fails, let alone say that the entire Changchun world will be completely destroyed, disappearing into the long river of history, and perhaps only some records will be left in the history books.

In short, regardless of success or failure, it is doomed that the Changchun world is not the enemy of other worlds.

It is because of this that the forces of the many spiritual worlds are so friendly to the Changchun world, and they even let the Changchun world continue to expand their power.

"That's right, since the Iron Crown elders have made a decision, then we have nothing to say. After all, flying to the immortal world is the dream of every immortal cultivator, and we will pass the elders' thoughts back to the Holy Master."

Many Holy Land disciples couldn't help nodding their heads.

They also understand the reason why Elder Iron Crown chose to join Changchun Realm, if they were, they would probably make the same choice.

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