Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1397 The ambition of the old monsters, entering the time house and smuggling into the future

It didn't take long for these Holy Land disciples to leave.

After all, they knew that Elder Iron Crown's purpose in joining the Changchun Sect was not to betray the Holy Land, but to join the Changchun Sect and take the opportunity to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

To be honest, this is also the dream of countless immortal cultivators. If it were them, there is a high probability that they would not be able to stop such a youhuo.

At this time, the relevant information was also passed back to the Holy Land, and was known by many Holy Land elders.

"It turns out that the reason why Elder Iron Crown stayed in Changchun Realm is to follow Changchun Realm to ascend to Immortal Realm? Although I have heard of it, I didn't expect that such a Mahayana monk would be attracted, even Elder Iron Crown did not. exception.

A Taishang elder said quietly.

Although he had heard similar news for a long time, it was the first time that he had learned such specific information from the old mouth of "Two Sanqi", the head of the Iron Crown, which also gave him a clear understanding of the Changchun Sect.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the strongest spiritual world in history, and the number one force in the spiritual world today, the background and strength of which are not comparable to the forces of the past dynasties.

"No way, although Elder Iron Crown is also a Mahayana cultivator, a former holy land arrogant, but he was severely damaged when he was young, and his foundation was damaged. The probability of surviving the calamity is less than 10%. It's gone, so it's not surprising to choose to join the Changchun Realm and ascend to the Immortal Realm."

Another Supreme Elder said solemnly.

He understood Elder Iron Crown's thoughts very well. In fact, when he heard the information, he couldn't wait to leave immediately and go to Changchun Realm.

Because he didn't have much confidence in surviving the catastrophe, so why not find a method with a better success rate.

"It's an idiot. To actually want to rely on others to ascend, is to disgrace our Holy Land. If you don't rely on yourself to ascend to the Immortal Realm, but rely on others to ascend to the Immortal Realm, even if you really become an immortal, what achievements will you have in the future."

The Holy Land Holy Master cursed loudly and felt very dissatisfied.

Although he also understands the thoughts of the Iron Crown elders, betrayal is betrayal, even if he uses any reason.

If he hadn't been able to beat Changchun Realm, he would have long wanted to get rid of this traitor.

Now he can only do nothing, even if he knows that the other party is a traitor, he can only watch the other party go free.

"Holy Master, that's not what you said, and not everyone is like you, and there is a 70-80% chance of successfully transcending tribulation and ascending. Most immortal cultivators are just mortals, and there are not many Otherwise, there would not be only such a few people in the spiritual world ascending to the immortal world.

"Isn't it? And the current situation is not only limited to the Mahayana monks like Elder Iron Crown. In fact, the major forces in the spiritual world have transcended the catastrophe, and even the monks in the Mahayana region have joined the Changchun Sect.

"That's right, this scene has been going on for thousands of years, and many old antiques who are about to run out of lifespan even choose to join the Changchun Sect with their families and become a member of the Changchun Sect."

"To a certain extent, the current Changchun Sect is basically the first force in the spiritual world, and countless old antiques are members of the Changchun Sect.

Many elders of the Holy Land were talking about it.

To be honest, similar situations are not only in the Holy Land, in fact, the major sects and races in the spiritual world have experienced similar situations.

They abandoned their original forces one after another, thus choosing to join the Changchun Sect and become a member of the Changchun Sect.

It can be said that the current Changchun world has gathered the old monsters from the past tens of thousands of years in the spiritual world.

"Are you crazy? Those old antiques whose lifespan is about to run out all choose to join the Changchun Sect, what are they thinking?

The Holy Master frowned immediately.

"Holy Lord, they are not crazy, they are just out of practical considerations."

An elder said solemnly: "It is said that the Changchun Sect created a special building called the Time House, and staying in the Time House can make time stand still.

In other words, if you stay in the Time Room for a year, the outside world may have passed 10,000 years. For those old monsters whose lifespan is about to be exhausted, such a place is a great youhuo. 35


As soon as these words came out, the Holy Master was not an idiot. He immediately knew that those old monsters who were about to run out of lifespan wanted to join the Changchun Sect. If it was him, he would not hesitate to join.

After all, the lifespan of those old monsters is only hundreds of years, or decades.

But staying in the time house of Changchun Sect, just one day, they can smuggle to the time after ten thousand years, which is equivalent to extending their lives without limit.

They can stay in the Time Room until the moment when Changchun Realm ascends to Immortal Realm.

Once Changchun Realm successfully ascends to the Immortal Realm, then these old monsters will naturally be baptized by the laws of the Immortal Realm. At that time, one by one will be successfully promoted to the realm of Human Immortals and gain a million-year lifespan.

It can be said that one is to stay in the original power, waiting for the longevity to be exhausted, and he will die of old age.

One is to join the Changchun Realm, sneak into the future ten thousand years later, and then make a little effort during the ascension, and then you can smoothly ascend to the Immortal Realm and prolong your life.

Even a fool knows how to choose.

"The House of Time? Is this Changchun Sect Master a monster? Even the treasure that controls the law of time can be refined." The Holy Master couldn't help but take a deep breath and was shocked.

He felt that even ordinary immortals could not refine such a treasure as the Time House. Any force that obtained such a treasure would inevitably become the force's greatest heritage and would attract countless creatures to join.

The Changchun Sect attracted the old monsters from the entire spiritual world by virtue of such a special building. Offending the Changchun Sect was equivalent to offending the old monsters in the entire spiritual world.

"I don't know how this was done. Maybe it was a chance from the sect master of Changchun Sect, an immortal weapon obtained from somewhere in 1.6, but I have to say that it is precisely because of the appearance of the Time Room that those Shouyuan will soon be The depleted cultivators came in a rush. Originally they were doomed, but now there is a chance of life.

An elder said quietly.

There is no doubt that if his lifespan is about to be exhausted, and he is not sure to survive the catastrophe and ascend to the Immortal Realm, he will definitely abandon the Holy Land without hesitation and choose to join the Changchun Sect.

The world is so cruel, it is all bound together because of interests.

"But there are also some Mahayana monks with long life spans who seem to have chosen to join the Changchun Sect. Why did they do this? They don't seem to have any reason to betray their own power. 35

The Holy Master frowned and continued to ask.

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