Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1399 The tide that shakes the spiritual world, the crazy immigration tide

Similar discussions also covered many worlds in the spiritual world. First of all, discussions were started within the scope of these ancient families. After all, this was related to the future development of the family.

This is also why they are not careful.

"What do you think of this immigration wave in Changchun? It seems that many ancient families are planning to migrate to Changchun and ascend with Changchun. 35

The head of an ancient family asked.

"Patriarch, do you still need to ask? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With our aptitude and strength, there is no chance for us to ascend to the immortal world. We can only stay in the spiritual world and die. If you are lucky, you may be able to live to the end of your life. If it is a little bit, it will die tragically in the hands of other people. How can there be such a free and easy ascension to the fairyland.

Some elders immediately agreed to immigrate to Changchun.

After all, for him, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, holding Changchun Realm's thigh and flying to Immortal Realm together, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity foolishly.

If you miss it, you will never be able to hitch a ride in the future.

"Stupid, who knows if Changchun Realm can ascend to Immortal Realm, if it fails, then our family will be buried with Changchun Realm and disappear into this world?!"

"That's right, our family has lived in the spiritual world for tens of thousands of years, and we don't know how many ups and downs we have gone through to achieve what we are today. With such huge benefits, how can we just give up? , I don't agree with the family moving to the Changchun world, it doesn't make any sense to do so.

"That's right, we immigrated to Changchun Realm, that is, poor and white, everything needs to start over. It is said that Changchun Realm is very strict, and even immortal cultivators have no privileges. Even if we really migrated to Changchun Realm, don't we Can the family really rise in the Changchun world?

"I don't want to go to an unfamiliar place and rely on others, why not stay where we are now and make a fortune, is it really so good to be an immortal?

Many clan elders objected and did not agree to move to an unfamiliar world, because for them, it was equivalent to changing to another place and re-emerging.

The amount of effort and energy spent in this way is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"It's just a bunch of idiots, who only see the immediate interests, not the future interests. If we can fly to the immortal world, we will all be immortals in the future. It's better to be a rich man in the city, you know?

"That's right, a group of short-sighted hometowns, what's the use of staying here to enjoy the glory and wealth, what's the point of not being a cup of loess after ten thousand years.

"What kind of glory, wealth, and honor have we not enjoyed? Everything is fake without a lifespan. When you die, everything is just an emptiness. I don't want to stay in the spiritual world and spend this life in a hurry. 35

"That's true, in short, whether you pedantic people want to migrate or not, I will definitely migrate anyway, I don't want to stay in the spiritual world and die with you idiots.

Many elders sneered.

They are all elders who have lived for a long time. They are used to seeing the warmth and warmth of the world, and they are used to seeing glory and wealth. Naturally, various things in the spiritual world can no longer move their hearts.

Now the thing they fear most is death, and ascending to the Immortal Realm is the only way for them to get rid of death.

Anyway, if they don't take risks, they will all die sooner or later.

"If that's the case, then let's split up our families. If anyone wants to move to Changchun Realm, then whoever moves, and whoever doesn't want to leave, then stay here."

The head of the family immediately made a decision: "Of course, I agree with the relocation, and the ancestral land of this family head will be handed over to those of you who don't want to leave."


Hearing this, many members of the family head were silent, they knew that from today the whole family would undergo earth-shaking changes, it would be divided into two, and from then on, they would also part ways.

However, similar things have actually happened in the past tens of thousands of years.

Their family has also split several times.

But no matter how many times they split, as long as their bloodline still exists, the family will never go extinct.

Of course, it's not just these immortal cultivating families, a bigger part of the shock is still in the major cultivating sects, and these disciples are even more eager to move.

"Have you heard? The Changchun Realm is about to ascend to the Immortal Realm. As long as we sneak into the Changchun Realm, even if we are not cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, we can follow along and ascend to the Immortal Realm and become immortals.

Someone mysteriously spread such news.

"Hehe, this news has already spread throughout the spiritual world, not only we know about it, even the elders know about it, and even the sect masters are considering whether to move the sect to the Changchun world. .""

"No way, it's true, the whole sect has moved to Changchun Realm? This is too exaggerated, doesn't it mean that there is only one Changchun Sect in Changchun Realm? No other sects are allowed to be established. If we go to Changchun Realm, we will Can the other side allow us to establish a sect somewhere?"5

`Stupid, we are just hitching a ride in Changchun Realm. Once Changchun Realm has successfully ascended to Immortal Realm, then we will leave Changchun Realm and go to the world where other Immortal Realms are located. Why should we continue to stay in Changchun Realm?"

"That's right, in fact, this is also the idea of ​​many sect elders. They just want to smuggle into the fairy world. It is said that the fairy world is like the spiritual world, there are many worlds, even if the Changchun world does not allow us to establish a sect. Doors can also be established in other worlds. The fairyland is so big, I don't believe there is no place for us. 99

"It's too insidious, isn't this just taking advantage of the Changchun Sect? After being known by the Changchun Sect, they won't be killed by them. 55

"No, no, in fact, the Changchun Sect also knows about this, but they don't care. After all, if they want to ascend to the Immortal Realm smoothly, they also need the help of a large number of cultivators (Li's), and we can help.

"That's right, it's just that everyone gets what they need. Anyway, after this is done, we part ways."

"In short, even if the sect does not plan to move to the Changchun sect, many elders actually plan to run away. After all, this is a great opportunity to ascend to the immortal world. Who wouldn't be moved. If we follow the normal process of transcending the calamity and ascending, our sect will So big, how many people can succeed."

"Well, according to historical records, our sect has existed for millions of years, and we have only successfully ascended more than 100 people.

"Yes, there are only more than 100 people. Do you know how many disciples there are in our sect? It has accumulated over 100 million over the years, but only more than 100 people can successfully ascend, so you can imagine the low probability of ascension.

"It seems that the sect master is helpless. If the sect is not relocated, probably all the elders will have to run away."5

There was a lot of discussion.

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