Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1400 The Great Thousand World Network, the Changchun Realm that is about to soar

Changchun Realm, Changchun Sect.

At this moment, the network constructed by the Great Thousand World Mirror has now become something used by everyone in the entire Changchun world. Basically, everyone can access the Internet to obtain all kinds of information.

Under the influence of the power of the Immortal Artifact Great Thousand World Mirror, even if they are in any corner of the spiritual world, they can instantly transmit messages, which makes it even more impossible for them to leave this communicator.

Basically, the communicator has become a must-have item for the Changchun Sect.

In a certain forum, many disciples of Changchun Sect were discussing what happened recently.

"What's going on? Why are more and more monks from other worlds immigrating to Changchun Realm recently, or even entire families and sects, are they crazy?"

Some people have also noticed this immigration trend.

"Hehe, they are not crazy, but they have already received the news. After a while, our Changchun Realm will trigger the Heavenly Tribulation and rise through the calamity, so they sold the previous foundation and moved to the Changchun Realm collectively, planning to Follow us to ascend to the fairyland." 5

"No way, these guys are very treacherous, obviously relying on their own strength, it is basically impossible to fly to the Immortal Realm, but they still want to reward our thighs and fly with us, can't we stop these guys?

"That's right, these 267 monks from all over the spiritual world poured into our Changchun world in large numbers, and they began to bring a lot of chaos to our peaceful Changchun world.

To be honest, these guys are used to being lawless when they are in the outside world. They often kill people and hunt for treasures. They never follow the rules.

"Isn't it? The influx of foreign monks into our Changchun world will also reduce the job opportunities for our locals. We didn't have many job opportunities at first, haven't they been robbed them now?

Many Changchun Sect disciples complained one after another.

Due to the appearance of a large number of immigrants, a certain degree of chaos has been brought to Changchun in a short period of time.

After all, people who can immigrate to Changchun Realm are either rich or expensive, otherwise they will not have the money to buy tickets and send them to Changchun Realm.

These immortal cultivators from big families and sects have long been accustomed to being powerful and lawless. After coming to Changchun Realm, it is naturally impossible to change such arrogant and domineering characters in a short time.

Therefore, they are incompatible with the strict rules of the Changchun world, and even conflicted.

These days, they don't know how many new immigrants who break the law have been dealt with.

The occurrence of these things also made many monks in Changchun feel very dissatisfied, and felt that the appearance of these new immigrants caused the situation in Changchun to be turbulent.

"The high-level people already know this, but this is only a temporary phenomenon, and we do need these new immigrants, because we need a large number of monks to maintain the formations everywhere. If I guess correctly, the Sect Master will soon. When we leave the customs, our Changchun Realm will rise through calamity."

An elder of the Changchun Sect suddenly posted an explanation.

"What? True or false? Lord Sect Master is about to leave the country?"

"It is said that the Sect Master has been deducing new formations and new immortal techniques over the years, so he has been in a state of retreat, and he did not expect to finally leave."

"This is also a very normal thing. The Sect Master has already been able to ascend to the Immortal Realm, but in order to wait for the arrangement of the Changchun Realm Formation and prepare various means of transcending the calamity and ascending, he has still waited for ten thousand years."

"Actually, it's almost time to calculate. The Sect Master said before that after ten thousand years, he will rise through calamity. The Sect Master will never say such words for no reason. There must be a plan.""

"If this is the case, then it doesn't matter if more immigrants come. After all, to survive the catastrophe and fight against the demons, a large number of cultivators are needed to help."

Many disciples of Changchun Sect were talking about it.

They were all overjoyed, but they didn't expect to hear the news that the Sect Master was about to leave the customs at this time.

You must know that they have been preparing for ten thousand years, and the purpose is to wait for the moment of transcending the calamity and soaring. For this purpose, they have spent too much energy and time.

"But if the sect master is really going to leave, wouldn't those elders have to come out of the time room?"

At this time, someone couldn't help but think of this.

In fact, many elders of the Changchun Sect have been promoted to the Mahayana realm to achieve perfection, in order to avoid the ascension of the calamity, and to avoid the further consumption of their lifespan.

They also chose to enter the time house one after another.

After all, if they stay in the Time Room, the life essence on their bodies will basically not be consumed, and at the moment of transcendence and soaring, they can also burst into the strongest power.

To be honest, no one knows how many Mahayana monks are hidden in the Time House.

There is no doubt that, after more than 14,000 years of development, the current Changchun Sect is no longer the young sect of the past, and its background is even more terrifying than those of the ancient holy places.

The number of Mahayana cultivators alone has exceeded one million.

"There is no doubt about that, after all, when Transcendence Tribulation ascended, they couldn't have been hiding in the Time House all the time, and they would inevitably come out from it and face the calamity with us.

"I didn't expect that our Changchun Sect had already prepared so much. I think that the mere robbery can't help our Changchun Sect, and I don't know why the Sect Master thinks it is not enough. 35

"Stupid, how broad the Sect Master's vision is, it is not comparable to mortals, this time our enemy is not only the calamity, but more importantly, the calamity, no one knows how terrifying those celestial demons are.

"That's right, I have encountered demons before, those guys are the real enemies of all realms, the so-called divine beasts, demons and other races, compared with the demons, they are scum.

"No way, is the demon really that terrifying? It's unexpected for the Sect Master to take it so seriously.

"Of course it is terrifying. It is said that many immortals in the immortal world have also been beaten by the demons, losing their armor and armor, and losing a lot of territory. It is conceivable that the demons are terrifying. If it is not limited by the laws of the spiritual world, our spiritual world will Humans simply cannot be the opponents of these demons.99

Many disciples of Changchun Sect were talking about it.

After ten thousand years of preparation, they also had some clear concepts of the catastrophe they were about to encounter, and they knew what kind of difficulties they were about to encounter.

On the other hand, the main peak of Changchun Sect, this is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.


At this moment, the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged, the void shook, and an unfathomable force erupted, as if an ancient divine beast had awakened.

At this time, Xia Chuan finally woke up from the long retreat, and was finally about to leave.

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