Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1445 The Hundred Tribes Allied Forces, Attacking the Human Race, the Great Wilderness Shakes

a few days later.

Under the leadership of the Tiger Clan, the coalition forces of hundreds of races came from their respective territories. They were called the Hundred Races Allied Forces, and they wanted to crusade the human race.

Many races in the entire Great Wilderness also heard the sound and immediately knew about it.

"No way, the tiger clan led hundreds of races to attack the human race? I've never heard of a conflict between these two races before." There was a big demon who was very puzzled and didn't know what happened. There was no movement before.

It seems that there is no conflict between life and death between the human race and the tiger race, but suddenly a war was launched, which also shocked many big monsters.

"Hehe, do wars between races still need any contradictions? It's nothing more than a conflict of interests. The human race has developed too fast in the last hundred years, and it has threatened the living space of the tiger race."

"That's right, the Tigers are the overlords of this area, they are unparalleled, and there are vague signs of aspirations. If they want to dominate this area, they will definitely need to eradicate the Human Race.

"The human race was just a little-known race a hundred years ago. It was so weak that no one paid attention to them. However, it suddenly rose up and threatened the interests of all races."

"Indeed, the same is true. The human race has built 108 313 cities within a hundred years, each of which is extremely large, and conducts commercial trade with other races. coveted.

It's just that there were some small races before, and they couldn't do anything about the human race. Even if they really attacked the human race city, they would be easily wiped out by the human race. But now it's different. There are super races like the tiger race taking the lead, plus other races to help. , I am afraid that the human race is less fortunate.

Many big demons are talking about it.

Since they can live to this time, no one is an idiot. Everyone knows what the Tiger Clan leads many races to attack the Human Race for, and it is nothing more than profit.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with them, so they all sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Really? Although the human race is a race that has risen in the last century, its strength is not trivial. It is said that tens of thousands of human immortals have been born so far, and the patriarch Xuanyuan of the human race is an earth immortal, and may even be a powerhouse at the level of heavenly immortals. Defeat the human race, I am afraid it is not so simple.

A big demon said in a deep voice.

Because it often enters and leaves the human race city, it knows the human race's terrifying bottom (baby) and power, even if the rise time is very short, but it is no less than those big races.

If this is not the case, the tiger clan alone can take action and exterminate the human race, and there is no need to unite with hundreds of races to deal with the human race together.

"It's really not that simple. The patriarch of the human race, Xuanyuan, is not a simple character. A hundred years ago, the human race relied on the power of Xuanyuan to rise rapidly. It is said that the tens of thousands of immortals of the human race were born because of the power of Xuanyuan. The human race solved a lot of troubles and escorted them.

If the Tiger Clan were really so confident, they would not draw other races to take action and share the pressure for themselves. I am afraid that the Tiger Clan would also be very afraid of the power of the human race Xuanyuan.

"That Xuanyuan is indeed unfathomable, but the tiger clan, fox clan, leopard clan and other large races are not simple, they have innate magic weapons to suppress the luck of the race.

The time for the rise of the human race is still too short, and there is no innate magic weapon to suppress the luck. If you encounter these powerhouses, holding the innate magic weapon, I am afraid that you will be killed instantly. 95

"It's not unreasonable to say this. The power of the innate magic weapon is indeed quite powerful. The innate magic weapon can even leapfrog the challenge. The immortals with the innate magic weapon are invincible existences. This time the human race is probably more fortunate.""

"Well, the human race may also have an innate magic weapon. If you think about it carefully, the rise of the human race is so rapid, will it have something to do with the power of the innate magic weapon?

If the human race also has an innate magic weapon, then the outcome of this race war is uncertain, and it may even be defeated. After all, no one knows what power is behind the human race. 99

"This may be the reason why the Tiger Clan is so cautious, but this has nothing to do with us. Regardless of the outcome of the Human Race and the Hundred Clan, the situation in the entire Great Wilderness will undergo earth-shaking changes."5

Many big monsters are very concerned about the situation of this war, and even vaguely have the idea of ​​taking chestnuts from the fire. If both sides suffer, maybe they can still take advantage of the fisherman.

In a word, each and every race is secretly coveting the situation of this war.


At this moment, under the leadership of Hu Wushuang, the patriarch of the tiger clan, hundreds of millions of monsters soared into the sky, mighty and mighty, driving the monster clouds, and rushed directly towards Yancheng.

Obviously, they want to attack Yancheng, the second largest city of the human race, as soon as possible.

Of course, they also wanted to attack Xuanyuan City directly, but unfortunately there were many human race cities in front of Xuanyuan City.

If you want to attack Xuanyuan City, you must attack other cities, otherwise there is no other way.

But for the Hundred Races, it doesn't matter.

After all, this time they want to completely wipe out the human race, no matter how many cities the human race has, they are all within the scope of their sweep.

"Kill, destroy the human race Yancheng.

Tiger Clan Hu Wushuang roared, it didn't intend to talk nonsense with the human race immortals, it was time to see it, it was hard power, and the mouth gun was useless.

It is also not good at mouth cannons, so naturally it uses its upright power to crush the human race city.

dong dong dong!!!

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of races formed their own square formations, exerted their own natal supernatural powers, and bombarded Yancheng with one after another of terrifying magic arts.

It was as if hundreds of millions of missiles fell down, piercing the sky and producing unparalleled destructive power.

Even an immortal would be smashed to pieces when faced with such power.

The many big monsters who were observing secretly in the distance were all frightened, and they felt that they still underestimated this group of allied troops of hundreds of clans.

Combined, this force can completely crush the Great Wilderness and swept the nine heavens and ten places.

"Get up!

At this moment, a voice rang out in the void, like the sound of Dao in the dark, transmitted to the depths of each creature's sea of ​​consciousness, buzzing.


In the next second, the 108 cities of the human race burst into endless rays of light at the same time, and the rays of light outlined each other, forming a six-star formation of rays of light.

The spiritual veins of heaven and earth in this area vibrated, and the infinite power of heaven and earth poured out.

A great formation rose out of thin air, forming a huge curtain of light, covering the entire Yan City and every human city.

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