"Sure enough, the city of the human race is not simple.

Hu Wushuang, the patriarch of the tiger clan, saw this scene, and his pupils shrank. If he arrived in Yancheng before, he felt that Yancheng contained a faint threat, and he could even threaten himself as an immortal.

Unfortunately, no matter how it probes, it cannot know where the source of the danger is.

Now that the allied forces of the Hundred Races are attacking the Human Race, these Human Race cities have really revealed their true colors. These cities can actually be connected to each other to form a supreme formation.

The whole earth seems to have formed yin and yang and turned into a pattern of yin and yang, covering the earth and sky.


I saw a huge black and white light curtain enveloped the entire Yan City, covering every corner, 360 degrees without blind spots, the attack of the Hundred Clan Allied Forces bombarded, and bombarded this terrifying black and white light curtain fiercely.

dong dong dong!!!

Immediately, the magic tricks of the Hundred Clan Allied Forces were instantly neutralized by this light curtain, as if a boulder fell into the sea, unable to set off any waves.

The entire Yancheng was like a giant rock, standing still, and the humans inside were not affected in any way.

"What a joke, our hundred clan alliance, so many big monsters, can't destroy this formation, what kind of defensive formation is this?"

The Patriarch of the Leopard Clan widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Originally, it thought that if they faced each other, the human race would be instantly destroyed by them, showing the trend of destroying the dead, but now, it seems that things are not so simple.

The background of the human race is beyond imagination, and all the big monsters feel that this is undoubtedly a tough battle.

"This is the two-meter gossip formation of my human race, which communicates the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, uses the city as the eye of the formation, and unites 108 cities to form the ultimate defense formation."

The person who spoke was Jiang Shui, the lord of Yancheng City: "If you want to break this great formation, you must break through the 108 cities of our human race at the same time. If you want to use this power, you want to invade the territory of my human race. It's a fool's dream." "

He didn't mind revealing some details of the formation at all.

The so-called hole card is the hole card before it is used. After it is used, it is known to everyone, and it is not a hole card. It can only be regarded as a clear card.

It is because of this that it is better to take the initiative to announce some of the power of the formation to shock everyone, and this can also reduce the maliciousness of other races to the human race.

Sometimes the race can't bear it for a long time, and it really becomes a dog.

Therefore, sometimes you need to show your fangs and claws in order to show your power to other beasts, which can also avoid a lot of malice against yourself.

Of course, there are many more cards in the human race, so he naturally doesn't mind revealing some of them.

"Liangyi Bagua Array? Is this the trump card of the human race? It's really powerful. 99

"It's no wonder that the human race is frantically building cities, these cities are not useless, they are actually part of the formation, when did such a powerful formation appear in the Great Wilderness. 35

"It has long been said that the human race is the wolf's ambition to build cities. They build cities and keep compressing our living space. If there are human race cities everywhere, then all the tribes in the great wilderness will be crushed to death, and all good places will be destroyed by the human race. Occupy, there will be no hope of our rise in the future."5

"Isn't it? How sinister is the human race's intentions. It has long been said that this race is terrifying. Fortunately, we are united now. If it takes another thousand years, there is no room for us to resist.

Many big demons talked a lot, and they were very fortunate.

Fortunately, they united in time and attacked the human race. Otherwise, how could they force out the trump card of the human race. If they didn't know this trump card, they might have been silently wiped out by the human race.

"As expected of a human race, it actually merged 108 cities to build an ultimate defense formation. It seems that if it is an ordinary method, then we can only do nothing and stare blankly at the formation. 99

Hu Wushuang, the head of the Tiger Clan, showed a hint of coldness in his eyes: "However, the background of your human race is still too shallow, and it is not comparable to our ancient and powerful races, which is why the human race perished today.


As soon as the voice fell, it immediately took out a congenital magic weapon called Yaoyao Banner from its body. Immediately, as soon as the innate magic weapon called Yaoyao Banner came out, a terrifying demonic energy erupted immediately, sweeping the nine heavens and ten places.

With its body as the center, a huge field was formed, and in the void, densely packed ghosts appeared, they turned into ghosts, and they were in the air with each other.

Everyone felt the terrifying power of this innate magic weapon. This is an innate magic weapon that only quasi-sages, even saints, can possess, but now it has appeared on the Tiger Clan Patriarch.

·0 for flowers ·......

This innate magic weapon raised the power of the tiger clan chief to an unimaginable level.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that even the tiger clan's patriarch has begun to act real, so the old man has to accompany him to the end."

The leopard clan chief Jie Jie smiled, and it took out an innate magic weapon from the body.

This innate magic weapon is the ultimate treasure for killing, and it can destroy the sky and destroy the earth with a single halberd. Even among many innate magic weapons, its killing power can be ranked in the forefront.

It is precisely because of this innate magic weapon that the Leopard Clan and Tiger Clan are tied together.

Of course, the reason why the Leopard Clan did not surpass the Tiger Clan was simply because the consumption of this innate magic weapon, the Heavenly Splitting Halberd, was too great. Every time it was used, a large amount of demon power in its body would be quickly consumed, and it could not be used many times.

It can be said that its own strength limits its ability to exert this innate magic weapon.

If its cultivation base is further advanced, then with the power of the Sky Splitting Halberd, it will be no problem to sweep the Great Wilderness.

"The threat of the human race is too great, and it must be wiped out."

The patriarch of the fox clan said in a deep voice, his eyes also showed a hint of coldness, and he also took out an innate magic weapon, a rosary bead.

This is a treasure of illusion. It can silently pull the enemy into the illusion. As long as the Dao Heart is not firm enough, he will sink into the illusion forever.

With this treasure, even if the fox clan's fighting strength is insufficient, it is enough to deter all the clans in the great wilderness.


Three innate magic weapons were born at the same time, and terrifying power erupted one after another, affecting the area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers, shaking the void and shaking the earth.

All the big demons hiding nearby were shivering, their hearts and gallbladders split, and their blood boiled.

It seems that the wisps of innate magic emanating from the innate magic weapon can shake them all to death, causing the entire house to be in an accident.

They never imagined that this battle had just begun, and they actually started to use the innate magic weapon.

This is no less than the use of nuclear bombs at the beginning of modern warfare, which is beyond the imagination of all big demons.

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