Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1490 The chance for world props to be promoted to cosmic wonders, the horror of the book of


It didn't take long for a piece of world props to be sent from the Gate of Chance, and then entered the inner space of the Book of Omniscience in an instant, temporarily isolating their aura.

After all, they are only world props, not cosmic wonders. If they are exposed to the laws of the immortal universe, they will definitely be instantly suppressed, destroy the will in the body, and instantly turn into mortal objects.

But having the protection of the Book of Omniscience is different, it is equivalent to living in the body of the Book of Omniscience, and the laws of this universe cannot perceive the existence of the world props.

"It turns out that, I understand, I finally understand their promotion method.

In an instant, the Book of Omniscience laughed, and in almost a second, it understood the way for the remaining 2,999 world items to be promoted to cosmic wonders.

This is the terror of omniscience, who knows himself better than himself, and his strengths and weaknesses are exposed.

"How can these world props be promoted?"

Xia Chuan asked curiously.

"The innate magic weapon, the innate magic weapon that devours this universe."

The Book of Omniscience immediately said: "As long as it can devour the same type of innate magic weapon, then the world props that integrate the two cosmic laws can instantly become cosmic wonders, cross the dimension of treasures, and master unprecedented power.

There is no doubt that the innate magic weapon of this universe can make up for the defects of the world's props perfectly, making our world's props to be promoted to a perfect state.

It's no wonder that the Gate of Cosmic Wonders of Chance will send us to this universe. Obviously, this universe contains an unparalleled opportunity for us to be promoted, not just to get the cosmic wonders of this immortal universe. "

It suddenly realized that the power of the door of chance is really incredible, and it actually found the biggest opportunity in the dark, and found the opportunity to promote the world's props.

Obviously, if you travel to other universes, you may not be able to promote world items, but in this immortal universe, the appearance of these innate magic weapons is very suitable for each innate magic weapon and complements each other.

Therefore, once the same type of magic weapon is swallowed, the world item can be broken through, promoted to a new dimension, and become a new cosmic wonder.

This is simply a man-made creation of cosmic wonders.

If this matter is known by the Heavenly Venerates, it will definitely be extremely shocked, enough to shake the endless void.

"Devouring the innate magic weapon?"

Xia Chuan squinted his eyes: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Although many innate magic weapons in this universe are hidden in the dark restricted area, there are also many magic weapons that have been mastered by quasi-sages and even saints.

In order for them to be promoted to the wonders of the universe, at least two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine innate magic weapons are needed. Such a huge number of innate magic weapons will probably need to sweep the entire immortal universe. ""

"Then occupy the immortal universe and become the master of this universe.

The Book of Omniscience said decisively: "Occupy this universe completely and transform it into the territory of our Xuanhuang universe. In this way, we can take the innate magic weapon of the entire universe as our own."

For it, this is the plan of course.

Since only by conquering the Immortal Universe can one obtain so many innate magic weapons, then just conquer this universe directly. In fact, this is not very difficult.

After all, there are Tianzun's body behind him, as well as the book of omniscient knowledge of cosmic wonders, etc. If he can't conquer the immortal universe, then no one can conquer the immortal universe.


Hearing this, Xia Chuan laughed immediately, he is a goddess, even if he is only a clone now, he will recover to become a god sooner or later.

What is the immortal universe, even if the two gods are resurrected, they may not be their opponents.

For other people, it is almost impossible to dominate the immortal universe, but for him, he can't say that he is sure of everything, but he is also inseparable from ten.

"Master, this is the map of the fairy world. 35

When the Book of Omniscience moved, a virtual projection of the fairyland map appeared in mid-air, and the locations of the densely packed fairyland (babg) worlds appeared on it.

To be honest, this is clearer than any force in the fairy world's description of the fairy world.

Even the world in the dark restricted area clearly appeared in this virtual map, in every detail.

"Is this the power of omniscience? You actually know the specific location of each world in the fairy world?

Xia Chuan was surprised.

He knew that the Immortal Realm was extremely huge, comparable to an ordinary universe, boundless, and the endless starry sky did not know how many worlds there were.

Some worlds even appear in dimensional time and space, appearing in the interlayer of space, and even a quasi-sage is difficult to detect.

It is because of this that in the endless immortal world, even the countless ancient forces in the immortal world cannot know how many worlds have been born in the immortal world.

Because the immortal universe is also expanding all the time, and new worlds are being born all the time.

In addition, it is impossible for the immortals to explore the immortal world for a lifetime. There are always 30 to 40% of the area in the blind spot. This is the place that the major immortal forces cannot reach. After all, it is too far away.

"Yes, just now my perception has expanded to the entire immortal universe, and I can perceive huge information every second, and I can understand the infinite information in the past. These information about the world are the most superficial, so I immediately understood, many worlds in the immortal world. There are no secrets to me.99

"Now I already know the coordinates of the major worlds in the fairy world, and I can build a teleportation array at any time and send it to these worlds without being noticed by any forces in the fairy world. 35

"As long as we send people over and integrate these worlds into the Changchun world one by one, then the growth rate of the Changchun world will be extremely amazing, and it won't take long to become the world of the Xianjie.

The Book of Omniscience smiled slightly.

For it, it's just a pediatric thing.

Because it has the ability to know everything, it can understand the every move of the major forces in the fairy world, and even understand their thoughts and their blind spots.

Therefore, it is completely able to capture the huge worlds in the fairy world without disturbing any forces and any living beings, and then integrate into the Changchun world to help the Changchun world grow rapidly.

"Yes, cultivate a large number of Golden Immortals, even quasi-sages. At that time, just the number of immortals will be enough to crush the entire Immortal Realm. When the time comes to sweep the Immortal Realm, it will become a matter of pediatrics."

"In that case, this matter is left to you."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

Obviously, with the help of the Book of Omniscience, the development of power has become a matter of pediatrics, and the Changchun world will rapidly expand at an alarming rate.

A million-year protection period is completely sufficient.

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