Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1491 The passage leading to the fairyland, the quasi-sages descended to the fairyland one af

At this moment, many saints gathered together, all of them exuding a powerful breath, filled with the fluctuations of the law, as if the worlds gathered together, the energy was beyond imagination.

"Let's start, let's take action together and open a passage to the fairyland."

"It is easy to ascend to this holy world, but it is extremely difficult to return to the immortal world. Without the saint's action, it is basically impossible to return to the inner world of the universe.

"After opening this channel, we will have to rest for at least hundreds of thousands of years to make up for this loss, and we will also be attacked by the laws of the universe.

"Everything is worth it, you must find out the reincarnation of that existence, otherwise you and I will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Stop talking nonsense - let's get started."

Many sages discussed and joined hands.


In an instant, a huge force erupted from the saints and bombarded the barriers of the immortal universe, and many laws were intertwined to form a huge beam of light.


This power is enough to penetrate everything, even the cosmic barriers can't resist it, and suddenly a huge void channel appears, directly connecting the depths of the universe.

And this is the temporary passage to the fairyland.

"Quick, go in right now, this is a temporary channel that can only support ten seconds.

A saint shouted loudly.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In the next second, the quasi-sage who had been waiting for a long time, and Daluo Jinxian, the number exceeded one million, as many as ten million, they simply jumped into the void channel without any hesitation.

Then their figures suddenly disappeared in place and entered the interior of the fairyland.

In just ten seconds, this temporary channel disappeared. It was as if the universe healed its wounds automatically, as if nothing had happened just now.

"It's terrifying. The universe is really mysterious. Compared with the universe, our strength is simply insignificant."

"This is a matter of course, we are just a flea in the universe, trying to compare with the endless universe, isn't this a fool's dream?"

"Don't say it's us, even if it is an existence beyond saints, if you want to compare it with the universe, you still don't know how far it is. 39

"I don't know if we spent so much effort to send in so many quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian, whether it will work, and whether we can find that person's reincarnation.

"I don't know. After all, that existence is not a vegetarian. We are just doing our best to obey the destiny, but I don't think that existence can't be found. As long as you want to improve your own cultivation, you will definitely reveal traces."

"That's right, as long as there is the slightest trace, it is impossible to escape our tracking."

Many saints were talking about it, and the body was filled with murderous aura.

After another period of time, a powerful Quasi-Saint and Daluo Jinxian descended to the Immortal Realm and immediately appeared in a huge altar. A large number of immortals had been waiting for a long time around.

These immortals are all the subordinates of the saints. Knowing that the upper realm exists in the lower world, they naturally come here to wait.

"Congratulations to all of you for coming to the Immortal Realm.

A quasi-sage opened his mouth and said, although he is a quasi-sage in the immortal world, compared with these quasi-sages who live in the nine heavens, he still doesn't know how far he is.

Not to mention the various magical techniques they have learned, even the power of the magic weapons they carry is far beyond the scope of ordinary quasi-sages, and can be called an invincible existence.

These quasi-sages are all perfection-level monsters, and they are only one step away from stepping into the realm of saints.

Therefore, the quasi-sage of the immortal world is still nothing in front of these monsters, and still has to bow and respect.

"Is this the Immortal World? Sure enough, it is a low-dimensional space, and the energy surrounding it is too low-level."

"The surrounding time and space also seem to be very fragile, and they can't withstand the attack of the quasi-sacred power. It can easily shred the time and space, which is really a fragile dimension."9

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it. After all, this is just a low-dimensional space-time. Compared with our holy world, it's still a long way off."

"It's better to find the reincarnated body quickly. After completing the task, we can return to the holy world."

"If anyone can find the reincarnation of that existence, the saints will join forces to help us break through and be promoted to the realm of saints. This is an unprecedented benefit."

"But Immortal World is so big, it is not easy to find a specific candidate. 35

"That's why we need the help of the local forces in the Immortal Realm. If we rely on us, if we want to find the existence of the other party, we will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack, and we can't find it at all.

·0 for flowers ·......

There are many quasi-sage discussions.

This time they descended to the mortal world, naturally, to find the reincarnation of the Heavenly Venerate, and they also signed a contract with the saint, and it was impossible to betray the saint.

Therefore, the only plan for now is to find that existence and completely kill the other party in advance.

Only in this way can the saints' confidants be relieved.

"Have you found any immortals who have gained fame in recent years, especially the kind of monsters who can go against the sky?" A quasi-sage asked, asking the local immortals.

"Well, after all, the immortal world is very big, and it has been born for countless years, so it is normal for some evildoers to be born. I don't know who the adults are looking for?"

A fairy asked curiously.

"You don't need to worry about this, this is our task, you hand in a list, and then we will search for them one by one." The quasi-sage did not mean to say more.

After all, this is the secret of the saints, and what is there to say about these immortals from the lower realm. It is naturally impossible to inform these immortals of such an important task.

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing this, many immortals felt a pity for a while, but they could not know what the mission of these quasi-sages descended to earth.

Even in a decisive battle with the gods and the demons, the saints have never been so nervous. It seems that the life and death of the immortals in the lower world has little to do with these saints.

Even the various things that happened in the fairy world, in the eyes of the saints, are nothing more than interesting stories.

It is only occasionally that the saints are interested in something, and will drop some bait, wanting to catch some opportunities and treasures.

In short, the entire Three Realms are basically the playground of saints.


Almost in an instant, the news of a large number of quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian descending from the holy world was like a hurricane, spreading all over the immortal world and being known by countless immortals.

Even the Protoss and the Demons knew about it.

There is no doubt that this will be a major event sweeping the entire fairyland, enough to affect the future entry of the fairyland for countless years.

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