Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1495 Changchun Realm 50,000 years later, Reincarnation Tianzun enters Changchun Realm

Time is like flowing water, and 50,000 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

For an individual, 50,000 years is a long enough time, but for the world, for the universe, 50,000 years is just a flick of a finger, nothing at all.

But in the Changchun world, such a long time is enough for earth-shaking changes.

Especially after the birth of the Book of All-Knowledge of Cosmic Wonders, the power spread all over the Changchun Realm, which made the creatures in the Changchun Realm grow up at a speed of geometric progression.

At this moment, Changchun world.


Immediately, there was a ripple in the space, and then two figures instantly appeared somewhere in Changchun Realm. One of them was Lin Wanxi, the reincarnation goddess, and her Taoist guardian Kunyang Taoist, who was a quasi-sage.

When Lin Wanxi finished her retreat, she went to a hidden place, found the treasure she had left behind, obtained a lot of resources, and then came to Changchun Realm non-stop.

After all, in her eyes, it was safer to go to Changchun Realm, and would not be disturbed by other quasi-sages and saints. Now there is no safer place in the entire universe except Changchun Realm.

"No, this is the 377 Changchun Realm? How can the area be so large, and how can the fairy energy be so strong?"

"Could it be that this is the special treatment for the first world to ascend to the Immortal Realm after countless years? Is it blessed by Heaven? This is simply the holy place for cultivation in the Immortal Realm."

The moment he just entered Changchun Realm, Taoist Kunyang widened his eyes. He was very shocked. His consciousness instantly covered the entire Changchun Realm, and he sensed the huge area of ​​Changchun Realm.

To be honest, he has seen the largest world in the Immortal Realm, but it is not comparable to the current Changchun Realm. This is already the diameter and area calculated in light years.

This is equivalent to the surface area of ​​a star field.

It can be said that he has never seen such a huge world in his life, which is really incredible.

What shocked him even more was that it was the spirit of the fairy spirit in this world. Generally speaking, the world that had just ascended to the fairy world should not have the same background as those old fairy worlds.

After all, even the world of immortals needs a certain amount of time to grow and develop.

But now, the concentration of immortal energy in Changchun Realm at this moment is even more amazing than the best world in Immortal Realm, and it is almost the same as those cultivation holy places.

If it wasn't for personal experience, who would believe what the Changchun world looks like now, it's really incredible.

"Wait, what is this?"

In an instant, Kunyang Taoist felt a crisis in the dark, it seemed that the malice of the whole world was spreading, as if locking himself.

Even if he is a quasi-sage, facing this power is a dead end, as if he will be crushed into slag by this power in an instant, and he will be wiped out.

"Oops, you touched the formation of this world."

Lin Wanxi's expression changed, and with a big wave of his hand, a mysterious wave of reincarnation instantly changed the aura of Daoist Kunyang, and even changed the cause and effect of his body, allowing the other party to completely integrate into this world and become a native of this world.

This is Reincarnation Tianzun's specialty, which can change the cause and effect and breath.

If there is no such means, how can it silently invade the world?

At this moment, Daoist Kunyang felt that his locked will disappeared instantly, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had escaped from death, and his whole body was trembling.

"No, what the hell is going on? Could there be a power that threatens the quasi-sage in this world? But didn't this world just rise up from the spiritual world?"

Taoist Kunyang was simply unbelievable. He originally thought that he was an invincible existence in the Changchun Realm, capable of sweeping all living beings. He had a condescending mentality, and he did not put people in this world in his eyes at all.

If he is willing, he can completely wipe out the life of the entire world.

But after experiencing the scene just now, he didn't have this confidence anymore. With the power that suddenly appeared just now, it was enough to kill him dozens of times.

To be honest, he couldn't believe it at all, and he didn't know what kind of power existed in this world.

"This world has arranged a great formation of saint level, mobilizing the source power of the whole world."

Lin Wanxi narrowed her eyes: "This great formation is monitoring the situation inside the world all the time, and once it senses the breath of outsiders, it will start instantly.

Fortunately, I changed your aura and cause and effect just now, so that you disguised yourself as an indigenous human being in this world, otherwise you would have been locked in that moment and completely exposed.

Moreover, the power of this great formation is no trivial matter, and it is closely related to the origin of Changchun Realm. At that time, you will be attacked by the heavenly way of the whole world. Even if you are immortal, you will be forever suppressed in the origin of the world, and you will no longer be able to escape. "

"Just kidding, what the hell is going on in this world? Didn't he just ascend? How could there be a way to deal with the quasi-sage?" Kunyang Taoist was stunned, and he didn't know what to say.

There is no doubt that the level of terror in the Changchun world is beyond imagination, it can be called a dragon pond and a tiger's den.

To be honest, he thinks that when he came to Changchun Realm, he entered the enemy's lair. Could it be that the Heavenly Venerate of Life did not succeed here? It was specially used to pit his master.

"Don't you feel it? The number of immortals in the entire world is a bit unusual, and even a large number of earth immortals and heavenly immortals have been born." Lin Wanxi said solemnly.

"That's right.""

Taoist Kunyang couldn't help nodding his head: "When I scanned my consciousness just now, I did perceive a large number of immortals. If it is in the world of those old immortal worlds, this is actually a normal thing. After all, it has accumulated over many years and months. , It is also normal to give birth to a large number of immortals.

The problem is that the Changchun Realm has only ascended for 50,000 to 60,000 years, how can so many immortals be born, even earth immortals and heavenly immortals, what exactly happened?"

"Yes, what exactly happened? There is no doubt that this incident has a great relationship with Xia Chuan, the sect master of the Changchun Sect. This person's cultivation base is already a golden fairyland, and he has even become a golden fairy."

Lin Wanxi's beautiful eyes flickered uncertainly, feeling very surprised.

"how is this possible?"

As soon as these words came out, Kunyang Taoist was even more stunned: "Is this Xia Chuan the one who led the ascension of Changchun Realm? But how long has he been soaring? How long has he been soaring? If you give it some more time, wouldn't it be possible to become a Da Luo Jinxian, or even a quasi-sage? Is this guy a monster? Or is it just like the master, he is a reincarnation of Tianzun?"

He was simply unbelievable.

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