Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1496 The posture of the goddess, great cause and effect, Lin Wanxi's plan

For Xia Chuan, the suzerain of the Changchun Sect, this name has long been heard among the high-level officials of the Immortal Realm.

Because this guy not only brought the world of the spirit world to the fairy world, but also severely injured and imprisoned a large number of demons, which caused the plan of the demon family to be severely damaged.

This also made the heavens and the tribes breathe a sigh of relief, at least there is no need to worry about the spiritual world encountering the invasion of the demons, at least in the next 100 million years, there is no need to worry about the fall of the spiritual world.

It is because of this that all the high-level immortals in the immortal world are very interested in Xia Chuan, and even want to recruit Xia Chuan as their disciple. Many immortals think that this person is a quasi-sage seedling.

Given time, it must be a quasi-sage who is famous in the immortal world.

But that is only a matter of hundreds of millions of years, but what is going on now, just after tens of thousands of years, it has become a golden fairyland, and it is still a golden fairy.

This is too exaggerated.

If it continues like this, it will be a matter of time before Daluo Jinxian becomes a quasi-sage.

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated."

Daoist Kunyang doesn't know what to say, he has been shocked to the extreme, and he has survived for such a long time. He has never seen anyone with such exaggerated progress~speed.

At this rate of progress, I am afraid I can easily become a saint.

"It is indeed an exaggeration, this person has the appearance of a god.

Lin Wanxi was also amazed.

She has also survived for an unknown number of epochs, and has seen countless geniuses.

But after seeing Xia Chuan, he was still shocked by the monster on the other side.

If the other party is in the same era as himself, it may be that the other party has become a god.


Daoist Kunyang's heart is even more turbulent, and the posture of the gods is amazing. This is an amazing evaluation, especially when these words were said by the reincarnation gods, the gold content is even more amazing.

Could it be that in addition to the two Heavenly Venerates, this universe will welcome a third Heavenly Venerate?

If this is the case, then for the entire universe, is it a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's not that simple.""

Lin Wanxi seemed to see the thoughts of Taoist Kunyang, and said: "Having the appearance of a goddess does not mean that you can become a goddess, it requires the right time and place, and there are certain opportunities.

Possessing enough talent does not mean that you will be able to reach the end. If you offend a powerful enemy and are killed by the enemy, it will be a hundred. "


Taoist Kunyang couldn't help but nod his head. After all, the two great gods have been resurrected in this era. If they have malicious intentions and want to attack this Xia Chuan, they may not be able to live to the realm of the gods.

It seems that many geniuses in the immortal world have the appearance of quasi-sage. The question is how many days can they truly survive to the realm of quasi-sage. Most of them have fallen on the road of growth.

If life is not hard enough, even if the aptitude is amazing, it is impossible to achieve enough achievements.

"But anyway, this person's talent is indeed beyond imagination. Although I knew that this person must not be in the pool in the future when I was in the human world, I didn't expect that in a short period of time. At this level, could it be that this is the new generation of the Son of Heaven in the universe?"

Lin Wanxi immediately became very interested in Xia Chuan, and wanted to know what Xia Chuan had done over the years to bring about such an amazing change in the Changchun world.

This is a very rare thing for the reincarnation Tianzun who has survived countless epochs. After all, there are very few things in the universe that can attract her attention.

If there really is a third Heavenly Venerate in this universe, and the other party is also on his side, wouldn't it be easy to defeat the Heavenly Venerate of Life?

Two fights one, no matter how you look at it, there is a huge advantage.

Perhaps this is also a good opportunity to break the game.

To be honest, she knew that if it continued like this, the battle between herself and the Heavenly Venerate would definitely follow the same path as the previous one, and it would definitely hurt both sides.

She survived the last time, not this time.

She wants a 100 percent win rate, not an uncertain fight.

"Lord, what should we do now? This world is not as simple as we imagined, and there are forces that can threaten us."

Kunyang Taoist couldn't help asking.

Originally, after he wanted to enter this world, he immediately occupied this world with the momentum of thunder, became the master behind the scenes of this world, and mobilized all the resources in it.

But he found that the power of the quasi-sage is not invincible, and may be suppressed by the formation here at any time, so he changed his previous plan.

·0 for flowers·

"Don't worry, we just want to find a place to practice, we don't have to occupy this place, and the stronger the Changchun Realm, the faster I can recover my cultivation."

Lin Wanxi smiled slightly: "The most important thing is that Xia Chuan, the sect master of Changchun Sect, is so evil and has the appearance of a god, if it were exposed, wouldn't the world consider him to be the reincarnation of the god of reincarnation? At that time, this guy will be Our shield can cover our growth.

She feels that this is not only not a crisis, but a good opportunity.

It is possible to take advantage of the power of Xia Chuan, the sovereign of the Changchun Sect, to conceal his true identity.

"It turns out that, as expected of the master.

Hearing this, the five bodies that Kunyang Taoist admired fell to the ground. This was indeed the case. Xia Chuan was so evil that even he doubted whether the other party was reincarnated.

As for the other immortals in the Immortal Realm, seeing this guy's appearance, it is impossible not to doubt.

There is no doubt that if you stay in the Changchun Realm, you can completely cover up your identity. Even when Xia Chuan is defeated by many quasi-sages, they will take advantage of the situation to take over the resources of the Changchun Realm and replace it.

This is without a doubt the perfect plan for a dove to occupy a magpie's nest.

"Of course, we still need to clean up our identities first.

Lin Wanxi squinted her eyes, and instantly displayed a supreme supernatural power—the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

This technique can reverse causality, change causality, and even add causality. With the power of this technique, she can construct many causal relationships and integrate with the local people.

Even if a saint descends to earth, it is impossible to know her true identity through the relationship of cause and effect.

It is precisely because of this magic power that she can easily integrate into any world and become an aboriginal creature of any world.


In the next second, the lines of cause and effect on Lin Wanxi and Daoist Kunyang immediately changed, and the connection between cause and effect was established with the nearby humans, followed by countless false memories instilled by the lines of cause and effect.

These false memories are all the experiences of Lin Wanxi and the local people living for decades, and even the local people's brains suddenly flooded with similar false memories.

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