Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1531 The Wu clan after 500,000 years, the arrival of life Tianzun Xihe

In the blink of an eye, half a million years have passed.

Time is worthless to the prehistoric world, and a mere 500,000 years in the prehistoric world is just a moment, and nothing special will change at all.

But for the Wu clan, it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially under the leadership of Xia Chuan, the strength of the Wu clan has shown a geometric progression, the population has greatly increased, and the strength has been greatly improved. Also born ~ a lot.

Compared with before, the strength of the Wu clan has increased by many times.

From the weak and small race at the beginning, it has now grown into a saint-level race, and even due to the relationship between the black hole worms, the witch warriors can reach any corner of the prehistoric world at will, and the distance is no longer a problem.

The witch tribes began to be scattered in various places in the prehistoric world, and became an important force in the prehistoric world.

At this moment, near a certain witch clan city, two uninvited guests came at this time.

One is an old old man, his body exudes a gloomy and cold aura, like a poisonous snake, which makes people shudder.

Because this person is the great elder of the God Race, Parker, with the combat power of a saint, even in the prehistoric world, he is the existence of a top saint, and his cultivation is earth-shattering.

Next to her is an absolutely beautiful woman, her whole body is absolutely beautiful, no part is imperfect, she is the masterpiece of the creator, she is definitely a fox girl who can cause chaos to all living beings.

But she hides the aura on her body, and other people can't see her clearly. She is always in the fog, containing an unfathomable aura.

She is the harmony of life.

However, the two of them came to the Wu tribe by coincidence. This is not accidental. Because of the whim of the life, Tianzun Xi and the whim, they sensed that the prehistoric world seemed to have undergone unusual changes, so they left their laboratory and took their subordinates with them. , went to the great land, trying to find the source of the mutation.

It didn't take long for her to find the source of the mutation-Wuzu, a work that she once failed.

"Interesting, according to my estimation, the Wu clan is just a failed work. As a bloodline race, although the first generation of bloodline life is very powerful, as the generations are iterated, the bloodline will become thinner and thinner, and in the end they will degenerate into human beings. , no longer have any bloodline, and it will not even take long before it will perish in the wild world.

Life Tianzun Xi and Mei Mu showed a gleam of light: "But after so long, the Wu clan has not died, but instead it has radiated new vitality, and even has the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors, no, it is not only the returning to the ancestors, it seems that I intend to surpass the first generation of ancestor witches, to the extent that I surpassed my original experiment. 99

She felt very excited in her heart. As the God of Life, she was extremely curious about all the miracles of life.

For her, life is like a miracle, full of infinite possibilities.

But her cultivation is too high, she has insight into all life, she feels that she is almost the same as the creator, and can create all kinds of life at will.

Even a perfect being like the Protoss has no secrets in her eyes.

It can be said that there is basically no creature in the entire immortal universe that can bring her a feeling of excitement and a feeling of novelty.

But now, the once failed product of the Witch Clan has rejuvenated with new vitality, and a situation that even she didn't expect has happened.

There is no doubt that something unusual must have happened, which is why the Wu clan has such a situation.

It is because of this that even if she puts down the ongoing experimental plan, she will come to observe why the witch clan has undergone such a change, and why the failed works in the past will take on a new lease of life at this time.

"Master, it's just a mere witch clan, what else is worth watching, so far none of them have the combat power of the saint level, and it's not worth mentioning at all." Protoss elder Parker said proudly.

For it, races that have not reached the level of saints are basically similar to ants.

The Protoss is basically the strongest race in the universe, and also the most perfect race.

In the past, Tianzun of Life created countless races, but they were all failures. Only the Protoss was the real finished product, so it didn't think that there was anything good in the sorcerer race that deserved the attention of its master.

·0 for flowers·

Even it feels that it is just a waste of time to observe the Wu clan, and it will not bring any inspiration to its master at all.

"No no no, didn't you notice?"

Life Tianzun Xihe became more and more excited, and his beautiful eyes showed a gleam of light: "The blood in these shamans is constantly improving. When they were just born, they were all shaman warriors with thin blood, but they had mastered a certain bloodline. This method can make one's own bloodline continuously improve during the long years.

The higher the cultivation base, the higher the blood vessels in their bodies. If they reach the quasi-sage perfection realm, the blood vessels in their bodies will reach 100%. At that time, they will naturally master a complete law, the law of cohesion. Daoguo, being promoted to saints, means that they have a high probability of becoming saints, many times higher than other races. 35


How vicious her eyes were, she immediately noticed that the bloodlines in the Wuzu warriors were unusual, and knew that they must have mastered the method of purifying the bloodlines in their bodies.

If this is not the case, according to the normal situation, with the iterations from generation to generation, the bloodline of these witch warriors must be extremely thin, and even cannot control any bloodline power.

"Impossible, hasn't the master studied it before? The continuous decrease of blood in the Wu clan's body is an inevitable thing. Basically, there is no way to increase the blood concentration in their bodies. These Wu clan warriors How did you do it?" Protoss elder Parker was very surprised.

It knows that the first-generation Ancestral Witch is indeed quite powerful, and it was also an experimental work that the owner was proud of. Once upon a time, the Ancestral Witch was also quite a powerful fighting force in the prehistoric world.

But so what, it is impossible to breed more ancestor witches, this is always a failed race.

It is not like the Protoss, where the source of energy continuously breeds the Protoss, and each Protoss has the same potential, and it is almost certain to become a saint.

Undoubtedly, if the Wu clan mastered a method to purify their own blood, then even if the Wu clan were not as good as the god clan, they would definitely be the most powerful race in the prehistoric world.

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