Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1532 Living in the city of the Wu clan with innate evil spirit, the shock of the elders of t

"I don't know, that's why we need to investigate.

Life is very happy, and she feels that this is undoubtedly a huge opportunity for her. If she understands how to do it, she will definitely be able to further her cultivation.

This is not as simple as the progress of cultivation, but the progress of the realm of Heavenly Venerate.

There is no doubt that for Tianzun, every step forward is extremely difficult, and it is likely that countless epochs have passed without any progress.

She will never miss the opportunity to gain enlightenment and progress like this.


Protoss elder Parker's face is very gloomy, and his mood is very bad, because he believes that the Protoss is the strongest race in the universe, and it is also the most perfect race.

The master's eyes should be on the Protoss, but now it is actually on the "Four One Zero" failed products, which is simply a great insult to the Protoss.

But it has no way to stop it, because this is the owner's interest, it can only watch silently, and can't do anything.

"Congenital suffocating energy? Wu clan actually live in an environment of innate suffocating energy?"

Protoss elder Parker's pupils shrank, and he immediately discovered that the distant Wuzu city seemed to be shrouded in boundless black mist, and these black mists were obviously innate evil spirits.

To be honest, even for the Protoss, it is extremely annoying to the place full of evil spirits, it is like human beings living in a place with air pollution, it will make them feel very uncomfortable.

If you stay in such a place for a long time, it will cause indelible damage to the body of the Protoss.

Of course, it is a saint-level powerhouse, and naturally it will not be afraid of the mere innate evil spirit.

But even if it is not afraid, it still does not like such an environment, just as humans cannot like a naturally dark environment, even if such a place can still allow people to survive.

"Yes, it seems that the Wu clan also knows that they are weak and weak, so they choose to live in a place full of innate evil spirits. In this way, they can isolate other races from snooping and coveting. I have to say that this is indeed a means of protection. No wonder the Wu clan. After rising for such a long time, not many people know about it. I am afraid that the barrier of innate evil spirit has also brought them great benefits.

"Hey, no, no, this kind of innate evil spirit is not naturally formed, but manufactured, that is to say, the Wu clan directly created an area full of innate evil spirit, it seems that this generation of Wu clan has indeed happened. Amazing change."5

"Obviously, the Wu clan must have given birth to a certain sage, so this change happened, but what kind of sage can actually make the Wu clan make such an amazing improvement.

Life Tianzun Xihe felt more and more excited. According to her understanding, the Wu clan did not seem to be such a smart race, their heads were full of muscles.

No matter what they do, they are decided by fighting, especially the first-generation Ancestral Witch, who fights with other people at every turn, relying on their powerful physique, it is almost invincible.

The descendants of these ancestral witches also inherited the characters of the ancestral witches, making them often think with their bodies rather than their heads.

Of course, this approach also brought huge consequences to the Wu clan.

Many races have survived the wars in the ancient times, but the Wu clan, the ancestors of the Wu clan died, causing the Wu clan to decline completely from then on.

Without the protection of the saints, the Wu people would naturally be unable to move in the prehistoric world.

According to her calculations, it won't be long before the Wu clan will be completely wiped out and disappear into the prehistoric world.

So she became more and more curious about who brought such amazing changes to the Wu clan.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

At this time, in the endless innate evil spirit, a team of witch warriors in black armor immediately appeared. Their cultivation base was at least the golden fairyland. .

Obviously, they all have amazing combat effectiveness, and the leader of them has the combat effectiveness of the Great Luo Jinxian level.

The strength of the Wu clan in this era has been unimaginably improved, and a bunch of golden immortals, and even a bunch of powerful golden immortals, appeared casually.

They stared at Xihe and Parker all at once. After all, in such an environment of innate evil spirits, there were basically not many races that could survive except the Wu clan.

Once the creatures of other races entered the area of ​​suffocation, they all wanted to leave immediately.

If you stay long enough, you will damage your body and soul, causing indelible damage.0

"I'm sorry, we are all shaman warriors from other tribes. I heard that there are powerful shaman tribes here, so I wanted to come and seek refuge. I wonder if they can accept us? 35

Life Tianzun Xihe opened his mouth and said, she disguised as a witch warrior, for her, changing into a witch warrior is too childish, it is nothing at all.

After all, the witch race itself is the race she created.

Of course, Protoss elder Parker also changed into the appearance of the Witch Clan, and he did not intend to reveal his intentions.

If the owner is provoked, it will surely die without a place to be buried.

"Oh, it turned out to be a warrior of the Wu clan who was lost outside. I didn't expect that there was a lost blood of the Wu clan. It was a hard work for you, but I didn't expect that you would still be able to find it here.

One of the captains sighed, looking at Xi and the two, and immediately showed a kind expression.

This is also one of the powers of the harmony of life, the affinity of life.

If any beings come into contact with Xihe, they will involuntarily generate a favorable impression. If the favorable impression is 100, it will be at least 80 at the first meeting, which is already the same as a relative.

With the passage of time, the favorability level will further increase, reaching a level of 100%. Such favorability level is enough for the other party to die for himself, as a life-and-death relationship.

It is because of this that she can mingle with any creature, and basically does not need to do 1.6 things. As long as she chats with the other party, the other party will naturally leak all the information and completely regard her as her own.

"Could it be that there are very few witches lost to the outside world now?"

Life Tianzun Xihe asked curiously.

"Of course there are very few. After hundreds of thousands of years of development, we have basically gathered all the shamans, but all those with the blood of the shaman have returned to the tribe, and only a very small number of shamans have not returned. "5

"Even every witch is registered, and every witch has identity information, which is absolutely impossible to lose.

The captain said proudly.


Hearing this, Heavenly Venerate Xihe squinted his eyes. It seems that the Wu clan's identity inspection is more stringent than expected. If an external enemy wants to invade the Wu clan, it is almost impossible.

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