Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 804: Martial Dao Cultivation Techniques Can't Be Pirated

"If I randomly got an S-level exercise in the cloud world, I wouldn't end up like this.

Daoist Chongxu said regretfully.

I remember when he was in Yunxiao Realm, he was ambushed by the enemy, and in the final battle, he only managed to escape with only a wisp of remnant soul left, and he was barely able to survive.

If he learns an S-level exercise, then the ending will definitely not be like this.

However, time could not be reversed, and there was nothing he could do.

"And the above is not only S-level exercises, but also various types of exercises, from E-level to 5-level, it is almost everything, contains a complete inheritance of martial arts, and I don't know how many times older than the cloud world. "

Daoist Chongxu said with emotion.

Although he only looked at it for a while, he could see from it that the Xuanhuang Clan was indeed a race with a long history.


At this time, Daoist Chongxu suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but ask: "If we upload this practice and learn it from others, will the other party leak this practice? In this way, others can learn this practice for free, and we have no money to make."

He was worried about that.

After all, if the market is full of pirated copies, who would pay to learn genuine copies?

"This is impossible."

Tang Wanxiang shook his head: "Because every person who exchanged the kung fu from above is equivalent to signing a contract with Taoist ancestors. Once it is leaked to others, they will immediately be severely punished, ranging from abolition of kung fu to death in severe cases. It will leak out the exercises that he has learned from the gods trading network.

"I see."

Daoist Chongxu immediately understood why there were no pirated copies in this world, and he was not worried about the leakage of the exercises, because if the Daozu contract was signed, no one would be able to leak the laws.

Even if everyone is dead, they can't leak the exercises to other races.

This also makes the Xuanhuang Clan's confidentiality level extremely high, and outsiders want to investigate the Xuanhuang Clan's exercises, it is simply a fool's dream.

"Oops, it seems like it's almost time, I'm going to school."

At this moment, Tang Wanxiang suddenly remembered something, his face changed suddenly, and he didn't care what to say to Daoist Chongxu, so he rushed out of his room.

I saw that he took out a skateboard, rushed into the sky, flew up, and flew in the direction of the school, with an extremely astonishing speed.

And an energy shroud is formed around his body, and no matter how powerful the airflow, it can be eliminated from the invisible.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? How can you fly? And it doesn't seem to need to use the power in your body."

Daoist Chongxu widened his eyes and was astonished. He had never seen a similar magic weapon when he was in Yunxiao Realm.

"This is a non-gravity flying skateboard. The speed can reach 1,600 kilometers per hour, but in the urban area, the speed limit can only slide 80 kilometers per hour. It can also be regarded as the daily transportation for our high school students. They don't ride the school trams, they all ride flying skateboards to school."

Tang Wanxiang explained: "Its energy comes from solar energy and electricity, and it can basically travel 1 million kilometers with just ten minutes of charging.

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, there seem to be many rune magic weapons in this world. How can there be so many puppets on the streets? Are the puppets of the Xuanhuang clan so skilled? It seems that these puppets can still act on their own?"

Daoist Chongxu was shocked.

He looked at the surrounding streets, there were many vehicles, strange objects galloped past, and all kinds of ships and vehicles flew in the air.

There are even many puppets made of steel around the streets. These puppets are like humans, maintaining traffic order and cleaning the streets.

The whole city is a city made of steel, a city where humans and puppets coexist.

"It's not a puppet, it's a robot, an intelligent robot."

Tang Wanxiang said angrily: "Don't speak ill of these robots in front of them. To a certain extent, they are mechanical beings, their intelligence is no less than that of us humans, and they even have special emotions. If you If you offend these intelligent robots, and you also enter the robot blacklist, I am afraid it will be difficult to move in this city.

These "puppets have the same intelligence as life? How did they do it?"

Daoist Chongxu was very surprised.

There is also a puppet gate in the Yunxiao Realm, which is famous for creating puppets in the Yunxiao Realm. They control all kinds of puppets to fight and are powerful.

But the intelligence of these puppets has not reached the level of life. To a certain extent, these puppets are just dead objects controlled by humans.

But according to Tang Wanxiang, the puppet technology in this world has reached an unimaginable level, and even these puppets have the wisdom and soul of human beings.

There is no doubt that this is almost the same as creating a certain life race.

This kind of thing is very troublesome to explain. It's a long story. I'll explain it to you later. I'm going to be late for school. Today is the class of that devil teacher. "


Tang Wanxiang was simply too lazy to explain anything to this old antique from the Cloud Realm, because if he really explained it, it would not take a bit of time.


In an instant, the gravity-free flying skateboard accelerated again, reaching a speed of hundreds of hours in an instant, galloping away along the flying highway.

In just a few minutes, Tang Wanxiang rushed to Fengcheng No. 73 Middle School.

"It's okay, it's okay, (Zhao is okay) just one minute before the class time, arrived in time."

With a swoosh, Tang Wanxiang arrived at Fengcheng No. 73 Middle School in an instant, and there were many students at the school gate. Obviously, these students arrived at the last minute.

If they are one step late, the school gate will be closed all of a sudden, when they want to enter the school, I am afraid it will not be so simple.

"School? The so-called school, is it something like a sect? It specializes in teaching all kinds of true disciples?" Daoist Chongxu stayed in the ring, using his primordial spirit perception, to look around curiously.

He perceives that this so-called school covers a vast area, at least tens of thousands of acres, with many strange facilities built inside.

In short, he couldn't name his name at all, and he didn't know what it would do. Everything was very novel, all things and things that he had never seen or heard of before. younger brother.

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