Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 805 The little kids of the Xuanhuang clan a hundred years later are all humanoid beasts

"It's a bit different from the sect. The students and teachers of the school do not have such a close relationship as the master. The teacher is purely a preacher and a person who has been taught to solve puzzles. A teacher may teach hundreds of students, and only teach a part of the knowledge.

Tang Wanxiang explained.

"I see.

Daoist Chongxu is still a bit vague, but he also probably understands that the school and the sect are similar organizations, but they are not the same, and the binding force on the disciples is different.

The most important thing is that anyone can learn the knowledge in the school, which is equivalent to public knowledge.

In fact, if you have to use an analogy, sects are actually elite education, only recruiting geniuses, and for those with ordinary aptitudes, they are not qualified to embark on the path of cultivation.

Since there are few disciples, it is natural that one master can lead several.

As for schools, it is the education of the common people. There is no discrimination, and everyone can learn.

The problem is that there are too many disciples in this way, and there are not so many teachers in the world who can teach, so this system of master-disciple will naturally be abolished.

"Huh? Why are there so many little kids here?"

Suddenly, Daoist Chongxu discovered that there were not only teenagers in this school, but also a group of seven or eight-year-old kids who seemed to be training on the playground.

"It's normal, because our school is a primary school, a junior high school, and a high school. Basically, the 12-year compulsory education is in this place, so there are also many primary school students here."


Tang Wanxiang Road.


Daoist Chongxu's pupils shrank, because he saw that his group of little brats were fierce and fierce, exuding a powerful force of blood and energy, and they ran around the playground with a boulder of several hundred kilograms.

And each and every little kid shows a very relaxed look, as if this is not a boulder of hundreds of pounds, but an ordinary piece of tofu.

There is no doubt that these little brats contain terrifying explosive power in their small bodies, just like human-shaped beasts, they are utterly ferocious.

He can also be considered to have seen many descendants of big families in Yunxiao Realm, especially those who have inherited the blood of saints, and they are not as fierce as these little brats.

It seems that every little kid can tear up a tiger.

"Are the children of the world so perverted? How old are they, and they have such strength?"

Daoist Chongxu was stunned.

"This kind of thing is normal."

Tang Wanxiang was accustomed to it for a long time: "Didn't I tell you before? The Xuanhuang bloodline circulated in our body, this is a god-level bloodline, but it was sealed and it was not fully revealed.

Due to the recovery of the spiritual energy, the Xuanhuang blood vessels in our body are gradually unsealed (bacb), and the blood vessels of the next generation are more unsealed than the previous generation.

This has also led to the fact that the bloodline power of one generation is stronger than that of the next generation, and the talent is even more amazing. It can be said that the bloodline talent of this generation of children is several times stronger than that of our generation.

And our generation is also multiplied by the talents of the previous generation. If we can become extraordinary warriors at the age of 18, then the next generation can basically become extraordinary warriors at the age of 15.

What is even more terrifying is that due to the improvement of talent, even if there is no resource to provide, with the power of bloodline power, one can naturally break through the extraordinary. "

He was very emotional, and sometimes he regretted that he was born too early. If he was born in a later generation, the blood seal in his body might have been lifted long ago.

At that time, he would be a legend from the moment of his birth, and his strength would be terrifyingly messed up. Why would he need such hard training now?

"Xuanhuang bloodline? Is this the talent of the god-level bloodline? It's too exaggerated. Could it be said that this is the ultimate manifestation of the human race bloodline? This is the future of the ordinary human race?!"

Daoist Chongxu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

When he was in the Yunxiao Realm, he naturally knew the horror of the saint family. The direct descendants of these saint families all inherited the blood of the saints. They were born with powerful talents, and they practiced thousands of miles in a day, which was much stronger than other warriors.

But that's just a family, not everyone.

The problem is that in Xuanhuangxing, everyone is like this, everyone inherits the Xuanhuang bloodline, it's like the bloodline of the human race has evolved into the bloodline of a divine beast like the dragon family.

To be honest, he couldn't imagine that one day the blood of the human race would be comparable to the blood of the beasts.

But such absurd reality really appeared in front of him.

"Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't the next generation of the Xuanhuang clan definitely surpass your generation?" Daoist Chongxu asked curiously.

"No, no, that's not the case."

Tang Wanxiang shook his head: "Although when we were born, the degree of unsealing of our bloodline was very low, but with our cultivation and continuous improvement, the power of our bloodline talent will continue to increase. After the legendary realm, our bloodline development level is naturally far beyond those of those little brats. A high starting point does not mean that the ending point is a little high, it still depends on personal practice and effort.

As Tang Wanxiang and Daoist Chongxu kept chatting, they soon came to a classroom, but the classroom was full of students, all of whom were around 18 years old.

"Damn it, it's really all extraordinary warriors.

Dao Chongxu was shocked, and he glanced at the past. Basically, the students in the classroom were already extraordinary first-order warriors, and some of the powerful students had reached extraordinary second-order.

Of course, there are no extraordinary third-order students.

After all, after reaching the transcendent realm, it takes a lot of time for each promotion to the first rank, and it is not as fast as the promotion speed of the mortal realm.

Before, he was still dubious about Tang Wanxiang's words, but now that he looked at it, Tang Wanxiang's words were not exaggerated at all, no, they should be a little more terrifying than Tang Wanxiang's words.

"Vientiane, your kid is finally here, and you just stepped on the school. You really belong to me."

A classmate greeted Tang Wanxiang.

"Haha, this is my specialty."

Tang Wanxiang said proudly.

"By the way, Vientiane, it is said that your eighteenth birthday was yesterday, doesn't that mean that you are now an adult? From now on, there will be no restrictions on minors, and you can go to the virtual universe for an unlimited time.

someone asked.

"That's right, from now on, I, Tang Wanxiang, will finally become an adult. I can play in the virtual universe for as long as I want, and I no longer need to be limited by this damn minor time."

Chen Wanxiang said through gritted teeth, with a hint of joy in his tone, as if he had finally escaped some kind of bondage.

"Damn it, I'm still a week away from turning eighteen, and I'm still a minor.

"You're already good, it's only a week, it's fleeting, I have to wait at least three months."

"It's too Damn it, why did my mother give birth to me so late, if I had been earlier, I would have been released a day earlier. Now I have to be tortured by the underage restriction, and I can only go on for five hours a day."

"Gaga, I turned 18 a few weeks ago, and now I can play for as long as I want, this underage restriction can no longer limit me, so you can take it slow.

Many classmates talked a lot, some people were overwhelmed with pain, and some people were gloating and triumphant.

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