Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 835 The virtual area of ​​other worlds may have to fight in another world

To tell the truth, the followers of the ancient gods are not just a world, this has become the consensus of many high-level Tang countries, especially the emergence of the virtual universe, it is confirmed this point.

This also indirectly proves the fact that there are other worlds.

"Yes, there are monsters in the virtual universe and many alien creatures that we have never seen or heard of. There is no doubt that they are not creatures of this world, but creatures from Otherworld, and Lord God put these creatures in Inside the virtual universe, let us be familiar with it."

Dongfang Jing's eyes showed a gleam of light.

When the virtual universe appeared, he naturally went up to experience it, and instantly felt the greatness of the virtual universe, which was almost a 100% simulation of reality.

This kind of power can only be displayed by gods, and it is a mighty power that cannot be reached by mortals.

Even the most powerful fantasy world is not as real as the virtual universe.

At the same time, all kinds of monsters in the virtual universe have deeply attracted him. This is a wonderful species that is unmatched by the magical animals in the miniature world. It is simply unheard of and unseen.

He felt like he was witnessing the creatures of the Otherworld.

In fact, it is not only he who has this feeling, basically every saint has a similar feeling.

"In fact, Lord Gong Changqing has spent a certain amount of tribute 373 devotion to ask the system of the virtual universe, whether there is another world, and whether it is open to become a virtual universe area?"

Duanmuci said solemnly: "And Lord Gong Changqing also got an amazing news, that is, it is not open for the time being, what does this mean, it means that there must be Otherworld, and the other world also has a virtual universe, but it is a different world. Creatures just occupy different virtual areas."

"What? Lord Gong Changqing actually got such news?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Jing was taken aback: "If this is the case, and the conditions are met in the future, wouldn't it be possible to open up virtual areas of other worlds, allowing us to communicate with humans in other worlds?"

He suddenly thought of a similar possibility.

If you can communicate with humans from other worlds, you will feel extremely excited just thinking about it, which is no less than the interaction between the earth and the first alien.

Such a thing will surely shock the whole world and become a major event that the world will remember.

"To be honest, this possibility is very high, maybe our world's strength is not enough, so the conditions for opening the virtual area of ​​the other world have not been reached. Once it is achieved, it can be opened. Even if we (cceh) can't leave this place. The world can also communicate with otherworld creatures through the virtual world.

Duanmuci said excitedly.

He felt that it was great that he had lived so long, so that he could witness countless things and see countless worlds and scenes.

It will also make his life feel very fulfilling.

"No, I think we still have the opportunity to leave this world and go to other worlds. Perhaps in the future, Lord God will need our strength to conquer other worlds."

Dongfangjing's eyes showed a gleam of light, as if thinking of some possibility.

"Yeah, why do you think like that?"

Duanmuci asked curiously.

"Didn't you find it? Lord God has been guiding us, constantly conquering all countries and territories in the world, and transforming everyone into believers of God. It is conceivable that Lord God actually needs a large number of believers. ."

Dongfang Rui said solemnly: "For this kind of war in the mortal world, it is impossible for the gods to take action, perhaps it is dismissive, or it is restricted by certain rules, in short, the gods need our believers to conquer the world.

To be honest, the whole world has been unified now, and even if you want to expand, there is nothing you can do, but this universe is infinite, and there may be countless worlds.

The problem is that these worlds are not necessarily under the rule of the gods. Perhaps other worlds are occupied by other gods, and these evil gods and gods are enemies, and they are at war with each other. "

"Interesting, if according to your guess, then we may be recruited by the gods to go to other worlds and participate in the war between gods?"

Duanmuci's heart was suddenly startled, and he felt very shocked.

He couldn't even imagine how terrifying the scale of this kind of war was. It was not a war between countries at all, but a war between worlds and between gods and gods.

The scale of such a war has spread to countless worlds, and the intensity of the war has reached an unimaginable level. I am afraid that a single aftermath will kill and injure trillions of lives.

Like their wars in this world, it is like playing at home with children.

But he was also suddenly heartbroken.

To be honest, after conquering the North Sea, the entire population of the North Sea belonged to the rule of the Tang Kingdom, which means that the way to obtain Contribution Degrees has been greatly reduced.

This is not a good thing for them saints.

After all, if they don't have a lot of contribution points, they can't exchange these beneficial medicine pills, which will greatly reduce their cultivation efficiency.

War is naturally not a good thing for ordinary people.

But for the strong, it is a good opportunity to make achievements, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to reap countless benefits.

And these saints are undoubtedly strong, standing at the top of the world.

"I don't know, but there are similar possibilities, but we still have to strengthen our own strength. If our strength is not enough, I am afraid that Lord God will not recruit us."

Dongfang Jing shook his head, saying that this was just his guess, not necessarily reality. After all, the information he knew was too little, only a handful.

So he couldn't draw a useful conclusion either.

"Yes, strength, no wonder Lord God said that the conditions are not enough, maybe it is because of our world's lack of strength, it is impossible to participate in a war of this scale. Any good, and a lot of people may die."

Duanmuci couldn't help but nodded.

It's like a war between saints, if mortals want to get involved, it's just killing themselves.

Forget it, "Let's not talk about such a distant thing for the time being. It is said that you recently accepted an apprentice in Beihai, whose name is Meng Zanglong, and sent him to Chang'an University for education."

Dongfang Jing suddenly remembered something and asked.

"That's right, this kid is from an aboriginal tribe in Beihai, and he doesn't have much contact with the outside world, but his talent is very high, and it suits my appetite, so I accepted him as an apprentice, hoping that he can inherit my mantle.

Duanmuci smiled slightly.

"Recently, there have been a lot of saint disciples in Chang'an City. It seems that this time it is a turbulent situation."

Dongfang Mirror's eyes flickered.

"This is a world of great competition in the new era. Maybe whoever can seize the dividends of this era and who can reach the top depends on the luck of that kid." Duanmu gave a cold look in his eyes.

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